Drilling could Iead to leqal action By Dianne Cornish SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION In the wake of public crîticîsm arîsîng [rom recens bore- holes drîlled Into rural Milton and Elamborough roacls, St. Marys Cernent pledged this week so take sseps 50 ensure that aIl contractors hired by them are operasing with proper per- miss in place. A [tîror erupted last week when it was learned that 40 boreholes had been drilled into roads surrounding the com- panys proposed quarry at Il th Concession Road Fast and Milburough Townline. Tise move, taken wîshout securing she required permis- ston [rom either the Cisy of Hamilson or she Town of Milton, 50 angered Flamhorough Cottncillor Margaret McCarthy shas shes pushing for legal action against the cernent company In a strongly worded e-mail so City staff, council col- leagues and ward residents, McCarshy said;... it is my inten- tion so have the Cisy of Hamilson pursue legal action in order so recoup the necessary cost of repair and reconstruction to the effected roadways." But John Moroz, vice-presideni and general manager of St. Marys CBM, sold The Champion Tuesday, Nohody was trying 50 do anything out of bounds.' The issue is a resuls of a miscommttnicarion beîween thc C isy of Hamilson, Town of Milton and St. Mary-s constilting engineers, Shaheen and Peaker Lsd. The consultants, who conducsed the core sampling to desermine slîe load-hearîng characseristics of the roads, have accepted responsihility for tise miscommunication, which încluded scndîng an application to the wrong department at see CONSULTING on page Ail r £ S The Canaclian Champ on Fnday February 23 2007 - A5 e ie i. ;~ 0 pitsremoved 66/lOOg 0 arge 99 naturat orred 1.04/lOOg i Pisaohios 4* lb 0 roasted, salted or unsalted .33/1 OOg ~ Peanuts ~ ~ - Blan *lb Garden 99~Og A ~ ofEatin' selected varietues 31/1 OOg Preizels .73/lOOg md mieliedi Chocolate lb -~ k r large flake 11/1 OOg 'RoIIed .49 lb Swiss Herbai îoo~g, 0 Timed Release Vitamin ~ 8. Webber Naturals 6~g,6ocaps~ Lutein with Bilberry Extract I I . I~ead Genuine Health Abs.,. 9Og8capso~ 25 ape+ l2ocass .49ea 0Organika Timed Release Super 79 Hi h Potency Multi Vitamin il- - e MILTON MALL (905) 693-9207 ~ MEADOWVALE 3035 ARGENTIA RD (905) 824-3207 ~ SQUARE ONE SHOPPING CENTRE 900) 897 1210 ERIN MILLS TOWN CENTRE (905) 569 3629 DIXIE OUTLET MALL (905> 891-0976 OAKVILLE 261 DAK WALK DR (905) 257 7987