B10 - The Canadian Champion, Fniday, February 23, 2007 FOR WB IFirst a tough act to follow a ï1 ,1ei ,M!VMv daughwr askýe I me anti-gratidparentism- www.sunhaventanninig .crn Hwy. 25 & Derry Rd. 90%5878-2324 tbîng about my new grand- daugbter after wriiing su mucb about tbe first one. The answer is that sbe does- nit do anyîbing. Witb your firsi grandchiîd, when îbey do notb- ing ihais sometbing. Witb your second you're looking for a litile more action. Show me some- tbîng. Anytbing. 1 feel a 11111e guilty about it, but 1 don't ibink 'm playing favounites ai ail, ils jusi the way îbings are. Wiîb tbe firsi granddaugbier, eacb sîep of the way is some- îbing new and exciîing - wben tbey can crawl, wben îbey can walk, wben îbey cani talk, tbe wbole deal. Tben is like stant- ing ail over again. lis jusi ihai wiib the newer one you wanî to gel to the good sîuff quicker. I like t0 bold a baby in my arms as mucb as tbe nexi Grampa, but it gels old quickly. You know the drill - goo goo ga ga - okay you cari take bier back now l'm flot saying iberes noîhing special about my new grand- daugbîer. Sbe's incredibly calm, acîually, and until recently I'd bardly ever beard ber cry. And sbe's my granddaugbîer, wbicb means sbe doesn'î bave to do anyîbing ai all t0 be special. So, anyway, the new grand- daughter is getting a ltile older 50 I decided maybe I could do someîbing more wiîb bier besides bold bier and waîcb bier sleep. She jusi îurned five monîbs, but wiîb my firsi granddaugbîer we were playing Super Baby by now. I'd bold bier up and fly wiib bier around the room like Superman. 1 figured I'd play Baby Boop- Dee-Boo. its a simple gaine, wbere basically 1 jusi bold bier up and say Baby-Boop-Dee-Boo and îoss bier up in tbe air wben 1 gel îo tbe Boo pari. You don't really îoss îbem, you go higber and keep your bands on îbem. Sounds like fun, îbougb, rigbi? No way I bad barely beard bier cry for five monîbs, and 110W ail of a sudden she was screaming. Tbat's okay, nol everybody likes Baby-Boop-Dee-Boo, my mistake. But wbaî bugged me was as soon as I banded ber back to, bier Dad she sîopped insianily I don't like thai. Il smacks of favouriiism, manipulation and T w I I T et 1 hold hier, gaines or flot, and glares ai me the rest of the urne. You want to know why 1 don't write about lier? Because sbe bates my grandparental guts, ibaîs wby. What bugs me more, is ihat she's Iaugbing ail tbe time 110w. Then she turns around and looks ai me and the smile is quickly erased. Tben bier mouîb curîs down and sbe gets ready to, c'y Ibere's notbing 1 can do. lis flot like wben 1 was a kid and cnied and my parents would say, "l'il give you someîbîng to cry about," wbicb doesn't make sense when you think about il because 1 would bave already had a reason for crying or 1 wouldn't be crying. Okay SO 10W 1 want to bold the baby so she'Il get used to me and stop crysng. Nobody likes somebody to look ai tbem and siart crymng. Except now she doesn't want me to bold bier. 1 guess if 1 beld bier earhier sbe'd already be used to me, but no, flot enougb action for me. Not enougb excitement. 1 guess I've learned my tes- son. If you want 10 play Baby Boop-Dee-Boo later you bad betier do the boning stuif earlier. Y1 il