Locals aid Iatest __triumph for MAC V-ballers reign supreme in Kitchener 2007 Ford Fusion SEL 1997 Honda Civic goe.s EXECUTIVE DEMO. 21,437kmn AS TRADED. 238,000km ext $25,995 or $373/mth $3,480 i ce exuiv~ e ofdpaieadmin, taxes and lciniq 48monhlîase. taes exa, 15555Osss aIIwce cs ~~s O M il tolïgolcars@kennedyto PLAY BALL: Seven-year-old Riley Barrow (Ieft) signs up ta play baseball for the first year with Milton Girls Basebail Association Saturday at Milton Mail PHe e she gets a few pointers f rom veter- an Katherine Thomson, 12, whos been playing for eight years. Girls basebaîl was one of many groups at the mail for the annual sports registration day. Other groups taking applications for menlC ai sprîng/sumnmer competîtion included 5.1646 mînor soccer, gymnastics, football and .141 BMX raeîng. GRAHAM PAINEI rd.ca CÀNAoIAN CHAMPION 1 As if winning hack-to-back gold medals in just their first year of existence wasn't already impressive enough. Now the Mountaîn Athietic Club (MAC) 17-and-under girls volleyball team - which includes co-captaîn Courtney Copeland of Campbellville and Multons Charlotte Swanson - is prevailhng iii hîgher age competition as well. MAC dîd so earlier this month, deliverîîîg an unbeaten campaign on the way to victory at the Zone A 18U Bugarski Cup in Kitchener. . Gamely aided hy its local duo, the recently-estahlishied club gutted out threr-set wins over the Chatham Bali Hawks and London Forest City in the quarter- finals and semnifinals respectively before swreping the Niagara Splash 25-16, 25-18 i the titîr match. Copelancf had the terms highest kîlI per centage of the weekend - delivering 18 i the semis alone ta help MAC rally f romn a game-one loss - and managed four ace serves in a 25-10, 25-20 opening round decision over the Oakville Thutnder. Proving to he MAC 's second-mnost depenclahle server ni its latest gold-mecfal run. Swanson had 14 aces overaîl and pro- vided a solid two-way effort to fuel her squads attack. With the recent trnumph. the Hamilton-hased club quali- fies for lier 2 competîtion at thse 18U level - a highly cred- ihie lollow-up to the two golden performances in 1 7U play earlier this season.