B2 - The Cunudian Chamrpion, Friduy, FeoDruary 23, 2007 Piease give, HEART& STROKE Visit. www.haitoncostlyhomesellors.com 1\Psychic makes predictions as fair hits town Fvcnt sta uts toclax i.r',sî,i balls are lueiigssluî- ncd tuci îc cs gathered inu anticipation of tis xveelctucl's Psychic aîud Holistic Fair. he event xviii take place ai the Raiada Inn, 161 Chissholm Dr., today fromn 1 to 10 p.m., tomorrow [rom Il arn. to 10 p.m. and Sunday [rom il arn. to 6 p.m. Admission costs $1 today $3 tomorrow and Sunday, and $4 for a xveekend pass. The fair wtt! iniclude psychîcs, spirit photos, products, free draws and lectures. In anticipationu of the show, host Joan \jý .l ~ b- blidc a 111.iiiui of 1rcd oi(uiioti l uiIo b icl o 1: io, hO lO \\i; 00 00 . 0 1, 1 "Ili00 include a large buildinug corning dovmi to on akc roon ftor an aparîmetut condo. Next, shie secs a tmid-suinimer <estival ial, iîug place itu the souoih area oui toxvt. "I cannot cicariy sec the theme, bot it xvii reaily hounce," she sasd. And fames i store for a trio ouf Y'oung men who are currently practising theur instruments in their garage, McGregor said. "Their ahilities xith the music aîud soung xvi!! win a prîze at a contest hcld iu tlue park thîs summer,- she said. "Their risc to <aine xviii 'I i lue' Il xork utu the ,îrcis ol cluçatiou anîd apprenticeshîp. aiud groups across Ontario xvii! l0ollux thecir iead. Flic last Pt edîciion xvii! hopeluliv bc ax'oid- cd, McGregor sait!. She secs a lire at the back of a comtnonîîty centre, sîarîcd accîclentally hy Young smokers Ieaving lit cigarettes too close to paper garbage. I sec thîs n Juiy ofI this year." she said. <Fur more information on the <air, call (905)O 885-9213. THE NUMBER 23< 14A) Fri. 4:10,7:10,9:50 P.M. Sait. & Sun. 1:30,4:10,7:10,9:50 Mon. - Thu. 7:10,9:50 THE ASTRONAUT FARMER<(PG)Fni. 3:45,6:45,9:40 P.M. Sut. & Sun. 1:10,3:45,6:45,9:40 Mon. - Thu. 6:45,9:40 RENO 9111. MIAMI NuPasses (14A)lFri. 5:30, 7:40,10 P. M. Sut. & Sun. 1,3:10,5:30,7:40,10 Mon. - Thu. 7:40,10 GHOST RIDER<(PG) Fri. 4,7:20,10:15 P.M. Sait. & Sun. 1:20,4,720,10:15 Mon. - Thu. 7:20,10:15 BRIDGE TO TERABITHIA (1PG ) Aiso in Limited RWOnc and DvSe Fni. 4:20,7,9:30 P. M. Sut. & Sun. 1:40,4:20,7,9:30 Mon. - Tiuu. 7,9:30 NORBIT(PG)Fri. 3:50,6:40,9:20 P.M. Sut. & Sun. 1:15,3:50,6:40,9:20 Mon. - Thu. 6:40,9:20 BECAUSE 1 SAID SO<(PG) Fri . -Thu. 6:50, 9:45 P.M. ARTHUR AND THE INVISIBLES (G) Fi 4:15 P.M. Sut. & Sun. 1:50,4:15 MUSIC AND LYRICS ( PG ) Fni 4:30,7:30, 10:10 P.M. Sut. & Sun. 1:45,4:30,7:30,10:10 Mon. - Thu. 7:30,10:10 MILTON, ée 15 your source book to Milton, S This valuable directory includes community, health and government services. Schools, sports, interests and services clubs are included. Specialty pages for shopping, restaurants, pet care and home improvement are featured. minues I mintes UnImitait Recalu Rmsel Tunninu 50 BONUS 100 BONUS HAIF MINUTES!* MINUTES!'PIE itdyep 0 *ttay epry R C otoumotn on bonus mninutue dorlnn e NEW CUENT Ail Lotion are SIGN-UP SPECIAK 0/ F Bey 1l0 minutesl & Rmee /OF S& Recise A 100 BONUS FREE GIFT' MINUTES!* *Wt il11m uh M4BU1W4. MUN TAN aWrUOIOU 437 ainSt. Mitone958541 Tough Guy Imag e Show off your sensitive side L'y puttîng a pîcture of your precious pet in the Champion Pet Showcase. Send in photos to: 875 Main St. E. P.O. Box 248 Milton, ON L9T 4N9 email: smior@miItoncanadianchampion.com Are you connece to your cmuiy Get ail the news from Milton, Oakville, Burlington and surrounding areas quickly and conveniently online and on your schedule. miltoncanadianchampion.com 24/ 7