A10- Thé, CarladkRnChànWion, Friday,,Februarý23,'2WI âïl .000 PEOPLE BELIEVED IN TAKING A STAND FOR A REGIONAL CANCER CENTRE. fat CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR WORLD CLASS COMMUNITY FOR DONATING MORE THAN $52 MILLION FOR CREDIT VALLEY'S WORLD CLASS HEALTH CARE, EXCEEDING OUR CAMPAIGN GOAL OF $50 MILLION The Credit Valley Hospital now provides the best diagnostic and Support care available to patients closer to home and boasts 330.000 square feet of new space off ering: " a world class oncology program for residents living in the regions of Peel. Halton. Dufferin, Simcoe. Wellington and GTA West " radiation treatments for cancer patients. a first for our region " additional haemodialysis stations that are larger and provide greater privacy for renal patients. " more prevention and management programs for diabetes patients through the Diabetes Care Centre " expanded cardiology services including state-of-the-art cardiovascular and strength training equipment for patients " a healing environi-nent for ail, with light, music, living plants and the security of a home like setting that generates hope for patients, their families, and caregivers. On behalf of all the patients we serve, thank you for your support of the Carlo Fidani Peel Regional Cancer Centre and the Vijay Jeet and Neena Kanwar Ambulatory Care Centre. U H L 1) 1 1 V A 1 1. F Y .AE2 atomns eye semifindi b)erýtii Could sweep Belle River tonîght ai MSC On the heels of a largely domninaimg campaign to reach tbe OMHA quarterfinals. Mion-, AF2 atoms bave thrown some draina into their playoff mix. Kieking off theur best-o1 five scre i Belle River last weekend, the Winterhawks engià neered identical 3-2 wins - both by way of comeback - to put an imme- diate stranglehold on the Rink Rats. Jessie MacDonald pulled double duty in the sertes opener Saturday hero. He potted the game winner with three-and-balf minutes left to cap a tbree-point night, wbicb included the initial tally and an assist on Broc Traceys rebound equalizer fate in the second. Cbnis Chuchmach shared the spotligbî witb a superb per- formance between tbe pipes, while defenceman Evan Rundie contributed two belpers. The Winterhawks would keep the exciiement going the following aftemnoon, scoring twsce in tbe last 5:07 of play to eclipse Belle River and put themselves on the tbreshold of the semnifinals. Cote Miobertolo and Brenden Calvert-Day netted the îying and winning goals respectively a mere 13 seconds apari to spoil victory hopes for the Rink Rats - wbo'd scored back-to-hack goals of their own to start tbe tbîrd. Miltons equalizer was the lîrst of tbe season for defenceman Miobertolo. while captain Colin Moffat was the initial marks- man. Michael Harwood stood taîl i net in game two. The AE2 atomis can sweep the series tonight at Milton Sports Centre. Game time is 7 p.m. Il necessary, the teams will square off again at MSC tomorrow, starting at 4:30 p.m. QThe Rotary Club of Burlington Inc. Presents Master of Ceremonies John Moore CFRB 1010 ONE 0F CANADAIS TOP COMWEDIANS JEBB FINK TICKETS only $100 per Person* Proceeds in support of Multiple Scierosis Society of Halton & The Breast Cancer Support Centre Friday, Mardi 30, 2007 at the Burlington Convention Centre 1120 Burloak Drive, Burlington *Doors open at 6:00 p.m. *Host Martini & Cocktail Bar *Hors d'oeuvres *Dinner at 7:00 p.m. *Sulent auction - live auction *Entertainment following dinner Oress: Cocktail Attire *Speciai corporate sponsorshlp packages avallakie - cali for detals for ticket resorvations & further information cal 905-521-5171 A special thank-you to, our sponsors Burington Post