24 - The Canadiart Champion, Tuenday Match 06, 2007 a ~ ~ [~ 1 I isi ii ,kc ~ Index: Real Estate 100-135 e Business 140-169 ý _________________________________________________ Rentais 170-196 Il Leisure 200-239 Il Community 240-299 Fax: 905-816-2364 Email: cIassified@miItoncanadianchampion.com Il Merchandise 300-385 il Auto 400-470 li HeIp Wanted 500-51ý Mon. to Fri. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classified ads also appear on www.hanonsearch.com: s Services 100-795 For CIRCULATION cail: 905-818-5947 Clessfiedsa Filb trorSarlel1iI oea in fteOk i evr ..*loo *.rar .o *e.rn fro. y 90-7824 or 90-4532 Ex 2 Fax 90-33-56 COUNTRY HOMESI 8080 Prices, ABfordable Flnunclng, Premîum Locattons Free consumer service tant reteased enclusive tint ut tonely barguin tuxary country homes iv the Hatton Region. $200K to $1 M, hidden burgains, dintrennedi nalen, best areun. Get more home than you thought ponnible. Cati 24 hr. free recorded mng. To ordet: 1-866-456-1109 Ent. 3205. Quantifien tîrnited. $312,000 Close 10 high schooln, shopping, park, and GO train. Corne and see this wonderfl home tucked awuy on a quiet court in Georgetnwn. This 3- bedroorn, 2 1/2 bath- mrtsm, uertit s situated on a premium lot 139 Ile deep ad[acent to a park. This home ns tanleflty decorated in neutrut tones and hun muvy featuren inctud- ing: hurdwood flooring j iv the tivingroom and dîninigroom, ceramic fle iv the kitchen, interlock- îvg stone wathwuyn, large deck, nkytîght oner the ntaitway, and - a partiatty linished basement whîch iv- cludes a lamîiy room, wurkshop and taundry ruom. Cati 905-703- 0330 lot uppoinîment. HOMESELLERS KIT Free Speciat Report+ rBONUS DVO Shouid du and niot do, estabish your settîng price; quîck and easy fin upu and much To order, cuit 1 -866-234-3310 and enter ID#5OOl [taik lu vo une) cati 24 hours a day 7 dayn a week. RE/MAX Real Estale Centre, Inc. ACTON Townhouse lot sale. $179,900. 3-bed- oimns, finished buse- ment. Gan lireptuce, laminate Itoor iv kitch- en. Tunlelut decor. Cati 519-"83-3911. mm om. pecal 6-BAY garage, 3,OOOsq.fh on 1/2-acte wîth tenced yard. BronteiMaini area. 905- 875-1180. 'OpP spruniies Need addlilonal Income? tited of nlruggtîng to puy off debtn? The Freedom Project cani hetp. www.minioffice outleln.com/mac JOB ut home. $487.68 Weekly. Assemble Prod- ucîn, Mail or Computer Work. Free Detaîto www.TopJobReview. com wrdte CHRJobn: 372 Ri- deau St, 1916, Ottawa ON, Kt N 1 G7 Refl Ai ý ofessional REMOVE yoar crimînual records FunI. 56e do Pur- donn and US Wainern. Don't ha embarrunsed. I1- 800-298-5520 governmentpurdonn.ca MORTGAGES 100% setl-emptoyed, 95% NO CREOIT 100% disnharged bunikrapts. 35-40 yr amortizution. 416-777-0878 murtgagesotutîurs.lv $SMONEY$$ Cunsotîdute Debts Mm/tgages te, 100% No ircome. bud credît OKl Ontariowîde Fînancia Corpuratton 1-888-307- 7799 EffAamens& Fiais For Reni MILTON 2-bedroom apurîment, anaitabte i m m ed i a tel1y . $950/mth. No pets, prefer vo smokers. FirstILasl requîred. 905-876-1436. MtLTON large 1 & 2- bdrm uparîmnents, uvuilubte Aprît i. Prom $8Oimth + park- ing. Cuti 416-723- 4801. Apartments & FasFor Rent Bachelor upartment, Milton Mair Street/5th Lise area. Sirgle ten- ant, nn pets preterred. $850/mth + heat. 905- 875-1150. DOWNTOWN MILTON Mittaide Towera 82 Mitiaide Drive. Attractive quiet buildt- ing. Spacînus brîght clean 1 &2 bedronm unîts wît h Iaurdry faciiity and sncial rnm on site. Regular resîdent enents Open 7 days & eveninga Colt 0"576-1249 www.realstar.ca ACTON Apartments. 1 & 2-bedrooms uvaîtubte Aprît & May. Frîdge & stone, tuundry tucititien. Preler nu dogu 519-853-4374 Open 7 eluys/week. Same day uppronut. wrealtar.c 1-BEDROOM suites in historie building in Rockwood, wîth gas lireptaces ntartivg ut $675/month plus utititien. Cuti Elizabeth DoelI, Johnson Asso- ciates Reutnt 905-877- 5165. 2 2-BEDROOM Erintea apartments in watt muintuîned clean build- ing. Anuituble now $800imornth înctudîng purkingilaundry. Cuti 519-833-2032. ACTON 2-bedroom upartment Match l.t $870imonith utittties in- ctuded. Quiet Building. No-pets. 192 Churchi Road South. Cuti 519- 853-t1281> AVAILABLE NOWI This one won't Iast! Bright spacînun, con- venîentiy tocated i - bedruom on Guelph Street. Aduits oniy. Nn pets/smoking. Cuit nnw 416-570-6578. BEAUTtFUL courtry settiro between Georgetown and Acton. Bright 2-bedroom buse- ment apurtment. Sepur- ate Iaundry roum, lots ut indot/outdot stor- uge. $900/month eoery- îhing inclîîded. Nn pets. Cati 519-853-8743. BRIGHT newty renu- nated apartments cen- tratly lucated ut 2-4 Man Street, Acton. Anaitabte for immediate occupancy. t -bedroom $930/month. 1-bed- rary Loft $970irnonth. Utitities înctuded, vo smoking/pets. Cati Du- nid 905-877-7194 o21. CENTRAL Georgetown clean, 1 -bedroom apartment on main tinor. Anaîtabte immedi- atey, References te- quired. Pleuve cati 905- 873-7293. FasFor Reni DOWNTOWN George- town 1-bedroom urd 2-bedroom. Non-smok- er/no pets preterred. Match t si. Frnm $790/month plus hydre. 905-702-3301. DOWNTOWN George- town, large t -bedroom. $785/morth plus hydro inctudes appli- unces/parkîng. No smoking/pets credît check tirst/tast/refer- ences. Aoaîtuble imme- diutely. Cuit 905-877- 4427. GEORGETOWN t and 2-bedroom upartmentn veut GO, anaîtabte lm- mediatey. -No pets/nmoking. $675 and $875/month plus hydru. Cuit 905-702- 3798. GEORGETOWN 1, 2 and 3-bedroom apart- mentu $795/movth, $925/movth and $995/month. Anuilable August 15th. Inctudes heut/hydrofcabte. Park- ing entra. Cui 905-873- 6284. GEORGETOWN 1, 2 and 3-bedroom upurt- ments S795imovth, $925/monith and $995/movth. Anuiiuble immediutey. Inctudes heut/hydro/cuble. Park- ing extra. Cuit 905-873- 6284. GEORGETOWN 1- bvdroom apuriment, buck ot bungalow. Close to GO. Owv lauvdry. $l50imonth i ni c t a d e s cable/heat/hydro/park- ivg. Avaitabte Match 111h. Cuit 905-702- 4921 . GEORGETOWN 2- bedroom aparîment. 5-appliances. Clean and freshty puinted. No pets/smokers. Anaîtabie îmmedîately. Matthew Hill 416-892-4723. GEORGETOWN 2- bedroom house apart- ment, top fluor. Bright and dlean. 1-car gar- age. Prefer couple. No umohinrg/pets/refe r eances. Aprît lt. Cati 905-877-1209. GEORGETOWN Apurt- ments. 1-rural, 1-town. 3-bedruum, applianees, beuutfutty updated. Anaîtabte immedîatey. Cuti 519-853-5915. Photos www.tree- webs.com/gtownapt GEORGETOWN Co- Op Housîng. 3-bed- room, 1-1/2 buths. $883/month plus utititien. Cuit 905-873- 7295. GEORGETOWN Downtown 1 -bedroom upartment. Anuitabte Match 1tst. Cati 905- 873-0207. Aparments & Fiais For Reni GEORGETOWN Pet- lent location 2-bedroom apartment wîth bateuny. Smati, clean, quiet building. Nu smuk- ers/pets. Anaîtabie Aprîl 1t h/May it. 905-877- 8639. GEORGETOWN nery clean 2-bedroom buse- ment apartment. Quiet Street. No pets/smok- ing, $B75/month rn- ctuded. Anaîlabte îm- mediutety. Cuti 416- 707-6272. For Rani 1OTH SIDEROAD Trafalgar Road. 2-bed- room house. Wutk-uut tinîshed basement. Anaîtubte îmmedîutely. Cui 905-843-0630. 2 bedroom Semi bouse iocuted in downtown otd Milton, porch, yard tuundry, parking, ail inclusive $1500.00. Cai Dune or Natutie 905 875 4824 ACTION 7-room bouse, 3-bedrooms, 1-1/2 b a t h r o o m s Fridge/ntone înctuded. First/tust. $1,100/movth plus utitities. Aprît lst. Cai 519-853-0656. GEORGETOWN 3- bedroom bungalow. $t,500/month plus utliîtîes. Anaîtubie Aprl 1 Sth Cuti 905-890- 7078. Fo r Rasni OAKVILLE- 2&3 bed- monm towvhouses anait- able îmmediateiy thruugh Aprt ltI 4 uppliances, Hopedate Mat area. Lakeshure Management 905-876-3336 Accmmdation COUNTRY hume just N ut Milton, flly lutr- nîshed. iPasher/dryer, satellite TV large deek, BB60 AiI-incluinsîe FirstiLast. Anaiabte îmmedîatety, $550/mth. 905-467-4888. aties GULF Coast Fioridu, 3- bedroom pool home, 4- bedroom patio home. Anaiiuble April Ibru De- cember. $500US/wk. pkarutidis@cogeco.ca DAYCARE uvaîtabte in Derry/407 area. Hot Italien meatu and snacks. Referances and receipts. Cuit Net- tie 905-824-6044. Death DIeah MJ01Thanks M rof Thanks INGLIS, Audroy -On Friday Match 2, 2007 ut Allendute sn Milton. Betoved mife ot the lte Charles Inglis uf Campbetvitte. Lovîng mother of Dorene (Donald) Moffat, Martene Tunker, tianîne (Morris Radom- sky) Ctegg, and Sandra (Brian Hamilton) Inglîs. Also toved by ber grundchîtdrev, Ivan (Shelley), Dean (Kim) and tvy Moffat; Aliia [Roy[ and Erina Tanker; Stephante [Dave) Donatdsn, Metanie [tiamie) Mont- gomery, Derek (Shannon) Clegg and Ali Radomsky. Great grandmotber to Auhtey and Taylor Moflat; Kaîtey and Lunas Moffat; Colton and Kaîla Donaldson and Kreat Montgomery. Frîendn were reneived ut the Ji. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 damas Street, Milton (905) 878-2669 on Monday from 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 p.m. A Funerut Sereine miii be hetd on Tuesday at 11:00 arn. from ST. DAVID'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Campbellvilte. alaerment bo follow iv the nhurnh nemetery. Ontline nondotennes rnay be attl ait www.earlyfuneralhome.com DAYCARE pronîded iv L~t'mnrohorn Oivumon5 home country set- izbet ~ ting, lots of fun. Sum- toplace anad call 905.878.2341 mer space anaîlabe, to Ol -- perfect for JK/SK M, W, F, schedute. Cai 905- IFÀIe morri m t+. n Memoriam 7-68 In memory of MICHELLE LEE D)ec 27 1986 -Fcb 27 2005 Our precioius Michielle, 2 years have passeti since t'ou were takCII roin uls, andi ve miss i'oOui toe envereday Wie otten sharei tir memtories ofveiii and simtarimes shedi a tear. Butii we rry t go oni vsithot ou anid ktoN tuat vîtr suitleviig tits et anti toii are at peace. We lave vau Michelle sxo Loie, Meron, Dad (Tadd) Jl/e, Michael Ghar/es, Ne/, Bu/a/ie and Leab JOHN WOODWORFH Match 20, 1940 -Match 6, 2005 [n lovlng memory of a ve ry spei.ial Brother, Brother-in-law, Ule anti Great Uncle. May the winds of lave hlow sofrly Anti whîsper ta, you'll hear; Wé will alwapi love anti miss you Anti wish thar ou were here. "Miss you Johnny" He/en, Dave andfamilies OUALIFIED pron d. e, tun leanng enni rovmenl, smoke free home, Meus snacks, flexible boutrs, reasonabte rates. Shelley 905- 693-0213. usic ance PIANO LESSONS Oualîfîed Teanher A.R.CT., L.P.P., P.DP. RCM Enums, Renîtul, Renreuliona Cai (416)-930-7033. Leave message Furttre 8-PtECE suid wainut dînîng room suite for sale. $1,500 obu. 905- 878-2556. For Sain MOT TUBS Ware- bonne Dirent Open to Public Saturduys or by uppoinîment. Fuvlanlic sanings! wwwtistwd.c 905- 693-9230. BABY EINSTEIN DVD COLLECTION. 20 DVD's înctadîng Baby Mozart, Baby Beethonen and ove of the tatesI reteunen, On the Go. Ait iv original packaging and in a DVD bon set case. Perfect condition. Re- laits for $299.00 Ask- ing $90. Pieuse cati 905-875-1305. BALDWIN [Encore> or- gan îndtuding bench/earphonas/earn- îng progrum; and Teuk buffet & hutch, Cuit 519- 856-1566 lot dtaisn. tRONMAN Innpire Treadmii, lots of op- tions, 10 many to tisI $600. 060. Bunkbed sotid wood & wrought iron, single on top, dou- ble on bottom turns mbtc a couch $300. OBO. Cuit 905-878-7317. POOL table, protes- sionul sertes with enery upgîude. 1" state. $800 wurth ut accessu- ries. Brand new iv hon. CosI $5.000, must sel $1500. 519-722-4077, A dînîng ruum, cherry- moud, double pedestul tabie, 8 chairs, butft, hutvh, donetal cun- struction. New stîlli n buxes. CosI St11000, Sacrifice $2600. 905- 567-9459. A King Pîtlowtop Mat- tress Set. New iv plas- tic. Cont $1600. sei lot $450. 905-567-9459. BED, Amuzing barguin, guen orthopedîc pîl- towtop set, new in plas- tic, wurtanty $250 905- 567-4042 will detîner. HOT Tub (Spa) Coners bent prîce, Bent quutity. Ail shapes & cotourn. Cuit t- 866-585-0056 amatheco- nerguy.ca .4 A6S1LEOGD, Jeaaîîe [)ecemher 7, 1957 -Fehruary 20, 2007 trX'e, the familp tif tht lare [onne Maci eîît, would [ike to estesti a most heatfeit atîd sincere thaîîk î.îî tii aIl ssho [save [e[ped us through sîîch a dîlficuit ansti tat ime. Jiianne's death was sutiden anti very rraîîmatîc whîch atidet r our sadness. We graîefully acknowletige tht cartis, phoîne caîls, nîsirs, foîwers, food,. nmessages of suppot asti donations matie in her memotp. Special rhanks to eneeyonc anti their fansilies aI Trailcon Leasing lnc. of Missississauga, McKeesîe- Kochet Funeral Home of Milron for theit cote, anti Deocon Joe of Holp Rosaty »' Church oîf Milton for his lovelp service. Please he assuteti thar everp acî of kintiness mill aîwups he rememhetei. We remember ber/euve. Tne MacLu-ad uand Muer/na/ Famiies IL -