Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Mar 2007, p. 29

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 9, 2007 - A29 Now consistent speed cornes with a great new deal. Consistentfy fast Sympatico' High Speed Internet service from Bell. * Internet access that's neyer shared' * Listen to, music or watch online movies without trustrating slowdowns, even during peak hours -Quick and easy to, instail I3 months free2 $34.5/mo. thereafter Limited Urne offer Subscribe by March 30r,200Z ;e'i a. Belsoe 1878926 Otterernds March 30, 2007; acailable te residential cestereers wotere technelegy permits. One-tfane activation tee ($35) applies. Subject te change ithout notice and cannot be cnmtcnet snith any ether otter. Rares nnay vary by regien. Early termination tees appy. Taxes extra. Other conditions appty. (t> Applies te the access which is dedicated trere the custemer's modem te Bell sesitctnng equipment. Speeds may cary enti your techeical configuration, Internet trattîc, encîonemental conditions, semver or other tactors. (2) Available te neso custoners soith a 2-yr. contract for Sympatîce Higtn Speed Internet srve. Sîîhject re change, nrenthty rate is $34,95 t$46.95/month ecîth an additienal sacîegs ot $1 2/month - $34.95) fer meeths 4 te 24. The then correct mnonthy rare (noua $46.95) applies thereatter. tOGB et usage per month; charges appty fer any eotr a activity. Sympatico isa trade-mrark of Mei canada, -0 2005, VANOC.

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