B6 -The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 23, 2007 Learn about Habitat for Humanit OS I fifiod Date in Leam more about what Habitat for profit no nîerest hasts It provades an eie Humanity (HFH) Halton bas in store tnterest-free morîgage to [amilies that flice session wîll stant ai 7 p.m. ai Burlînglon Central Library, 2331 New St., in tbe Centennial Room. Since 1999, Haitons Habitat organ- ization bas buili five homes. In 2007, il plans 10 build five more homes for [amulies - îwo in Burlingion, îwo in Georgetown and one in Acton. HFH builels, renovates and sella homnes to low-income families on a no t amulies that are scicctcd 05051 bave a sîeady income and a positive work history, but are unable 10 qualify for a conventional morîgage. Along wîîh a fînanctal commit- ment, [amulies muai be wulling to con- tribute 500 hours of 'sweat equity' toward the building of ibeir home. For information eall (905) 637- 4446 or visit www.habttatbalton.ca. DEAL Or D)EALS!B 2006, Nissan Xtrail AWD- " Automatic - 60/40 folding rear seat " Ail power options -AM/FM/CD Player " Air conditioning -Ail wheel drive * 2.5L (165 HP) * & much more! rmR8-9648 SALE $22.990 PRICE... I - from DAI EIINE on page B3 Centre/Ontario Early Years Centre, 410 Bronte St. S., to pro- vide baîf-bour consultations for kids up 10 live years oid. To book an appoiniment, caîl (905) 876-1244, ext. 10. Tbe Halton Hilîs Quilters Guiid meets ai tbe Halton His Cultural Centre, 9 Cburcb St., in Georgetown ai 7:15 p.m. witlb speaker Rosalie Tennîson dis- cussîng quili appraisais. Ncw members are welcome. For more information, cail groîîp president Ann Totten ai (905) 877-6038. Tuesday Feb. 27 Tbe Haltoni Womens Centre, suite 229 in Hopedale Mail, 1515 Rebecca St. in Oakvîiie, bolds ils Employment Network for unemployed women lrom 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. For more information, ealu (905) 847- 5520 or visît ýww.baltonwom- enscentre.org. Cailing New Parents, a free drop-ini program [or parents and babies agcd 6 months and sotinger, ineets with a public lhcalth nurse to discuss parent- ing and infant care. ThBe group meets ai tbe new Ontario Eariy Years Centre at 410 Bronte St. lrom 1:30 to 3.30 p.m. For more inforination, eail (905) 825- 6000, ext. 729I9. 1 lit: Nilitoii Ali Sioli gk1oIIj meets ai 8 p.m. ai St. Pautis United Churcb, 123 Main St. E., for family and friends of alco- holies. St. Paul's United Church, 123 Main Si. E., holds ils Parents Morning Out from 9:30 to il a.m. For more information, eall (905) 878-1286. Help for Parents, a Halton parent support group, meets in the eventing iii the basement of Si. Elizabeths Church, 5324 Bromley Rd., in Burlington. This non-denominational self-sup- port group belps parents of chil- dren who arc in trouble ai borne, ai school or with the iaw or who are abusive or taking drugs. The group is a member of the Association of Parent Support Groupa in Ontario. For more information, eall 1-800- 488-5666 or visît ,ýww.apsgo.ca. Milton District Hospital bolds a one-on-one breastfeed- ing clinie wîth a certifîed lacta- tion consultant [rom 9.30 to 11:30 arn. For more informa- tion or to make an appoiniment, callJilI Hîicks at (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. Tbe Centre for Skîlls Development and Training holds an information session about its free, five-day Career LOOKINO TO UPGRADE YOUR GOLF C Receive 120% of the V of Your Used Equipme lor unemployed adults. [be ses- sion takes place [rom 9:30 ar. to noon at 550 Ontario St. S., suite 203. To register, caîl (905) 333-3499, ext. 103 or visît www.tbecentre.on.ca. Wednesday Feb. 28 Tbe Milton Safety Committee meets ai tbe Milton police station, 490 (.hilds Dr., ai 7 p.m. For more information, cali Jan Mowbray ai (519) 853-4492 or e-mail ]an@gjanmowbray.ca. Carp, Canadas Association for the Fifty Plus, [lton cbap- ter, meets ai 7:30 p.m. ai the Burlingion Seniors Centre, 2285 New St., wîîb a speaker [rom tbe J.C. Munro International Airport in Hamilton taling about future plans. Guesis are weicorne. For more information, eall Harry Bowers ai (905) 335-5717. Milton District Hospital holds a one-on-one breastfeed- ing clinie witb a certifîed lacta- tion consultant [rom 1.30 10 3 p.m. For more information or ter miake anl appoinimeni. cail Jîli H-icks ai (905) 878-2383. ext. 7610. Drop-in volieybail takes place [roin 2 ter 3 p.m. ai tbe Milton Leisure Centre. Tbe cosi is $3,.50 for the botîr. LUBS? alue nt'. GOLF &TRAVEL f SHOW presented by .r îfI in conunction with March 9-11 at the Toronto GoIV el Show in the Metro Toronto Conven ion ýentre Bring your used clubs to theNUývada Bob's Retail Pavillion and receveï 4*0% of the trade in value in Nevada B<-DibIs Dollars. - - - -Admission: Aduits $15.00 Kids 12 & under free with Aduit iiiâ 11 i I LITwilight Golff: 50+ Attendees get in for $1 0.00 M kh»P610 MARTIN STREET, MlI-ON (After 2pmn Daity) NoRTH ENO S DET F i*DER0R5 e.0. i 6:0 wuw.a ao SNF -Frigh, ir ful axPST& ST xtr. ee ealr or ela&WW W. TORON TO Hours: Fniday M~ 9 .. Noon ta 8:OOpmi Saturday ýh 10. 1 0:OOamn ta 6:00pm Sunday March il 10:OOam ta 5:OOpm GOLFSHOW.CO *rhii .ae a0 0'v t lli anda Moe ha 1 I00,0 woen men an *0 lde wil edig noe ti ya alon.0 0h oxece o o .0 by 1 .ilio pepl i0i ) 'r'%, X- = CANCUN C ANC UN JAMAICA PUERTO PLATA Gran Calbe Real Gri ahia Sunset Viva Tangerine Principe Tutu Jarnalca Gran s907 $il 7 19 867 weaiu ali-Inclusive 1 w.ek aiiincluslve 1 week ail-inclusive 1 week aii-InciusIve Marh 9,200 Mtc 2,7200 7 March 31, 2007 Match 31, 2007 VARADERO PUERTO FARO LANZAROTE Sancals Hicacos VALLARTA PORTUGAL Holiday Village sl397 Cota club Vitors Plaza s1 2 Taxes $277 Tae $187 1 week ali-Inciasive i week aii-Inciusive Li week airhi 1 week al-inclusive Match 30, 2007 Match 16, 2007 Mth 26, 2007 I Match 26, 2007 i 16 Martin St., Milton Tel: (905)878-2886! 1-800-26 7-8728