9 Tue'Canàd lan Chaanpeon, TuesdaY, March 6, 2007 . mAll Regional councillors' salaries, benefits total $1 million and cxpcnse. i 20006. A staff report presented to the Regions administration andi finance commitic Wednesday detailcd wbat eacb councillor and the chairman made last year. Most couna.illors carnced betwecen $35,000 and $41,000,' with the exception of those who were newly elected, who each made about $2,700. Regional Chairman Cary Carr took in $12,500. These numbers as- 'a 55i p 5 ilL o ccouisiI iinhcbrs attcndiiag coialcrenacës and nearly $ 12,000 on mileage and other expenses. The document also detailed committee and board remuneration and expenses for Regional Police'Scrvisces Board, $43,.669, aniod conservation authorities, $35,95 1. Also, Oakville Councillor Allan Elgar was paid $4,260 for sîttîng on the Niagara Escarpment Commission. Board launches chat site The regions public schoool board bas launcbed a chat site for students and staff to talk anonymously about issues like sexual orientation and gender. On Wednesday the Spectrum comn- mincee of tbe Halton Distrnct Scbool Board unveiled a new support for stu- dents and staff wbur wisb to learn more about diverse sexual orientatons and gender identities. Spectrum is compnised of a group of Halton District Scbool Board staff and students. lits first initiatives are Spectrum Talk and Student Spectrum Talk. The anonyrnous on-line confer- ences are meant to provide staff and students wiîb a safe environmient to discuss issues of sexual orientation and gender identity in scbiools. Tbe launcb ai Oakville's Iroquois Ridge Higb Scbool included store-front displays and provaded an opportunity for staff and students to learni more about the supports and services avail- able. The Halton District Scbool Board website bas a Spectrum page. It notes there is one Internet chat rom for stu- dents and anotber for staff. lt says you can use them to, talk anonymously to other people within the scbool board. Spectrum also provides worksbops, booklists and matenials, as oveli as comn- munity resources. For more information, or for more details about bow to access the chat roims, go to http://diversityhdsb.ca. Day gratetul to firefighters 9fromn EARLY on page Al mining and timbler industries, and in the Second World War worked in army intelligence disposing bombs. He and bis wife moved to Milton in the mid-'60s and built Campbellville's Mohawk Inn in 1967. Marguerite Day passed away February 18 of pneumonîa and other complications from Alzbeimer's disease. Day remembers is father as a man witb ant acute sense of humour and ira- dîtional values. "He was always tlacre for us." Day said. "He always cnicouraged us $61 be field to a bigher set of standards." The brave actionîs osf fircfîgbters woni't be torgotten. be addcd. I understand they rîsked their lîves to try to save my faîber, and for tbat lII be forever grateful." Day leaves bebind tbree cbildren and nine grandcbildren. Stephanie Thiessen can be reached ait sthiessen@miltoncanadichampiol.COm. New GET S$1000 WOfRTH SFp me INR-ERi CCIUSRlS ON ALL '07 RANGER, F-150 AND MOST SUPER DUTY. PLUS THE ALL-NEW '08 SUPER DUTY. CHROME EXHAUST TIP MUIL CARGO CAGE/ BED EXTENDER TONNEAU VEHICLE SPLASH COVER SECURITY GUARDS -ý ý,y- CHROME BUG SHIELD WINDOW CHROME DEFLECTOR RUNNING BOARDS0 PLUS REMOTE START SYSTEMS, SPORT LINER, TAI LAMP SURROUND, MOBILE-EASE HANDS FREE PHONE SYSTEM, TOWING TRAILER HITCH, SLIDING REAR WINDOW, OVERHEAD RAIL LIFESTYLE KITS, BED HOOKS, BEO RAILS, AND MORE. 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This ofer cas Os usesi ini conjoncir o usr osume sffess rade acaalable Oy Ford of Canada althsi/be ofa puruiraa Os F. Z, D and F F/ar meirbers aie eligib oras; >~uogsaor TFis char ois nuro applscable od are Flesi os Goments erey and roi combinabse ssiI CFIF CFF OIC Daely Fecal SlIowances and ihe Comercia Consection Frogram TFis is a iîmiedtisme olfer Raîrcrsi aaaiable os, facWIonsdes 00cr oay Os Odcarid ai aiir OiOeesOssnoru/eF Offier as sabject is vee a aeseaory aaiabîrjy Sec Ford Deaicer ti a isi of eligile accssoances P prnces and FarOisi dstis; t No Sectumf, Depourt on aI 20070200$ F'ord enîdes (excling N20070200$ Ford 55e/bey GT500, Fond GT, Ecorosoe Cays and Sipped Crasou Ford F-Serai Chassas Cas Ford Mediumr Trscs aid LCC effsove Januany 2, 2007 ueS $9i 2 2007 SKusrs Osposr ioar be requsî ri O Ford Cptdd baoed or cuaisme cnadt fros aes conditiose aler mea iem fsi ses LîmdcO bus sifers Oders may Os sarceiei ai ami fiore esiol i r tis ae conditiona maly apply sIor hessatue Recogition Prsgra OSe Deale for deiaîls Ontasoi F00 F0. Box 20N, OMIe ra no 00 L6J 5E4i