Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Mar 2007, p. 28

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28 - The Canadian Cdhampion, Friday March 09, 2007 Sales Heiii Saies lieIp Has an upenîn or asn: INSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVE Tbe qualifîed candidate asîli be a motîvated, inde- pendent, self-sfarter witb an inleroot in xdnertîsîng sales. Vox asilI possess excellent written and ner- bal communication sisilîs and be familiar wîth Microsoft computer applications. An educational background in ednertising would be an asset. A great place to stant your careerl n Ibis role, psu onilI be cxstomer focused and asilI build stronfi relabionobipo wîth niee and eoisting cli- ents by ensurisg Ibal Ibeir adxertîsing needu are met. You asîlI be goal-srîented and capable of meeting regular sales budgets and special section tangets wilbin a deadlîne focused environcent. If you wauld like to asori for a leader in the media industry Ibis opportunîty may be the righl one for you. If interesfed please foreard your resume to: dbalrdOoakvillebeaver.com W. appreciate the intereat of ail applicanta howaeeer only thoae aelerteel for an Interview wili b. contacted. 1 No phtone cal la or agendaes ploie. 1 L A g7B 0 Y Are you in RETAIL SALES now? Are you interested in a much BETRretail lob? We're seeking mature, talented, experienced peo- pie wiIb a backsground in selling in a rotait environ- cent t0 becoce La-Z-Boy Sales Profesionals. 00e uffer a generous Compensation Progmam, Company Benelîl Plan, Professional Training, Opportunities for Adoancecent and a unique opportuni t 10 rk euth Canada's fastest growing bigb quality farnîture showrooms- Lazhoy Farni- tare Galleries. You must have reliable transortation, excellent verbal and enliesn communication okilîs, some prenisus rotait esperience and a flexible acbedule irait percils pou lv cork on weekendo and suce evenîngo. 00e bave speningo xl- OakvillelMlssissauga Border, Brampton, Burlington, Northi Miaous- sauga and Etobicoke Ifs easy 10 applyl We take applications by tele- phone only- 24 hours a day- oimply catI Chadie aI 905-789-5800 - elten prompted lv 'enter an osten- sion'- you diii 150, tbe dial #6151 to respond lv seneral questions. Saies HOlP Sais Halp ob Sais Hep ilSalts Help H ,wwwjashoesca - CAREER OPPORTUNITY FASHION OPPORTUNITY Receet promotions and increasirg sales volume JAS os a fabulous boutique providing hîgb fashion H itai, means ce need severai addiiossat Sales shoeo and acceseories for stylo coscloos coconi mmoical, Dental Professiosals and ce are prepared toi tean t ese Loolng for motivateal, enthasiastic peuple Ibrough a profesaioeaty presented saleaperaon for fll or part-Omne work ai our Oakillte Lakeshor Location. Retail alies rP H Y ýS i GMIE D Free Sem inar experlice prefered. Leare about the car business before making a If inlerested in toinîss the JAS teac fax rosucne careen decîsion. If you love the challenges of 519-434-3385, or ecait klm@tondonfashion.ca Registered dealîng cîit people and are self cobivafed, Ibis or mail 10: JAS Shoes Head Office, 615 Richmond Physiotherapist may be for pou St., London, ON. NIA 3G3 519-846-2919 needed fonta busy Excellenst commission plan, car altocorce & berobit mati dioctptirary cli- packsage is avaitabte for the îîgbt candidates. ,c. FT/PT avaitable. Mate and focale applîcants are ercouraged..lv. 80k -A 95ear. Think a career In the automobile 5V4. - Fax resumes ta induatry might suit you? 0.3-92o Please Contact aur aimait: driemieux Sales Manager at 905-845-6653 EXT 257 ii@iapph.O ysimel I____________________ health.comn M~ Oeiie l Me ba, Deatal MdCal, DentalI * ~~Are you interested en morking in your omo commnO n enj oyîng the freedom of communt Spractice? If su, we have a position maitimg for you! ..*. Visiting RN & RPNs ET Nurses -Mississauga We Offer: -a supportive and flexible envîronment - -- holisnic nursing practice in a hîghty professionial, empomerin, setf-schedluling. senali neam environment . abiiOy nu work in the community and evîoy the flexibility of community pracnice . excellent management and clinîcal support 24 hours a day * .. -. compenîtive compensation and group benefit packages plus RRSP for bonh fuit tome and parntîtme positions « - comprehensîve paid orientation and ongoiso support * . for professional dexelopment - annual education allowance and numerous other henefits You Wilt Need: * -. - - currenn registration wvith the College of Nurses of Ontario - a valid driver's licence and vehicle If you are interested in nhis opportunity please forward pour resume by Friday, March 16th. 2007 to: Kandice Jacklin, Ca ePa tnc S Recruitenent Coordinator, P0. Box 100, Beigrave, ON NOG iCO X areP rmer Fax: 519-357-3505 e-mail: kandice.jacklin@carepartners.ca VeiiayHelp M 3vmnarHlp Esperience preferred, Fax resumne to: Mountainview Animal Hospital 905-702-7622 Boston Pizza - Milton [7eare lsooking to fll the folloroing positions: -Asot. Gen. Mgrs. -Delivery drivers ($12/hr plus comm.) Apply wvinlin: 1085 Maple Ave. Milten I Lv 2 reqed for a box I Tws Position P' i Pranent Part-Time * 2. Maternity - 32 pli 1n.vdul beden Pt anas 00e are iosking for c Dro Beachssel Fan 905. ~j~j~De~l OAKVILLE - Requires 1 1E LI1) Full-Time/Part-Time ;SISAN Housekeeper practîce in Georgetown. & F&B Server sAvaîlaiste Fax 20 plus hours / 1 evonisso reaume ta: usshoums/t1 eveeing 958949 îulgoîssg, self molîvated A905-82HR-4690 rei 1iv.:HRDet Dr. Orin/Or. HuBfer 877-3917 Our oretown OfficeI INeeds ofor ter fu.nfriendly teamx IMondayWednesday Thcdal IFndyand Saurdap gIa@atone 1 Su premne Care Services aHealtr Care Worisers urgently needed in ail of Halton areas MIS INS /PSW's Reliablo vehîcle io a deinile, armet eNeerd lo be avaîlable to ors flexible boums PIease forward yosr resume by e-mail orfa1: e-mail - info@supre-*cireervice.com1 fax # 416-761-7681 Phone # 1-866-959-0093 1416-781-7687 lus to.king for -Full & Part-lime Cooks *Dîshwashers *Eop. Servers *Bkf St 000ks FAx- 905-878-1699 Attx: Terry da" @i~ Rerustet 10 135or Sihoolis 110 -oseft Sole 320uit torsce C4se 259 ,.f... n .ar. M.a t,~.,x,, 455 flouse for Soie 100 OpenMouise 102 Prete Soles 103 tovetrhoxrer for Sole 105 Apsfnenns/ (MMlsforSoie 110 Cottages forSoie 1 12 ForisforSoleeet & Worted 115 Out of Town Ptspeties 120 Prsperty Ouel Conoda 125 llousingllotted 130 Los & reoge 135 lrvestrert Properftes/ Bus Prop. 140 Irdustrel/ Connesiol Stese 145 Offie & Buiess Sorse 150 Stone For Sole, lient / Contai 155 inveetrent Opportsnitner 159 Bsnsr Oppotonîties 160 trancibse 161 IMrKoe 162 Proltossunl Ditestsry 163 oe il Fenorsîi 164 Mossgoge & Coroc 165 Assoironts IChofteted) 160 Offcer/ lndsrvl Iqoipmens l67 Bosiness Sevtos! Personoils 168 Computet / irlenet Service 169 Aîrtrents& Fltfralent 110 Funubhed Apofements 172 shortt estaise 174 Avefneot & Fots Contai 175 Condominiuma lot lent 100 Massfr b ent 85S towo o r lent 110 Cosng Wonted loi looms forsliet & oted 192 Roan & Bonud Avoîlstîle & Conted 113 Shored Aosonordotîa 194 leteent ldng 195 Colis & Lodge 196 Asolerio Proporis 200 Rnrvis Outside Ctssdo 205 Bed ansi Brokfosl 208 Cottags fo lent 209 Cobile Cones & Poîiss 210 Otos eHomes 21 lessonhion Veîies 212 Conpeos, Ooilers, Sites 215 Coopits [qirnt 225 Sports Bquirntn 230 OvîsSfon 231 Bouts & Supplies 232 Srtnumbixs 233 Pools & Supplies 234 lesurts, Cstsps 235 Irseel 236 Cubisses & Cso* 237 Comnrs Clumn 239 Biitba 245 Adoptions 246 Bîfhbdops 248 Coning Beents 249 BEgogerrents 250 Punlhomng Conrioge 251 oMaroges 252 fenteerne 253 Sedonsons 254 9snoxrscesets 255 Deoth 256 Obtcoe 257 sn Onnoron 258 tords of Toruts 259 Tendens 260 Cegol Nofiue 261 Pubis Cotises 262 Cas 10015/ tîansporluvuî 263 lost ori front 26S Cssnporioss 267 Peronéi 260 Support Oroups 269 Corsies/ Wv In / OuI 210 Cothers felpers 271 CNrsey tcools 272 Duvuose Avuileisie 273 Dovsure Wsrted 274 Txtorng Sorvice 279 Cmxcon 280 Piscs Of ACorhîp 282 Bitbetic! Beuy, Servics 2t4 HCoh & Conemoe 285 Soniors Sosvies 286 tîtnos Sorvies 288 Potty Sorvics 289 Coterg 290 Caidin %mr 292 brtrulugy 293 Pryiso 294 Lioison Sesvices 295 Amsesent Clubs 296 Bingo 297 tonerol Ossouluns 298 Ceetey Pions 299 Morset Basket 300 Pîseens & Oxlievtv 301 turc Servie 302 fonte Sopplîi & Bonîdîro 303 Pouhyr & Lisestosis 305 Puisstse 306 C o iir 301 oatous Cetre 309 Articleîs rSuiv 310 Bicycles 311 Artistes Wourla 315 ~rm 325 Corebouse Soles 326 tîteesooi 330 Chritsis trees & Bis 335 Coodrtrees / tirepisuee 336 Antiqes& Ait 340 Bxy fleedi 345 Rtoursnt tqporrenl 348 Industriel Bnuipssert 350 torm [qaipeet 352 AWpieu 353 Cossputer & Vidas 355 0.0 Sasnd Systen 30 Mical Intruments 365 Pets, Sopplies, Bonssisso 370 Phstogropby 315 Swop & Trsde 380 Tisisos foi Soie 385 Csors e 400 Cors Casai 405 Trucs foi Sole 410 Tucks Corlesi 415 Ours! 4 Cheel Drin 420 Sports Cos 425 Ontitue Cun 430 Ootutspsies 435 Auo Puts / Supplier & leppîrs 440 Osto Cnusîrg & lentls 445 Asto tîrurîsrg 446 irsnie Services 460 HoMv Oxif [quipnent 470 Coreer Ieffng 500 Cernr Corselini & Resune 501 Comes 505 EMOnplym Avories 507 Oemin 509 Benerol Oelp 510 leOil Oppxtlunîvies 511 Sonsse tepinynr 512 Solon &Spa fep 514 Skiled & eIKhnksl felp 515 C(anputer/ Il 520 Office Ceip 525 rosde Soles 529 Soles Celp & Avonts 530 Intoil Soles 532 Cospvtol Ondîsol / Dontil 535 Vetennoif f elp 536 Mlisi ilesil 537 Cotlvi/ Rxstousrnt 540 Pst-Tie Celp 541 Tercieg Oppouiies 545 omesbn Heit Contai 550 Oonxîs Cnlp Avrîoiixl 555 f titi Cleutîro 556 Volirteers 565 Enploymnr Vlsîtedl 570 Trient Wotd 575 tenoîtion, Bsang 101 Gurbnge Rlert / Casteng 702 Pisrîbg 704 Condyrser 705 Chiney Cleoneîg, Reptir 706 Bleutrnol Sores 707 OSsesY & ConKrtre 70t Corperty 109 Pointng & Oeiorchn 710 MoIrng &Stucage 715 Cstpt Cleorirg 718f Dsapes & upbsistery 720 Dttnocoing, sisoring 725 tioorrng, Coinq 730 Gordening Sspply, Csrdscopîî9 735 Sret Servise 736 Stonp lenresi 737 townsoown Soles, lepois 738 Srsw ressovul 740 Casres 746 Oppiette lepois 150 Boy? or Girt? feIl yuur Coer-ity & Piiends with Binh Announ-ements BUSINESS HOURS: Adjustments: tt4ws0rU5 MaiUn flOT Eat Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of your ad. Please See he aeascheck your ad on the first insertion. For multiple insertions of OU. to 51, the same ad, credit will be made only for the first insertion. :L pt-aeMO1U oFlm Credit given for errors in connection with production on ads is limited to the printed space involved. Cancellations must be VISA ~ s- made by telephone. Do flot fax or email cancellations.

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