The Canadien Champion, Friday, Fabruaiy 2a. 2007 - Ai? No three-peat for Couture at Deaflympics D-I Letdown agaîs pek1mrcn ossvtrn , may be back in the 2011 in raiser orgamzer. t(UtIttftLti (ILt LLU~ ULtLtt Ut&Lit~tFellow Miltonian Norm Brownell ing and alter each L)callympics, and to By Steve LeBlanc who's now been part of five straight has also been a longtime member of also thank hus famîly for making the J. ý- -I CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Deaflympics. Canadas Deaf hockey team, servmng as trip to Sait Lake Ctty to support baim, in b 'k.1.. After jumping out to a strong start both an equîpment manager and fund- his joumney" -" d '- HU ad Mark Couture been sporting against the U.S., Canada simply a fishing rod rther than a imploded - givlng up a whopping 23 hockey stick, he mighit have viewed it shots lu the third period en route to its as the one that got awa. lnstead, Mihtons 37-year- olcI defenceman was sinmply lcft wsth the lingering sting of a close-but-no-cigar thrcc-peat bld at the recent Deaflympics in Sait Lake City, Utah. Enjoylng a three-goal cush- ion over their arcli rival Amenicans lu game thrc of a tournament format where medals are decîded solely on Mark Couture round-robin results, railler than wîth a traditional semnifinal and final, Couture and Tram Canada looked poised to pre- vail lu their biggest test and go on to secure a third straîght gold medal. But fate - and the U.S. - bad other idras. Unwilling to play bridesmaid to the Canadians once again, the Americans drlîvered a huge turn- around to eclîpse the two-timr defend- ing champs 4-3. Couture and company would xvîn uheir last two games and edge Russia out of silver - capping a 3-1-1 round- robin campaign wluh a 6-O wbitrwash of Fînland - but needless to say, fln- îshing second was at best bittersweet. lut (lots to U.S.) was heartbreaking," said the seasonrd assistant captain, biggest defeat un recent memo- ry. But as Couture stresses, the loss had more to do wluh poor strategy than poor defence. "The defensive tram broke down for the simple reason that the same players were on the ice shit after shift. Our teami had seven defencemnan and only three or four were played,- hc frustraîungly recalîrd. -By the time the third peniod started they were exhaustrd." Tram Canadas blueline unit and goaltending were practîcally unbeat- able througbout the rest of the tourna- ment - with cakewalks over G.ermany (17-O) and Sweden (9-O) to go along with their blanking of Finland. A 2-2 tir with Russia un round two saw the Canadians sink a third-peniod equalizer to dodge an early bullet. While seeing significantly less 1cr trme than in 2003 - when hie assistrd on the game winner in a 5-2 gold- medal clinching win over the U.S. - Couture did get on the score-sheru with a couple of assists againsu Germany So will Multons Tram Canada veter- an make ut six straight Deaflympies in four years? Show off your precious pet in the Canadian Champion's monthly section of Champion Pet Showcase. If your pet is chosen as "Pet of the Month" you WIN a gift certif icate from one of the participating vendors on the page. Send in photos to: lit La i a i Iý ïï if Llt Main St. E. P.O. Box 248, Milton, ON L9T 4N9 v I f - FOR THýDiE 1'Sý BEST AL$ EVERý,ý' Financial problems can happen fo anyone. swIIg We wilI advise you about al"e your options and find sio ,s the righf solution f0 alleviate your tinancial stress. Talk to us about fling a proposai to creditors to: " Avoid bankruptcy " Consolidate debt " Recoive debt forgivenes fl rom credifors " Stop interest " Protect your home and car " Repair credit rating sooner More people choose BDO than any other firmn in Canada* Milton 90,5-864-6w512 251 Main St. E., east of Martin Mississauga (Principal Office) 905-615-8787 Square One Proposal Administrators - Credif Counsellors - Trustee in Bankruptcy os tsi FURNITURE GALLERIES" l>E - ,-- Il (llJf NE H.-) hnnRýÎ (b J.LL Namm 56-2 LLLý Dpo) i wuwlazboyioronlocom M ay 10Oam 9p m .S-ta 6p.m Sunday lOa.m.5p.m.