The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 23, 2007 - 5 W.i. Dick concert to pay tLocal studcnts arc busy prcparing a concert to raise money for a little boy wbo's lost bis mom and show their appreciation to a beloved teacber wbo's lost ber daugb- ter. Tbe benefit concert will be put on by students of Wl. Dick Middle Sehool and will take place March 7 at 7 p.m. in tbe auditorium of Milton District Higb Scbool. About 100 former and current students wiIl corne togetber to form mass bands under the leadersbip of Stepben Maule, tbe music teacber at Milton District Higb Scbool. The concert will serve as a fundraising endeavour, but also as a tribute to a mucb- loved sehool miusic teacber and community bandleader, jeannette Wilson. Samar and C I Keryli E l)attlc with anorexia andl hulirnia. "We miss lier kind and gentie being, loving heart and radiant smile," Wilson said. Sbie announced sbe'd bc taking a leave of absence from teaching to care for ber 14- month-old grandson, Caleb. Staff quickly set up a trust fund for Caleb, and grade 8 student Keryli Brown - who was in Wilson's concert band and tbe Wl. Dick jazz Cats - itha decided sbe wanted to stage a aleb benefit concert to raise money for tbe boy and sbow Wilson 1 é s tu d e n ts . And so preparations began. The concert will include pieces tbat were particular Sfavourites of Wilson's over the years. "Jeannette has instilled a Irown love of music iii many of Wilson has been tbe music teacber Miltons youtti, saio Marg Brown, and bandleader at Wl. Dick for tbe past Keryll's motber. 17 years, leading the scbool's concert Concert tickets will be available ai and jazz bands. tbe door and wtll cost $10 for aduits On November 15, ber 28-year-old and $8 for kids 10 and younger. daugbter Samantha passed away due to For more information, caîl (905) beart complications from ber I 2-year 878-5305. *Lobbmw FoRiNos' zehs va1u-miart aeSàwwe indm,.den Zbre (Lanab*ian (Cjampion - M-- -- - M