A20 - The Canadian Champion, Friday March 9, 2007 Atom selects'fortunes take major upswing in London lit liu it'i . Haviug yet to taste victory in 14 games pnior to their tour- nameut appearance iu London late last month, Miltons atom selecîs engineerecl four straight wins to dlaim champiouship honours at the eight-team showcase. As if that wasn't note- worthy enough, their unheaten weekend included tbree top- sided decisions - with a 7-2 titie triumph over a London- area club punctuating their remarkable u. liiC isk-, itket oiti licir iourincit .upiniiti gcar -and neyer looked hack. "We got up 3-0 in the first four minutes or so of gamne oue aud that really lit a tire uuder tbe guys," recatled bead coach Rtobert Atkiusou. "To go [rom flot wiuuing auy games to wmn- uîug a championsbip was like ... wow" Playing the rote of set-up mau to critical acclaim i the hunais, Spencer Csa jaglîy amnassed five assîsts to aid the bot bauds of Dauiel (Gaetau aud Justiu Saudluck - who liad ihree aud iwo goals respectively Cbippiug i a siugle was Maddie Jolivet, who fiuished the touruameut witb a baudtul of tallies. She was oue of haIt-a- dozeiî selects to average more ibau a poiut a gamne iu London. C sajagby eujoyed thr liouns share ot thc offtnive pie wiîlî two goals aud six assîsîs, while William Hamilton was close \inoîg tic cîiici iioiitît piotititts O\cit i.,,ititi 0itiit' goals, three assîsîs), Saudluck (louir goials) aud Mitchell Imbofi (three goals, îwo assists). Equally impressive in their own eud, the Wînterbawks surrenclered ]ust three goals at the touruameut, with a 7-1 opeuiug-rouud rout of a Barrie team aud hack-to-back shutouts of two Loudou oppoueuts - 6-0 aud 3-0 - thrust- iug tbem iuîo the championsbip. Taudem parîuers Lucas Accetiola aud Stetauo Pezzot eacb delivered oue goose egg aud comhiued for a goals-agaiusî average of 0.75. Their uear-flawless cage work was amplv complementecl by topuotcb defeuce, particularly [rom cap- taiu Jeremy Earquharsou aud Nathau Brady The atom selects will look to huild ou tbeir receut success at the nd ofthe motîui, wbeu they close oui tlieir seasou ai a iouruameut iii Si. Catharines. PUBLIC NOTICE NEW REGULATIONS FOR HANDLING, TRANSPORTING AND DISPOSING 0F CATTLE CARCASSES AND TISSUES The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is enhanding regu- lotions to help eliminate bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), or mad cow disease, from Canada. Beginning JuIy 12, 2007, there are new requirements for cattle producers; slaughterhouses; feed, pet food and fertilizer manufacturers; waste manage- ment facilities and others who handle, transport or dispose of caille remains. Everyone involved must be prepared. Visit www.inspection.gc.ca/bse or caîl 1 -800-442-2342 to learn more. Canadlàa*