The Canadian Chamipion, Tueaday March 06,'2007 - 27 Sild& MOI &p cm HepSae elp Sal elp M lHp Tejj l Hel p M YO nl Help nia i kle i fie epOf gns&Aet Currontly has the tolewîng position availabte ast aur Brampton Location: LICIENSED MECHANIC The icumbent mîlI be responsibte for diagnoaing, coordinating inspections and the repair and service of mechanicat, electricat, electronic syatema and components on a variety of vehicles. The succestul candidate wilt have a format education in the field, along mvit h a profeasiona mechanic ticense and a vaf id drivers ticense. ADESA Toronto offers a competitine salary and benefit package. lnterested appticanta are asked toi forward their resume f0: ADESA Toronto 55 Auctian Lane Brampton, Ontario L6T SF4 Attn: Human Resourcea Fax (905) 790-0306 H M* H~ep ASPHATCREWIdeal Graphiesa atoll Fuîltlime work. sernice prîniting und design campany ra- Cati Ai: 416-919-7166 vîrea an ex rienced g Muat be detal orient- ed, tlexible, & custsm- er fscvsed. Expert- ence with offset print- ing, sslîd computer skills, can-do attitude - essential. I Email resume ta: 41M > solutions@ Fax 416 352-5380. Z ofielp (Ofie He Na phone caltas pleuve ~ 4 ADESA Toronto, a division of ADESA Auctions Canada Corporation, currently has the following positions open: CM 9rm7 ARBITRATION CO-RDINATOR You wîlI conduct medrationa between the buyer and seller re- garding arbîtrafed vehîcles and investigate customer concerna. Vos wîlI be reeponsîbte for controtling prices, charged and au- thorîzing repaira to arbîtrated vehiclea. Yos must have eacel lent cuatomer service and negotiation skiffs coupled with knowtedge of vehicte mechanica. You must also be proficient la Microsoft Office and car indastry eaperience la an aseet. DEALER REGISTRATION The incumbent witf be responaibte for registering new car deal- ers and maintaining eaisting dealer files by ensuring vehicte reg- istrations are comptete, and preparing registry of motor vehicte forma. ln addition, the candidate witt be responsibte for providilng excellent cuafomer aervice ta dealers and aasisting wvith auction day activifies. The qealified candidate is a team player who muet have excellent customer service akitta, one ta, two years of- fice eXperience and computer titerate la Microsoft Office, wvith emphasis on Excel. ADESA Toronto offers a competitive salary and benhefit package. tnterested applicants are asked tai forward their resume to: ADESA Toronto 55 Auction Lane, Brampton, ON L6T 5P4 Fax: (905) 790-0306 E-mail: Appleby Ceilege ia an independent xchoxi for 700 paurig mon and somex Oradeo 7 ta 12flocated in Oakxif le, Ontario. Founded vn 1911, Appieby offenr an ovtstandirg education ta both boading and day studento. Thi e. schooi@applOhp(tnr) prsgram integnatea information techrologp into thî curriculum ut exerp grade lexet. The campus is compieteip netsorked and ai studento and tacsltp hase Tabi et computers. IT HeIp Desk Representative Full Time As an entrp level IT Hetp Doesk Represenfatie, pou sutl be reopaoîsbie co pnaxiding front fine il support to ait empixpees and stadento. The xuccexofî candidate pooxeoses otrong troubieshaating and customer service sAuta sin Windows XP and the Microsoft Office Suite. Apptebp offers on învîtirg envîroirment and s competîtîxe salary and benefît package. Whîle ait upplîcants are thasked for theîn înterexf, oniy lhose chosen tf interview wili be contucted. Av a condition of empiopment. a crîmînol nocor check os reqsinod. For more detsîiod information on thîs rote, pieuse vîsîl lie sebaîte. f tereote candidates are invitod ta xubmît theîn resamo bp Fridup, Manch 23, 2007 f0: Humain ResourceS E-mail: lobs@ appleby.ofl.C Website: ReceLtgn SOf i .0insra ministrator Thne sotGesstio candidate Irrust De triendly wîth a positive attitude and have a perfect command et the Engtish language. Candidate must be able ta function rn a multi-campany envirarment and be a team ptayer. Dattes ta inctude greeting cuatomera, aperate a baay tetephane syatem; pes- farm clerical duties such aa aarting and distribating mail, typing memos, etc. Witt aise be responsibte far matching payabtes and other accsunting dulies. Esperience wfth Excet and Word required, Ptease send resamne wffs satary eepectatisns ta; Georgetswncgntrolter@htmai.csm *yos are mvtîvated by vniimited income potestîsl yoPu loe automobiles y ou are enthusiaatic, friendtf and eîltîng f0 learn Geargetsown Chevrotet, a brand new stase of the art dealership as in need of the Beat satespeaple. * We affer Guaranteed Draw Againat Commission * Company Demo / Car Alswance * Private Office * Training / Suppsrt Staff *Untîmited sncame Potential Dame McCrae, Sates Manager Modern, establiahed ý1( Mike Dale, Sales Manager EmaEl:casf Miltan SOrage R~ CaI: 905-877-6944 Fax: 905-877-6946Fo urcne Facilt reqa 05s asstfied "ours 1e Cuear nd Ic uP ~ . GEORGETOWN CHEVROLET AMERICAN E If ysa enjsy seficeire- 9 arn ta 5 pm lislaMe tl esitat, tait wsrk, are people- [l Deta Me !Ca arîenred, have cars Me ca, ena puter euperience, lptese las reaume : e -55876-1514 Atn Site Manager ~ ~j aîe jj ~ - i Are you interested in marking THE BURLINGTON POST. E T Nurse a divisiar0f Metroanad Medi sO oap fnc... a suppartixe and flexibltei es seeking as evperienced - hofîsnic nursing prartice in Insîdes Sales Representatîve * empt o w o nng tShe rom The qua ted candidate wil be a miat e inde- ffexifrility off community p perdert set ssarter with prevavas telephane sales . excellent management ans eaperience. Vos pomsess excellent w Otea, gram- . compeninixe compensation matical and verbal communication skils and be ta- plus RIRSP for bath fuît tir milar with Microoat applicafians. . camprehensixe paid arien In fhis roIe pas wil be castomer txcased and w t , for prafessionaf dexefoprr b Id xtrang relatisnsh Ps with new and ee sting cli - annuai educatian altomars enta by ensarîng that their adxertîsing needu are You Witt Need: met. Vos wttl be gaal-sriented and capable of .current registration mvith t meeting weekly budgets wîthîn a deadline-facaaedi a val id driver's licence ani envioirient.if you are interested in this a If yxvr goal as ta wark tan a leader in the media in- resume by Frjday, March 1 dsstry thiS sppsrtsnity May be the right one for ,,es eruit.e.t Coordinator F0. yos. We affer a csmpetitixe compensatian pack- a e a ti r Fax: 519-357-3505 e-matil: kai age aa wiel aa possibilities tor future career growth. Please toreard ysur resamne ns f ater than March 91h. 2007 ta;CMASOAECR illVlei thill@berllngtoflPOSt com or ELHSRI S fax resume ta: 905-632-0308 We approciato the ontereat of ai applcant, is nas hirng Persxnal and Hxme Support Wr kers howovor, anly thao aolectod tor an interviw wl taril new location in Georgetown. If ysa love ho contacted. No phone colin or ageocios pleave. w tkn th fe a n an dn ee we want tshear froompou! Please fax resame: 905-702-7044 ~ Oremaif tammyc mpsaa _____ _____ ____ Mou HealtpCare Warkers rgenty needed in ail of s lHaiton areas 1 1! HotaI Sain ep 8Sales H ep FINIS I RPN's I1PSW's & gents& Agents -Refiable vehicle os a detinite asset -Need ta be avalab e f0 wonk flexibl e hxuns Holiday L A 9 B 0 Y Pieaoe fxrward y sur resame by e-mail or fao ta: Missis eUR NI TUR ALLERtE e-metit - tnlo@eapreme-careseice.c015 OEWiErin M fax # 416-781-7681 ta seek Are you in RETAIL SALES now? Phase # 1-M&6959-0083 /416-781-7687 enthuarastic Are you interested in a much ain p ro BE___ retail job? ~ u We're seekivg mature, talented experienced peo- U LTM/ ronset pie sith a background rn selln n a veai environ- -ETA Dosh a We offer u genenovo Compensation Program, P/T Evi Company Benefit Flan, Professo ors Training, Required for Banquet Oppontanîtieo ton Advancement and a anique Miltan office. o n opporlsnîtp Io sor i sti Canuda's fastex grosng Hav yen hedl lte mt 0 s high qsalitp turniture showroomx- Lezbay Farni Fax reaumea ta: clnsnfe Mq hor Md Breakfast tare Gatteries. Shelley @ Fax rosa e Vos must have reliable tanoporlation, excellent 905-864-3031 îeteaarefaps.e 0-5 Il verbal and enitten communication ohils s onme previaus retai evperienco and a tlexie ochedal eea that permîto pou to sors on weekendx and some CM oppi evenings u aeief iasi~ ~ e We hve oenins at OakilleMissisagay auege and Etabiceke g Il's easy ta appipi We take apptications bp tele phono onlp- 24 hooro a day- amply cal Charle a vo 905-789-5800 - sien prompted to 'enter an eoten- ~aInhnIInco O oron' pou dîi 150, theni du #6151 toi repond ta severaf questions: AbUsrkbout.. 78-2341 T Ad Submnissions Received by: Fax: 905-876-2364 Tel: 905-878-2341 ience aie accept: VISA, MASTERCARD, XPES NEACASH, CHEQUE, Hospitl, Dental Medical, Dental a Il nI s in your oma commun ty and sunity prartice? if sa, me have N &RPNs S -Missîssauga environment a hîghiy professional, ing, smatl team enviresment munity and enîoy the ractice d ctinicat support 24 hours a day and group benefin packages ne and part-nime positions nation and ongoing support vent ce and numerous other benefits he Cottege of Nurses of Ontario d vehicte pportunity ptease forward your 6th, 2007 to: Kandice Jacklmn. Box 100, Belgrave, ON NOG 1iBO îarv Help Lcé v3erna rHelp Esperience preferred. Fax resume fo: ntainview Animal Hospital 90-72-76 Restaurant Ilnn ~ \f ing ,hospi- team Desk wl eping, sher, kningca Porter, k &I Server me ts:3 -1433 87. , hing W eihn mieunittestuite Cali:ooIi f0-9-80oroly Lu selrned hie 1