A4 - The Canadian Chamnion. Tueodav. March 6. 2007 uj1N 26B pkg, 3.7LV6, 6 -speed mac trains, air AMFMJCI) -tit/crui0e, 16" aloy - neets, deep tict, ta, pdl p.miens, ABS ESP Stk 598412. 81309ft 48 MONTHS %PURCHASE HNWYC 96W TOM i IlW 25A k, . 6 auoOraIai - IAplg /b. IL Urmi c/MOS, auto tracts air ilt/cm ise, po pdl - pmironu, tuier tac pkg, onti-spo rea mie, - AM/FM/C0. Stk 547845. "Special Edition" 48 MONTU LEASE faits, air mon cw Pol, Pm, tilt, croise, ticket seats, stidiog rear cmdfdows, alloy wtteels spmt appearance pkg, antispin reat aluh, fltor mtAM0M, CD dmea, fi1p 2f9487 27 lMONTUESE ou'O %PURCHASE FMWMMCW WP 1048 WWU IluN 28S pkg, 3.3 V6, auto trucs, air 28S pkg. Same cond, AM/FM/Ct3, 7 POss dual eqaiprment us Cunadian sliding dooss sucocroco glass, Editian plus Stow-'N-Gu fluor mats, pc, pdl, pmîrroro.Saossaet keyleso remate, p.rear orestSas ua et windows, tilt, croise, cent rock asti-lock brakes. & mscti more. Ste 124177. Stk 102480. 0 L R Ii11 1L $3____ 1929t29 48li MPoNTim LEMME *MNT LEASE 48 MONTUS UWU TeIUWumomi 0% ~UP WO8 111m FUEL ECONOMY Att STARS 2007 DOOGE CALIBER ww 6.8VL/0KM OR 42MPG/WM 2007 JEEP PATRIOT 2007 JEEP COMPASS 0T"GRM. -15,695 sons OR a 7.2U/100KM OR 39MPU/WY 7.21410KM OR 39MPGMWY 10DOWN 1 f225 sTARTea Rmc ý -si6,995 STAseeINGoma .17,995 auONT caO 48nin MOTH $0OWN 11257 O0DOWN 11259 o oee cmOH FOR 48 ONTOS /MONTH F00 4e MNoocos 2007 CHRYSIER SEBRING 6.5UL/0KM OR1 43MP9/WM SoooARN macM $21 ,995 ceORGW I0 n1284 2008 DOOGE A VENGER 6.611100KM OR 43MPUIWY clAmoNS Rmn $21 ,595 O0DOWN I11299Q (RMiItl DDG an #1 SALES TEAM IN CANADA* # Re, 81 ONTARNO ST8.* * -- Caseone n odesU D(dealer allcance) add eo applicoble reught admn e e, tae adceose nee (enos no noure fryt ai ul tu. Sea iace eand noa ranes vroieL Sedealer for aul detois OAC teas 1m88 2 7 67 O pay Mn feoms as 000cr. Ose at signieg applcutile dace paymenr st payment applicatile teight admin ten wheel a ks, taes and lcence fer 20,00km annuel o nage alloance. Ercess klore echarne 1t re cOusnamcs dtceOrdanodckm 'Closed end cu k away rease. aOC. 0fer ld for dao publiation only. S*eS ces nut enoctly as shour. #Bosrd on Ori 200600S Resuts Regioa 000 p 000 ue de a fou drealis. #1 9 egs tiased on0ec 200 Je Make your best deal then choose one of three bonus offers:#