A16 - The Canadien Chamojoicn. Tuesdav March 6 2007 Penman remains chair N il i ii i11 ici V( (I t i l, î.c x xiqiaiiiiI i toa sh ia' i- lxxi ui lor lotiiiiicill- w11l ci ii i 15 (h l x ccevaticx fo xi I l xiiiltliai> Puiixaii s;iil Il 'vas a vvry giicic y(îar Icor cocievaiii and ixci nviriciiiil lprotctio x iind ()tiixc )l ccx iiii ii11 svcrl ivill cciîîîinu xc 2007. Joîlîxî Vice, al c ilizîxi uppîîiî' fronxt Bringtcix, was a>cilairned as vice chfair. île's hecîx on tire hoard Icor i lirec y'ears. "lle meetixg ais>) saw lIce inxduction of six flCw dîrectrîrs to th(e board, including Milton councilior ( xîady Lunau. The îs the lîrsi year Milton has been allotted îhrce representatîves -its third is miayor Gord Krantz - on the (il hcicril c l ic cxc ( Acl'w , ixcli Johnxx Iiiy ccl I r t>i Iul OrIi xi gioi i i i xi 1 1 1 () r DaXvidi Ke-ili cc i(()(Ill( Ilic i Iccixi Brian Penman fricun t laliix his. Adaixis fromn Oakvilie andc Murray Charliiin, a citizenx appciiniee frontx H ailxton. I ive outgciing members were recog- nîzed icor their dedication to the envi- ronmentai cîrganizalicîn. They were i-laiton His counicillor Bob Inglis, Burhington ccuncîllor Carol D'Ameio and citizen appointees Chirs Waiker (Burlington), David Patterson (Oakville) and Martîn Ince (Hamilton). Sign up for March Break events There's stîli plenty of- action leit on Advance registration is required. tbe siopes, especiaiiy sviib March Break Visit Gilen Edens ivebsite ai Wwvwglene- coining ip. den.on.ca for information om avaîlahili- (den i-ren Ski anri Sncwboard iv and rates and to downIoad a regîsîra- C entre has special evenis piaîxned t'rom lion forrn. Spares arc lîmited. Muxrch 12 tri 16 for students, încludîng Prîsate, scini-privaie andi iearn-co- is Match Break Adveiîture C ampl. ski lessoxîs arc ais>) avaiabie thircughi [ins camp inclucies (ive days cf les- GinFesSo colfrthe sons wîîh a prolessiocai certilîed Gen dnsnWSholfrtoe instruetor and lift tickets for the who cant commit ici a live-day camp. reînamnder of each day. Yon can save For more information about tbe vax- mc)ney by pre-purchasîng equipment ious programs, visit the websiîe or eaul rentais- (Q05) 878-5011. Corne Bowli*ng over March Break, with faiLily & friends Bowling. "Get a kick out of it" 905.607.2695 3055 Dundas St. W. Mississauga www.classlcbowl.com c