The Canadian Champion, Fniday February 23, 2007 - 23 Tehia j HeIp ~ i ecinlHep ta Pocsine offic Halou STRUCTURALS DETATON Payroli reapt H ury wa eanai d far p eaing accrter dtin da -rsaa.aaref bonefts a esently we are seeking a Junior Detailer who wiît GRAPHIC ARTIST Haioyan Hii kowiedo alabu ot oal 90-9-88 ig o fabrication. Under the guidance of the Senior Halton Media Croup, publiaher of weely ioretlbusan o E - a l r s m s D a sp r o yau il prodace C A , detail, aaaem bly new spapers n s Iooking for an experienced H A T NH IL L S H Y D R O IN yra af necenf pay oll to ecnrxL, and tayaut dramîngs. The ideal candidate mili frove Graphie Artist to design advertei ents for hasatimmediate oeingformte postionlof expexience. Profcie- bele.a rltdtraining adexperience mîth AutoCAD 2004 our nunious print projects. PUTO EiR aREn RPr- TIr Ve oce int Eced an (bath 2D and 3D> and higher. Strong problem solvingPemn t a-T ewcwihCrdn okilîs, excellent communication ukîlla and an abililli ta Qaalifications Tria poaition la a permanent part-Urne non-anion position in thue Cantamer Cane sotware att asset. mark acheduted completion datea. *saccessuatfy demonstrate creative Department for Thuradaya ami Fridaya, 8:30am antil 4:30pm (1 5 hourslweek). Ensuil f Pieuse aubmit reaame by fus ta 519-363-0085 abutities an tadesiga, Photoshop, If lustrator Tthia position reports directy ta the Cutooner Cane Supenniso. hnngr@nasnet Na phone calta pIeuse. anud Quark Fax: W5-575-306 Tlrank yxu ta, houe indîvîduain eho upply, rowee ni, ra Good understanding ut prepaning files Applicatins will be conuidered tram thane candidates who meet the fotîxa ng those being conaidered for an interview euti be contaced, for prnt minimum qualifications: ;, .--~ 1,., * Minimam grade 12 edacaiun; ms vs Fuit time work. Call AI: 416-919-7166 Required far fuit f me pouitaon ut Eurudeu gn Colli aian in Actan 5 -10 yeara experience mandata y. Muat be abie ta poep prime, paint, dent putl doa sebl Api nese l p ie s au a pla ti exu e p83-66i nembl enaaaembeoreh cfex nd ut c1 epa-863 or Cati us ut: 519-853-8989 eqa non a THmà XIa Hl Mi.3years Eup. DZ Licence a Mut, AZ Licence Preferred, Local Wxrk Cati Mike W 416-771-4213 Large Trucki & Bu ar factIy in M8fon requirea: - MECHANICS WITH TRUCK& COACH LICENSE AND -BODY PREP PERSONS Expnenced required. Excellent wageu il henefitu. Cali 905-76-069 Fax 905-875-2566 John Grant Haulage Ltd. Here We Grow Again LICENSED MECHANICS- For year round work with Tanker Operation We offer the followlng for Mectianicu -Excellent Wuge Packuage -Hurty RRSP Contibation -Excellent Bexeflt Packuage -Day ami Atemeuon Shiflu -Direct Depoudus -Tant Allowance - 44 Haur Worh Weex - il Stat Halidayu Apply in person or send resume t0 1-905-822-2142 G , 2111 Lakeahore Rd. West GRANTOnrt Mwsaauga,Onai BACHLY CONSTRUCTION With xur contînueti gromth and succesu in the con- struction tInuxtry, me are lxxfong lx add turther quality personnel lx aur team. W e are prexentty uanking competent: Construction Site Superintendents for ICI Sector Poaitions effective immodiatey. Own vehicle and ualid driueeu tîcenue. For or ornai t reaume f0: Bachly Construction 27 Nixon Rd., Bolton, On L7E 1J7 Fax 905-951-3101 Emaf 1: emptoyment@bachly.comf Affin: Darren Murphy Jetait -Ahîfity f0 work os an inuegraf member of a marketing teara -Work wîth minimal supervision -Abitity te, work 10 tigbt deadîines PIease seaul resame f0, mndilfs@baltonsearcb.cxnu. Quote job # 4965 ix sabjeci fine. UONNOR REAL ESTATE MACLEoID LEGAL ASSISTANT HANNA'-W- O'Connor MacLeod Hanna LLP ixs a exenteen tawyer fuit service tam film, txcated in Qauville, Ontario. We are currentty xeeking an individuat wîth preuixax REAL ESTATE andf ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION expenience. Att applicanta xhxutd hutte a thurxugh knuwledge ut MS Word, Microsoftt Oufîxook, Conneyaxcer and have excellent communication and urganizationat akitîs. The auccexofut candidate wilt ho able ta handie a fite tram beginning f0 end ami witl have a minimum ut 5 years rexidei r eal nu extate experience. Ai reaumea received witt be held in xtnictext confidence. lnterexted candidates xhould aend their reaame ta: O'Connor MacLeod Hanna LLP Bamaiters & Solicitors 700 Kerr Street Qakville, ON, L6K 3W5 Attention: Janet A. Rimer, Adminîxtratxr Fax: (905) 842-0238 E-mail: Vixît or mebadte at: Reqaired by Georgetown Law Office. Prenru expenience preterred. I Repty ta: I CLINTON BANBURY 211 Guelph Street, Sote #2 Georgetown, ON L7G 5B5 Located an Lake Ontario in the GTA, OAKVILLE il a vibrant andl dynamie commxnity - making if a great place ta luve, work, andl play! To continue our dedication o the staxndards ut excellence thon distingaiuh Oakvilfe as a premier location, we are fooking for the falfawing profesuional... Shop Supervisor Demanstran ng a commitment ta, quai mv andl uafety, yax wIli prou de leadership, superuision, and auxistance in the analysîs and dol ivery ut variaxa profecro and budgets refated ta fleet and ectuipmenn maintenance, stores, materials management, and distribution. Vax usilI deuelop sebedutes, distnibute work, ensure quafity standards are achieued, and coordinate axtsourclflu oS praiecto. Vax have 310S autumotive and 310T truck and coach licences as wvell as ICE-P and/or ICE-NG alternatiue fuels licences. A minimum of eight years' experience in diversified fleet operations is campfemented by three years' supervisary successusvithin a anionized enviroament. Vaur broad teebuical expertise and effective communication, interpersanal, and team building abilities are supported by fluency in a computerized enviranment. A ualid and unrestricted DZ or AZ drivers licence is alsa required. Saiary range: $58.363 - $71.175 Ref #07-028 For more detailed information about this exeîting apportunity andl ta apply, please uisit aur usebsite. O AKV tIL LE Please appfy by midnight on Friday, MarcS 9, 2007. "If ~ ~ ~ ~ N W pIua, ft - , Ex.,S Opp.aSsry E.plSya Wa, th.,k a adý e-.AKILEc M and, alnu be aile f0 work au att effective part ut a teail " must puxueux excellent oral and wrîfleo communicatin ukittu, and abave average mathemnaticat abitity; " Must pauseux a superiur knxmledge of business office practicex and accu- rate keybvarding skdîta with a gxod murtdng mcl edge ut Word attd Excel; * Knxmtedge and underxtanding of the HTE billng uyutem woutd be cunsid- ered arn assai. lnterexted attd qaifled candidates utiould turward a detailed maximne, in confidence, tx: Haillon His Hydro Inc. Humus Resource Deparfinent hr@hatonhiixbdrx.cut Closing Date: 4:00 E.S.T Fdday MarcS 9th, 2007 Ill uixoerelyxrhank ailttiase atm agerli, fivieneraxia ihose aurlcants selecied oru antmeieorilbe cntaced. GSI1 S Anguss Geomolutiofla Inc AGSI pr-xvidea Information & Technolugy baxeul uttîna for governmevt, utitrty & commercial xrganîzatixna by combîxîxg xxr cure strengtha ut data, technalogy, peuple & services. AGSt ix hîring for tiv tollowing position: Bookkeeper Data Operator(s] Software Developer(s) For additonal information or for aubmiWlng yaur reaume/CV e-mail infOOagmi.câ. No Phone CaRis Please Requimif by BranWtoo Fandtly Law Solicitors fortaîtl-time position WP9, Déeorceexate antd PCLaw Pleaae aend rexomne foi OfieManaoeraet PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION annIçynSiewaft-e. ortfax to: 905-450-876 noetoleprxne inquines pioase ný mue selected for intierenafl beconiadei Part-fine, very flexible hura. Matare peruon wîth Caol 905-78-11105 Fax:905-875-2060 CUSOMRKOO-,O SERVICE Rleceptonist RECE.P71ONIS required. roquired for nom Dental 0911lie OakviIe aFea' oponing MarcS Must be 2007. Exponionoe compter literate. preforred but not required. Fax resume to: Plese Fax or 905%l"8472 Email Resume: (416) 321-1017 or simlidentalcentre Part-time Assisting in ANP Flexible boums, mus. 25 brtweeu. Acoanting oxpenonce an assei. aIon Recyctlnbg lad Pieuise fax Resume f0: 90W-36486, Attention: Donna Coderre Bitingual Cust. Servi: e F[F tan buf (ut r- der dpnfrent. Ex- callent Caut. senvice xliilu, computer Sone- ate, muffi-tafxer ne- qig coat hipp fax Modem, estabiixtid Millon Storage Facli ffr requirex: 8f pou enjoy offIce/ro- tai .1work, are peoplie- ofed, boxe corn- uter exporience, p=em fax eume: 905-876-1514 Afin: Site Manager id. Invotvextul a vsm Iudtu erg Rexamex ixtosf~ brsoaptom tu b m 905-257-4614 Recrulient ad ioda>' et rceive 2 weeks on Workopoi*s for oniy ~$125. OO ffl