Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Mar 2007, p. 30

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30 - The Canadran Champion, Friday March 02, 2007 Geneja He GeneneraHelp Ask Us Abo ut.. tod àmce ADDMTONAL INCOME HOMWOKE0NE1h)I Tipe o> 'Work- Door-to-door newspasper delivery. For rvilton- Tuesdays and Fridays. For ()akville- Wednc-sdays, Fridays ami Saturdays. 1Fini NVeed- Reliable vebicle (the larger the beteeri, Ae Ieast 6 availahie hours. hetween 6ANM-6i'Nl. on delivery days. Strong sane of commiement and responsibillity. We offr- As many routes as you cao handie. Ail required delivery materials. Training and on-going communications and support. DRVE NEDD- I CE Fraser Direct Tranisportation has an immediate fu-lime opening for local short haul. Bondabie, minimum 5-years drising experience with dlean ab - stract, TDG cert, straight trck andor forkiift un asset. Able to ift 501b. Spenk, rend, write Engiish. References required. Pieuse sendldrop rosumne to: Email: humanresources@fraserdirect.ca fl No plisse oeils please. FulI-time and Part-time LIGHT DIUTY CLEANERS Weekdays and Weekends Required for Long Terse Care Faciiity in Georgetown. Please fax resume to: 905-702-7430 Attenion: Sandra Des No phone oeils pieuse. Presîsux npplrcanls need roi spply. Labourers required for CONCRETE PREPARATIONWORK $1 5.00/houriso stnfl. Must hase saiid drivers tîcense and transportationi Csii 905-455-1600 or Fan resume ta: 905-877-7648 -A CEC NTUTR $15 - $25 / par clans. Required part-lime for lunch hour and after school programsin the George- townMilon rea Weare looking for s utgoing idvdaswohase experience workîrg with chi!- Fan resume: 905-526-0700 Emnîl: hamiftostafsuoaisisoi@madsciencea.sn.cs I Merry Malda of Milton is espandlng. vite ara currentiy looki fort: I ,mdentsa Cuers *Weakdnya ony *Campatitine puy ODrnvers Lcence preferrod Please Cai: 905-875-0391 partltmernd fulltmapositions Piona ill satan applicntioosai I www.beautitulpets.ColobS I Local Company Seeks DAY SHIFT Cali 647-409-9999 jmmmn Faît-tîme. diay shit. Great oppsrturity tsi groval Firore 416-620-1 888 Est, #298 Fax. 416-620-7256 vi Emailý pslruks@ucst cvm KIP5 Tý"EEN5 *APULTE, PE1TVE5 NEEEP for miovie/h, faEhiom, cataIoquse work $15-O/hr PLEA5E CALL 905-3,36-5455 KIDSI KIDSI KIOSI --Ages 2+-- Wnid for TV & Mania Jobs! Ns Foos! Men/ Womon 16-65 pro. Needod for samtie No oxirno Parents calil: (416)221-3829 Sludenf or ase/iar: SEASONAL WAREHOUSE POSIION with Miton-bnsed Orsiributor. Weak- dayx sniy. Eartp starto ta tira day. Send Resume ta E-mail: agnydon@ vundenbassche.cose Fax: 905 878 4501 Seeking Sales Consultants Expenienced in Window Caseringa Fult & Part Time Attractive Salary & Commission Fax resuime ta 1-866-229-2891 or Contact Angie 416-994-4400 SU Sad av iible. Up T. Sl 500/Week No Experier e Neadedi FREE information ut: asea Jobs-WorkConnect10ri cose Rafaranca: 3-113 2 Maaonry Court Burlntn ON JOB FAIR SATURDAY MARCH 3,2007 10Oam. la 12 naon Fuit-time and Part-lime Pstiions Avadlabie Assemblera & Sommer Studenl (FT or PT) Shipper 1 Receiver <rr> Haurty Rote Range $8 ta $12 dépendant an éducation, esp. & damooolrstod nbiiiy. COMPREHENSIVE BENEFITS asoitabta la, fuiltlime permanent employes aller 3 month proaaiooary pariod rocludo HEALTII, DENTAL, VISION CARE and participation in MONTIILY BONUS PLAN. Sinrting rata is dépendent on expérience, éducatioe ted demnonniratod ah/f dp. BRINGYOUR RESUME AND REFERENCES. MEET OUR MANAGEMENTTEAM. Refraahmonbs Providad. www.bhccable.comt Canada's largest and faleal growing Dollar Store chain ls NOW HIRING! MANAGERS/ ASS'T MANAGERS CLERKS/ CASHIERS MERCHANDISERS We are iooking for energetic, enthusiaslic and leam-oriented individuala who enîoy working in a fast paced retail enviranmeflt. Benefita include: Flexible ochedula, Compatîtiva wagon, Caroar opponionitios. Send your resume by fax to (905)337-8104 ADwEkxciing Career ln Fitesat We ara Canada's Largoot Womanas Onlp Gym with f loculions in the ATA. We aller the hîghaol compensatîion package in tira îndustry. Avaitabie Positions: . lkl .ii[lIi8: il - Bring resumoe or Emati ta: careers@fetneson.ca Need a Job', iqsPjn Are you SAW-WHET GOLF COURSE 16-24 years aid? inifo207ban We cari help Hir PT d esoa oiinsi a007 dparnt Caîl F/T ad , sea rs alsn nni dSpaffmt JOB CONNECI :-v Car. tnes at Sheridan Lin & Prp oO 905-878-4956 ishahr & . - - Mantnac an Gar. I . Cuit 905-689-3131 Service à la clientèle ISB, compagnie in- novatrice dans le dv- maine du criblage de préemploi recircire an candidat bilrgue qui peut taire preuve d'une excellente com- municativn orale et écrite on français et an anglais. Oui désire travailler en informa- tiqua a temps plein, envoyez votre cur- riculum vitne a mlebreton @Isbc.ca APPLY IN PERSON FEBRUARY 24TH OR 25TH MARCH 3RD OR 4TH BETWEEN 12-2PM Thse Owis Neat (Ciaishouse) 1401 Branle Rd., Oakvitie The Carlisle Golf & Country Club is currely acceplîng applicatiosS fon positions in tire /slswîng departments for tire upcsmisg gs/f seavax beginning Muay 2007: Grounds Keeping Crew oFood & Beverage *Kitchen @ Pro Shop Succasoful applîcanto muai pooseos excellent cus- tamer service okilla and have a flurine ochedule for tira duistior of lire golf season /May lv October) Ploaso fas, amati or drap off rosumes ix: Carlisle Golf Club 523 Carlisla Rd. Carlisle, ON Fus: 905-689-2249 email: înfs@carlisleglf.com Barlîngtsri Reasrutîvr cx. îmmedîatey requrrea irdîvîduals lai sur Emergeocy Services Division. Rîgirt candidates ouil passons gssd communication skîlts, uantion la, datait. physicallr fit. and aboya aIt, a team player. Drivers Lîcense prefarred. Espe- noence vsa définîte asalt, but are arlliîg lx train lire rîgirl persans. Fiease foseard reaumae la .a 0-3-41 mi ospsc 2nd san and toskîxg lai contestants! if you'xo wttchod lte show and w r o Iflauglt 800 couid do botter, haro o your W ANj chancelao prose l if yauxoe togged caunlesa hours on lIhe catch in fronta of he tube, noans tise lime la malte il pay off' cali 905-878-234 to apply. tel chncalffHellt jechnical Help. Springridge- sp rin g rid ge fa rmr c om w th ateto e déal Would you lke to wor sirh hmedéo and gif PRICINC & RECEIVING Fuîltine- 9/ 5, oicasinsai weekends. Fao resumne to 905-878-4150, or Email to infocsspringridgefarm.com crsly aîplrcn vs esdd-i ciisidceiaiOs ns-l se onrtd. 7256 Bell ri.iocii Lise, Milton Lr/T 2Y1 AUTO LUBE TECH Raquired tsi Milton location. FIT. Cars- patilise ages, plus commissions. Na Exp. necesaarp. FeotEmail retume ta 905-878-4713 auatinpraoil belinet.ca Local csmpany /n Burlingloa iv Seekmng Houaekeepiflg & Laundry Staff. Exp. in hea/tircare ai iraspilalily claanlng Praferred, but sol requîred wîili irais the molîvatad indîvîdua. E-mail resume lv, tfatcs@lwcny.rr.cvm vi tuaIso 315-214-3723 Sa SHep HAIRSTYLISTS [*Hrstyist T- Colouri UechniCianl n cExcellent IQpprfenifYl aii WIGS VILLE 8905-634-9022 Electrif y Your Job Search FREElDa ?Electronic Job Search Pragram for Unemployod Individuals Caîl the YMCA lu Burlinglon @ 905-681-1140 ' Funded by tire Gsveroment i5h11- s of Canada hnil elp ASPHAIT CREW 7Fui-time work. ot AI: 416-919-7166 STUTUA EA IL B RAKE PRESS Rc for Amada Brake P'resses Open Over-Time. Top Pay. linless you know Fax resume: 905-336-0272 Experience certified Torch Man Mis 5 yrs in démoli- lion, for higirly mati- valed contractarin0 tire city, muai sol ha ut raid of hiregirlo serrao irqurrea anîy. Pleasa tas a/i re- samas lx Stepirunre 905-760-9759 Roqulres: Small Engluai Equipment Mechanica Retuil exp n assai Vuiid drivers licence. Cal 9-875-328 lêaw youhedte vae? da" @i~ Briar Wood ý CHEVROLET- LIMITEO 1 Service Cashier/Customner Relations Clerk Muni be dedicated, hardworking, en- joy customer service and able to mufti-tank, Computer literate and mathematical- ly inclined. Experience an asset. E-mail resumne to: hires@bwchev.com or Fax 905-891-2313 des/gos ted manufacturors steel buildings ted csnsoying sysiame. Presontly wie are soaking a Junior Dotaîlor who wîll ha respoosiblo for preparing accursie détail draw- logo for fabrication. Undar the guidanceo f the Senior Drafisperson, you ahIl praduca GA, détail, nssembly and layant drnwings. The ident candidate will hase relnted traning and expérience wilh AutoCAD 2004 (bath 2D and 3D) and hîgheî. Stîang probiem solsng ski/la, excellent communication okilis and an abilily ta work schodu/od campietîso dntes. Plate submît rosuma by fax ta, 519-363-0085 Ns phono calta pieuse. Tirnk youis thase irdisidunis airs uppif, iseear, anis rhose birig csnisidoîed for as interview will ha coniuted. ADESA Toronto Currentiy iras tire foitowîng position %% 4L avalable ait our Brampton Location: ànDESA LICENSED MECHANIC Tire incumbent wîi be responsîbie for dîagnosîng, coordînalîng inspections and the repaîr and service of meciranicai, olectrîcal, elcrncsysteses and composants on a variety of vehicles. Tire succesaful candidate wîli hase a format éducation in tire fireld, a/ong vvith a protessionat meciranîc lîcense and a vaid drivers license. ADESA Toronto chfers a competîtve salary and benefît package, lnterested applîcants are asked to forseard tiroir resue 10: ADESA Toronto 55 Auction Lana Brampton, Ontario L6T 5P4 Attn: Human Rosourcon Fan <905> 790-0306 hrtoronto@ADESA.coml wwwwADESA.ca eý 1 1

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