Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Feb 2007, p. 19

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- - 1V~ngî9fre~m~iFl, da'Fbiuàri 23, 2f*17- 19 A * * e : *Index: Real Estate 100-135 eBusiness 140-169 - Rentais 170-196 e Leisure 200-239 e Community 240-299 Fax: 905-815-2364 Email: cIassilied@miItoncanadianchampion.com *Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-410 e HeIp Wanted 500-57 Mon, to Fri. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classid ads also appear on www.hakonsearch.com,* Services 7N1-795 For CIRCULATION cali: 905-818-5947 BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY Buie0Business Business ~ usiness opportun les Opporlunhties Opotnte Bpotnte FRANCHISES AVAILABLE IN YOUR AREA e Be your own boss a Take control of your financial future or 416-684-0822, Ms. RosIyn French IL1beCtWsnCap't Mintons Community Nevvspapen Sînce 1890 Claaifi-.d Phees, 905-875-3300 Claaified Fea 905-876-2364 C.ifl-d Ee.ail, daafidiItoc=ienhpnme josesForI~ Sae ,' s MILTON Der" Road. LOVE to, decorate? Stant Hoase and il acres ton earnîng extra income sate. Prîce negotiabte. throagh a party based di- Great property. Ptease rect sales basiness. Get cati 905-876-0281. paîd cloing somethîng y00 love and have ton toc! Speciai liited offer. Cai MILTON 3-bedroom, now. 905-785-8023. 2.h-bath '5-appliances, Central Air, venetian Protssionai blîndo, carpet and ce- lm Direclury ramîc tle. 2-)er e 416-936-7197. REMOVE yoar criminal records Fast. We do Par- dons and US Waivers. Don't be embarnassed. 1 - F R 800-298-5520 govemmentpardons.ca PROFESSIONALLY ietr decnrated, bonght, PROFESSIONAL 3+1 bedrnom on tneed Street near Income Tas Services ochoots. Newty reno- Avatiebte vated. 3-car parking. C Empinyment, 739 Roseheath Commission, Self Drive, Milton. Empinyment, Rentai& $314,900. Must be Business & Investment seen 905693-601. Incomne Etc. Taxes seen 905693-901 clearance et year end GST, PST, Payrot & Corporate Tan. Please catI: un cn,.u smt.ialpc ia 1 905-899-7820 or 7-BAY garage, E05864480 3,OOOsg.ht. on 1/2-acre Eal wîth lencvd yard. dineshc gaiSpahon ce Bronte/Maîn area. 905- otae 879~~ 110L~ orage OfiCe/BsîneSS $SMONEYSS Consolîdate Sae Debis Mottgages ta 100% Noicmbd credît OFFICE commercial &K/ Onta'rio ideè Pinancia space lot tease înciad- Corporation 1-888-307- îng atîtîtes. Avaîtabie 7799 lot immediate lease. Aalet Contact 905-875-4611 Ewj prmns& Ion dletaîls. lt For Rani MILTON newiy-renn- Business vuted 1-bedtoomn apant- M pp3rUniieS ment lot tent. 89 Onta- no -tret. $850/mIS + hydro. 416-996-0690 Naed addltlonat or 905-854- 1809. Incarne? __________ Tîred nf stmuggiing to MILTON Perlect inca- puy nff debtn? tinn, inveiy 2-bedroom The Preednm Ptniect groand flion uparoment. cas hetp. $1 ,200/mth inclusive. www.mininflice Relerencen, nnn-smok- outiets.com/mac et, Iirstast. Avuitubie Aprit l. CeIl 647-296- 6746. JOB aI home. $487.68 Weeky. Assemble Prod- MILTON Immacuate 1- adns, Mail or Computer bedrnnm busement Work. Free Detaits aparlment, nuits ne- www.TopJobReview.com sponsibie aduit. Att-in- write CHRJsbs: 372 Rt- ciasive, non-nmnker/no deau St, $916, Ottawa pets prelerted. 905- DN, Kl N 1 G7 Ref# Al5 876-1159 evenîngs. M[hihses 01ra:ehlsZs Prime Existing Location Available. esme a part et use ut the murîdos mest recegnized brando. AU aiments & Ffas For Roui MILTON i bdrm, kitch- en, living room, 5-app. $750/mth inciodes oti/ities. Preter no/smoking vo pets. Cati 905-875-2157. MILTON Main St. i- bdrm, 2n d mont bed- room/ottîice, newty revovated. A must see/avaitabte nom. $1500./mth + utitîties. 905-462-9807. ACTONIROCKWOOD on Hwy 7, 1-bdrm' lreshty painted, park- ing, $600/mth + hydro, Seat inci. 519-501- 6688 or 416-575-1909. MILTON Avaitabte March loti. 2-bedroomn apartment. Pa rking, appliarices, taandry. Sa/table for sin- gte/coapte. Non-smok- er/no pets prelerred. References. $900/mth. 905-876-3750. ACTON Apartments. t & 2-bentroomo avaîtabte Mar lot & Apr lost. Fridge & stove, taundry tacitities. Preter vo dogo 519-853-4374. Open 7 rtays/week. Same day approvai. ~wtweasta.ca RURAL Milton West 1- bedroom basement apartment. Parnîshed, 4-piece bath, satettite TV acceos, vo smok- ing/pets. $675/mth. Fîrst/t ast/rete re nce s 905-876-1686. We are now accepting apptications tnt: 2 bedroomn aptes For more information and/or ta make an eppointment, DOWNTOWN MILTON Millie Tuwara 82 Miltlde Drive. Attractive quiet build- ing. Spaclous brîght dlean 1 &2 bedronm anîts with tuundry lac/lily and sec/ut onm on site, Regatar resîdent events Open 7 dayu à evasînga Cali 90587-1249 www.reeîatarca MILTON 2-hedroom apartment, handicap aduapted/eqaipped, 615 fliot, meti-main- tuined/quiet building. $1 ,026/mth + patking, ut/lit/es inciaded. Avuitubte îmmed/ately. 905-876-4678. LARGE bachetot apart- ment, Milton Main Street/5th Line area. Singie tenant, no pets prelerred. 5850/mIS + heat. 905-875-1 150. 1-BEDROOM suites in historic build/ng in llockwood, wîth gas i/replaces statting aI 5675/month plas atitities. 2-bedroom busement apurtment in Georgetown, month-to- montS. $895/month. Cati Elizabeth Doeii, Johnson Associates Reaitor 905-877-5165. 2 / 1-BEDROOM apurt- ments, 1-bachetor upurtment. Newiy reno- vated, brîght, treshty decoruted. Non smok- ing/pets. Located in downtnen Acton. Don Juckson 905-877-7194 Est. 30. 2-BEOROOM apat- ment, downtown Georgetown. 5-appli- unces, parking lot 1 - car. Clean and lresh/y paînted. No pets/smok- ers. S1,100/month plus utîtities. Mutthew Hill 418-892-4723. ACTON 1 -bedrvvm apuntment. $650/munth plus hydro. lîrst/iast. lridge/stooe. Avaîtabte immediatey. No pets, Cati 519-853-4721. ACTON 2-bedroom apartment Match lis. $870/mnnth ailies in- ctaded. Quiet Building. No-pets. 192 Churchi Road South. Cati 519- 853-1281. ACTON 2-bedronm apattment. $900/month inclusive. First and tant. Match lot. Cut 519- 853-3882. ACTON hoase lortarnt. 2 ' b e di t o0ms. $1,000/msnth plan atitities. Retetences and hirnhlust. Cati 905- 699-9010. AVAîLABLE NOWI This one won't luisit BrigSI spacisas, con- venienty iocated 1 - bedtosm on Guelph Street. Adaits sny. No pets/smoking. Cui now 416-570-6578. BASEMENT upunt- ment, Prince Chartes, Georgetown. B/g, bright iivingroom wîndow, eut- in kitchen with cerumîc Itoor. Sepatate en- trance, single parking. 5850/mnnth, ait utilities and cabie înciaded. Cai Wendy Moore 905- 877-S5165. B3EAUTIFUL -country seflîng between Georgetown and Acton. Bright 2-bedtoom base- ment apattment. Separ- ute taandry monm, lots nI indoor/natloon son- uSe. $900/month every- thing /nciaded. No pets. Cuit 519-853-9743. BRIGHT and spacînas t -bedroom apatment, main I/ont. Saîtabie Ion ove person. Locuted in qu/et neighboarhood. $900/ month ait iv- ctaded. Relerences, tirst/iast regaîred. Avaîtabie îmmediatey. Cai 416-890-5164. GEORGETOWN 1, 2 and 3-bedroom upart- ments $795/mnnth, 5925/movth and $995/mnnth. Avaitabte Auguot 151h. Inctades heat/hydro/cabte. Park- ing entra. Cai 905-873- 6284. GEORGETOWN 1- bedrnom apattment. $555/month plus hydtn. Avaitabie Match lvi. Ns pets. Cuit 905-873- 3355. GEORGETOWN 2- Sedroom apattment avaîtabte Match lost. Cieuni and quiet baud- ing. Close-to GO. No pets. Cati 647-285- 5676. GEORGETOWN 2- bedroom hoase apant- ment, top Itoor. Bright and dlean. i car gar- age. Prelen couple. No smo ki ng/pets/reler- Match lot. Cuti 905- 877-1209. GEORGETOWN Bachetor Basement apattment, ceramîco. Excellent condition. Clean, quiet neîghboat- hood. Separate en- trance. Parking avaîtabie. No pets/smoking. 905-873- 988. GEORGETOWN Downtown 1 -bedroom apartment. Avaitable MarcS tnti. Cuit 905- 873-0207. GEORGETOWN large 3-bedroom, main fluor, Victorien building, car- pets, lamityroom witb pine flonr and Strepiace. Laundry ares. $1 ,200/month plus atitities. ACTON 3-bed- momt, $850/msnith plus utitities. ACTON 1 -beri $500/month plus ahIlies. Cuit 519-853- 5080 / 519-853-5352. NORVAL. 3-bedtsom Highway #7/Winstn Charchill on quiet s/de- road. Avaîtable Apnit It. S1,200/mnnth plus atitîties. No smok- ing/pets. Cati 905-873- 884. MILTON 2-storey 3- bdrm wîth lînîshed bomt w/lb gas I/replace. Ssnrosm wîth fIreplace. Preler no smoking/pets, uvuitubie May loti. $1400/mIS. Cati any- lime 905-339-7350. Io leatn mofe, visil www.ttieu[)ssto(e.ca or call 1.800.661.6232

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