sýAE2 peeweesF dominate in Pennsylvania Miltonis AE2 peewees traveled a fair distance for their latest tournament appearance, and once there went t0 leveîî greater lengths to prove who the best teamn dias. Scoring rine limes as many goals as thecir opposition, the Wintcrhawks cniised to championship honours at the annual spring classic in Fric, Peninsylvania - with their only rcMl test coming in the finals. With the titie on the fine în a rematch with the Fort Fric Meteors, Zack Wadham broke a scoreless stalle- mate late in the second period - wtth his first goal of the season - and Jake Leblond and captain JoeI Chudleigh alde third-period insurance markers in Miltons third straight shutout of the weekend. Michael Welanc was llawless in both clashes with Fort Erie, the first ending in a 5-0 Winterhawks triumph, whîle netminding cohort Robert Manning turnied back aIl shots fired his way in a 10-O semifinal dismantling of the host Erie Lions. The only goals Milton would surren- der came in a first round 9-3 blowout of the Lions, with Manning steady hetween the pipes while J.R. Sanderson and Ryan Tanason delivered hat-tricks to ignite the championship, mn. Overaîl, it was Drew McMillen and Dylan Burkholder's offensive stars that shone hrightest, wtth McMîllen collect- tng four goals and fîve assists - înclud- îng a helper in the ftnals - and Burkholder sconing three limes and helpîng set up six other deposîts. Tough stretch for AA atoms A three-games-in-as-many-nîghts schedule in Tni County round-robin play dîdn't quite go as planned for the AA amomns. Sufferîng from an inconsîstent offence aIl season long, Milton began and ended its hectic stretch wîth a nar- row defeat - extînguîshîng any linger- îng hopes for a championship berth. Despîte a big three-goal performance by Ben Preisner - and equally impres- sive playmaking effort from Rourke Ferguson, who assisted on each of his linemate's tallies - the Winterhawks xvere edged 4-3 hy the host Brampton Battalion Monday Jacob Quinn contrîbuted two hielpers in the narrow defeat, whîch came on the heels of back-to-back shutouts - the latter going in Miltons favour Sunday in Guelph. Justin Browne was the lone marks- ma na 1-O whitewash of the Jr. Storm, while Connor Hallyhurton stood taîl hetwecn the pipes. Drew Joncs and Adam Wilson pîcked up assîsts în the rough, penalty-fillcd ai laie. This tollowed a 2-0 hlanking at the hands of thc Ancaster Avalanche Saturday at Milton Sports Centre. The AA atoms wrapped up Tri County round-robin play fast night in Georgetown and close oui their season at next weeks March Break tournament in Niagara Fall6i mImL7àECTRI XE7-9 * 16" alloy wheeIs * 4-wheel anti-Iock brakes (ABS) * Electronic Stability Control (ESC) * Traction Control System (TCS) * Power windows, Iocks & mirrors * 6 airbags -' co 3ÔMPCIG MSýp p r91 A551V Fi KOwWROOfd HOLiRS MCft. TIfMSý 9 - FS Fft 9 - e l.g -T O9 S&VM sw i PARTS *ON.' T+4,0ts 8 - Su Fu 8 - 5pA _______________1196 STEELES AVE- EAST -MINS. FROM h4WI 401 M ILTON S905et87&28ï38 'BIýd i a MFU 1 I 95 2ý, XM (T51" Ih vll. pcn[_MTS54_ rJd1 i llJIta11-I S 3',B -" 1- ý - ' ý -,','§a " - rP.-c"' -"ac