Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Feb 2007, p. 7

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S'no'w consideration displayed DEAR EDITOR: be i alsu lîke tbe exercîse. back an the sîreet. Su isasîcail' i i was furtunate cnuugb tu Wbcn 1 ba i rcîurnecl fr ns pay taxes io bave tbe strccis i di l 1 ýf1 w !k t l iý liýP, 1 ý, ý , " , ,ý1- 1 : , 1 ;j The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 23, 2007-A7 MWiId outbreak of scarlett fever discovered in Milton "(01111. Nuss ibis does i had to gct up cari>' tbat day, degrcc, as it as my wife and 1 had to go and sîrecîs arc alw get our passports in Brampton. 1 plowcd. was kind of surpriscd to sec 1 got insidc;t bow many peuple stili bravcd somc work in: thc clcmcnis to gct tbcrc bcforc pluw go by the doors opcned îo stand in Again 1 was finc. priscd. Again 1 1 was also pleasant>' sur- sidc and sbovc priscd tbat thc lady who did thc as wcll as my n pruccssing of our papcrwork bad to go cd was also [rom Milton. Wc wcrc downtown. in and out in lcss than 20 min- Now hcrc's utcs. day takc a îurn Beforc wc lcfî, 1 hiad ime to As 1 drove sbuvci my driveway and my noticcd a tcw ncigburs' on cach sidc. Tbcy iei- drîvcway havc kids, and with school can- clearing tbc snî cellcd 1 could only imagine hoxv iy tbcy livcd o busy thcy werc already goimg io fr n tlm r dri Goodwill shovelinc DEAR EDITOR: Wîtb ail tbc snchv ibat [cil fast wveck, 1 'vas drcadiuîg coming homc fast \cldncsclay (Fecruary 14) and baving to shovel ruy drivcway To my surprise, 1 arrived honme and not only was my drivcway shox clcd, but so wec m1y sîde- wall, and the walkway lcading to my bouse. Whai a wouîderful surprise. Fnî not sure who was responsible for ibis amazing aci oi kîndncess. but 1 believe 1 may not have been the only recîpieni o!' sncb a caring dccd, as sidcwalks îbroughoui my ncîgbbourbood seemcd to be compiciel>' clcar. Since ifs unlikcly I will fînd oui wbo per- h usîî .îe Ille to a secmcd like our ays the fast to bc .bc bouse and did side. I beard tbe cîsi afier noon. plcasanily sur- Iwcnî back oui- Led îuy drîveway, eigbbours'. 1 iben osome crrands wbcrc 1 saw mny lown tbe streci 1 people clearing 's. i bey wcrcn'i .1w t0 tbe proper- ii. Ail tbe snow ,cway was goîîsg sîîov,, hack, onto îheiuî. Tbis was not jusi the snow [rom tise plow, but the snow lrom tbe cîsure dnivcway Am 1 the only person wbo bas a prob- lcm wviib ibis? 1 îbink tbe Town, if it already docsn't bave une, nccds a bylaw in place ibat would resîriet peuple Irons put- îing snow [rom tbeir propcrty onto tbe road. 1 gucss tbe point l'm irying to gel across is people nccd to bave soine couricsy for oîbcr rcsî- dentis. Don't sîsovel your snow onto tbe -street. 1 svould also ask ibai you take tbe ime to cîcar your sîdcwalk in Iront of yocîi bouse if you bave one. L. SAINDON MILTON much appreciated fori ud ibis \vondcrful ac, i botigbîi 1,s oîlL senci a c1uick niote to tbe p.îpcr lu express nw giraitude for sucb thouglîilcincss iLiai \vas displayed. 1 sent a letier back in tbe summier as wxeli alter sorme equally c aring iieigbbociîs Ioîînd and c ai eL for mv losi cal ctii 1 cotilc reticv tes bm. i iink itls important t uhiglb sticb woncleilL acîs and remind people ol tbe gcîod ibai ducs occur in ibis somelimecs craz> svorld. Thanks su mntîcb îo tbe persois or pecople respoissible for iuaking my long day end is sucb a positive wa. JOANNE GAVIN BAVERSTOCK CRESCENT Turner should serve us weII as a Liberal - from EDITORIAL'S on page A6 caucus, 1 eau sec wviib bis temr- perameni wby be aeîed as be dîd. In the press conference be indieated an understanding ibat the Liserai caucus wclcomed input, and tisai be was iooking furward to ibai opportuint>: Sîepbane Dîton indîcatcd ai ibis paint ibat be cxpcîcd Turner îu play b>' tLe rules in bis nesv home. i iselieve Turner bas an upporiunîty lu serve us wcil in the Liberai part>' My disap- poiniuent wîll corue if be ducs- nit play b>' tise rides of par>' pol- itics, parîîculariy il bc docsn'i and Dion docsnit take aprpropri- aie action. WALT ELLIOT TREMAINE ROAD Environmental study needs to be done for plant (The fallowing letier was addressed la Ward 4 town cauncillars Wcndy Schau and Paul Sehere, Ward 2 and 4 Tuwn and Regional Councillar Colin Best, and a eapy wasfiled with The Champion.) DEAR EDITOR: At the publie meetings in tise fail, couneillors indicaîed that ibe>' would figbî for clean air in Milton. As wc'rc vcry concerncd ab-)ni tbe TransCanada puwer plant, wc ask ibai councillors figbî the plant and get an envîronmenîal sîîîdy uf it dune. NANCY AND DREW KOHLER MAPLE AVENUE lime Capsules' are gcms uJ inJot*- motion extraeted from, past issues of The Champion and other publications in onier to provide a winciow osto Miltons past. Explonotory comment is sometimes pmovided to place the situa- tion in eontext. May 1909 Scarlet fever has broken out in about haif a dozen Milton house- bolds. Fortunately it is of a mild type and no serious cases have been reported, but tisai of the famil>' of Wesley Cardinal of Commercial Street, la a sad one. On Monday Mrs. Cardinal suffering [rom peritanitis, was carried on a sîrcîcher ta tise C.PR. station ta be taken ta a Guelph isospital, while ber îwo children were down with searlet lever, with nu one ta nurse îisem excepi tiseir [suber. Editorial: On Monda>' evening ai a meeting uf tise town counciL,' a pro- posai to pump waîer frum thse creek, biter it and turu it into the reservuir was appraved. Nuthing final was dune but there is reason ta [car tisai the sebeme may bc carried oui. Lt is said tu ise cbeap and not likel>' ta give tise members ai tise cauncil mucb trouble in the way of making arrangements or supervising work, bath apparently sirong points in its favour in the eycs af the present îown administration. Lowville: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Readhead entertained a [ew of their friends on Wednesday Croquet was played on the lawn in the afiernoon, and an excellent tes was served ai 6:30, after wisicb the evening ws spent in games and music. This was the most enjoyabie event of tbe sea- son. S. Syer, of the Canadian Carpet Co., came to town lasi week from Toronto in bis fine automobile. He got over tise country roads ail right, but came ta grief when he struck tbe isole on Mil St. mentioned in the Champion two weeks ago. The isole had been fllLed up so that light con- veyances psssed over iî nicely, but tlsere was soft mud beLow and wben the beavy machine struck it sank and milton ~ capsules stuck fast until hauled out by a team of horses. Mr. Syer motored to town again lasi Tuesday. The drill at the prospective welI of the Halton Oil & Gas Co. has reached a depth of 1,350 feet and the indications for a flow of oil are so good that casing is being put in at an expense of about $500 and drilling wilI be continued down to, the gran- ite unless a flow is struck before reaching it. Lieut. C.R . Willmott has been successful in enlisuing a good num- ber of recruits for the Milton troop of the Mississauga Horse. The saddles and other equipment are stored tem- porarily ai the armoury of G. Co. 2Oîh Lomne Rifles, Martin Street, but it is expected that the Militia Department wiIl provide an armoury for the troop. Lieut. Willmott says Milton is likely ta be made head- quarters for the Halton squadron and a troop to be enlisted at Georgetown. june 1909 The Milton troop of the Mississauga Horse has been recruited to uts full strength, 18 men, and its officers could easily have got more who offered themselves, after the limit bad been reached. The men are ail of extra good physique and the majority are farmers' sons who wilI ride their own horses. The troop wiLl be a credit to Milton and the sur- rounding ares. PL. Robertson, manager of the screw factor', bas invested ini an automobile, which came ta town on Monday' Mr. Robertson took his firai trip yesterday, Milton to Guelph and thence to Hamilton. This material is assembled on behalf of the Milton Historical Society by Jim Dilis, who con be reached at jdils@iidirect.eom. Have you recently been injured in a car accident? 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