A14 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 9, 2007 Ail Seasons Gourmet Biend Bird Seed 15 kg. 278-2015 14 97 Suet Cakes 333 g. 278-2010/l/21 127 "a - I Workwer OFF selecu-t mn y M by store May flot be aiacty as Ituitatd. c.~1 Milton Country Depot formerly The CO-OP rj28 Bronte St. N. (905) 878-2391 SStore Ilours: Mon-Fri 8:00 - 6:00 Saturday: 8:00 - 5:00 Closed Sunday N STEELES AVE. MAIN SI Y Foster care sflortage add ressed Major recruitment campaign Iaunched Child protection agencies across south-central Ontario, including the Children's Aid S~ociety of l]alton, have corne together to respond 10 the critical shortage of loster parentîs. Under the Ilomes for Kids banner, the agencies have joined forces and launched a major recruitment cam- paign duhbcd 'There Are Lois of Kids Like Me'. The initiative focuses on both the volume and diversity of children in need of safe and caring homes. ln Halton, Hamilton, Niagara, Brant, Haldimand ai-d Norfolk, more than 3,000 children aged 0 to 18 are in the collective care of six agencies. "We are working collectively with our sister agencies to delîver the strongesi message this region bas ever seen," saicl Raf iat Lawal, [osier home recruiter ai The (hildrens Aid Society of Halton. "There arc hundreds of vuinerable children rîght hiere in our region who are in need of sale and caning homes. 1 truly believe that once people realize that we are in dire need of homes for our kids, we will se a surge in the number of foster [amulies available to these children. The agenctes' objective is t0 blanket the region wîîh the message that sale homes are needed urgently for hun- dreds of children and youth îhroughout south-central Ontario. In order t0 meet the diverse iieeds of children iii care, the campaîgo also conveys the message that foster parents are needed [rom ail cultural, ethnic and relîgious back- grounds. The campaign marks the fîrst lime the region bas seen a joint approach to foster parent recruitment, involving both broadcast and print media. In addition to a senies of high-impact radio and television commercials, the cam- paîgn also features newspaper ads and posters. For more information caîl I 877- 587-KIDS (5437) or vîsît wpww.homes- forkids.com. Buins witou yo e don es Sale prices in effect until S.aturday, Marth 17, 2001 or white quantifies ta«.