The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 23, 2007 - B9 [IZJ *1 I <~ii~~jt ~iF A stronger, more ro bu st porifolio - continued from page 08 B choices for this type 0f invesfor con include oggressive growth funds thof invesf in the shores of smoller componies in specific industries or in developing coun- tries. Knight recommends fhot Pay your mortgage down faster Wont f0 pOy down your mort- gage faster? You would be amazed af how much you con save over time by paying a liffle exfra now. Here are some bright ideas to help you lessen your debf. 1, Reduce your amortizotion period. 2. Take advanfage of your option f0 increase your monfhly paymenfs. 3, Take advantage of the option in most mortgages allowing you f0 repay a percenfage of your overail debt. 4. Divide your monfhly pay- ment info weekly. bi-weekly or semi-monfhly insfalments to save loads of inferest cosfs in the long- term. According f0 experts af Alterna Savings, you should con- suif a home buying specialist 0f your financial institution who con help you choose the righf sfrofegy f0 save a bundie of money and pay down your mortgoge faster thon you expecfed, - News Canada regordless of your investing style, you should diversify your invesf- ments. "Tfhere's no benefit f0 hav- ing twelve novy suifs in your wordrobe. The same con be soid for invesfing your money in only one or two invesfments.< By spreading your money omong o voriefy of invesfmenfs such os GICs and mutual funds from differ- ent sectors and categories, you con increase the potenfiol for higher returns while lowering your overal risk, creating a stronger, more robust portfolio. More information is available online af - News Canada 4iETIN4GiAR!I AýN NFE44RNWHILEYPAJ>LE4%, SCAqRR,,Fcus-Por,",,FoJ«YjurH! Reaching your current and Iong-term financial goals s easier when you have a Financial Advisor who wvorks with you to build and maintain an up-to-date retirement plan - complete with RRSP solutions that are tailored to your personal situation. Take advantage of CIBC RRSP Portfolio Solutions and enjoy the freedom from making day-to-day investment decisions wvith: " A tailored, diversified portfolio based on your individual investor profile " Access to the expertise of wvorld-class investment managersI a Portfolio diversification ta minimize risk For clear, objective advice Steve Reid, CFP, FMA that's right for you, give me a Financial Advisor caîl at (905) 878-6265 at our CIBC Investor Services lnc. 400 Main St. E. location. CIBC imperial servce0 is available <n select matkets and os most appropriate for rodrordoals with household investable assets greatet tiras S100.000, CIBC Imperral Service is a part of Canadian imperial tank of Commerce <"CIBC'l. Bankrng pmoductsand0 services are pmovided by CIBC. CISC Investot Services Inc (CISC 1511 promides inoestment arnd brokerage products and services. CISC SI hs a CISC subsidiaty arn Member CIPF 'For what matters." <s a TM of CISC ® Registered trademark of CIBC. I'vlrademark of CISC. Business without advertising is like winking in the dark You know what you're doing - but nobody else does! NOT CONTRIBUTING TO YOUR RRSP BEFORE THE MARCH 1 DEADINE DOESN'T MAKE MUCH SENSE EITHER. Ai oul h 1.I lli, rat o lir'rrr 1<0 tribn Iýr 1,, r, or tal I ntrra< . %orr'r 1hriilNi ai reac SI I tnlrrai rr l Ir a s l ti r i r touI l'd.arrd Jota. <(<S'I' andi brrgir rororrrgthv <aro <or dearr'i die jriNltt, t o f ai] Malrti irirs 01(0<1 (..Ill or N<<rt <Xiay. . 1 RAN% BROFE. 310, M<ain >l. E- sui. 103 tro. <On 19 «I Il1 www.edwardjones.coO She goes to university the same yeàr you retire. HOW DO YOD PLAN FOR THAT? With someone you've counted on for years. Because now 1 can help in more ways than lever, with education savings plans, RRSPs, Investment Accounts and more. ~ Don MacRae, Agent 485 Main Street East Milton, ON L9T 1iRi BusI 90 3RM10 m Investor iSANEServices atfiiares, Cosait your tax or lea aior for speciOîr adoce PQ46161CN 11/04 Investment advice fr today and tomorroWTM CIBËI CIBC imperiai Service For vvhat matters.