A14 - The Canadian Chumnon. Fridav. Februarv 23. 2007 M i ru el 1a Marshall (Ieft) and Mandy S ed g wi c k show their a Desîgnated DweIllng for 151 Robert St., a home thaf was moved from Mary Street and ren- ovated. Whetlchair accessible e Evenmng and weekentl appointments available 400 Bronte Street South, Suite 109 7, 905-875-1200 Acceptîng their award for Restoration of a Non-Desîgnated Dwelling are HoIIy Smith and Jabez Nicholson for their home at 11773 Guelph Lîne. GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION 1Ontario Energy Board Commission de I énergie de l'Ontario EB-2007-0555 %WI M 1 NOTICE 0F APPLICATION AND WRITTEN HEARING FOR AN ELECTRICITV DISTRIBUTION RATE CHANGE AND Ontario NOTICE 0F COMBINED PROCEEDING AND HEARING RELATING TO SMART METERS MILTON HYDRO DISTRIBUTION INC. Milton Hydro Distribution nc. has filed an application with the Ontario Energy Board (the "Board"), received on February 9, 2007 ander section 78 ni tre Ontario Energy Board Act. t998, 5.0. 1998, c.1 5 (Schedale B). The Board has assigned the application File No. EB-2007-0555. This Notice contaîns important intormation aboat participation in the hearing associated with the applîcanits rate change application ("rate proceedîng") and aboat participation in a combined proceeding relatîng to rate adîastments tor smart meters ("smart meter combined proceeding"). Milton Hydro Distribution lnc. has applied to the Board to, change its distribution rates. The application has bes filed generally on the basin ot the gaidelînes set sat in the December 20, 2006 "Report of The Board on Cost of Capital and 2nd Generation Incentîve Regulation tor Ontario's Electricity Dîstrîbators,' avaîlabie from the Board as descrîbed under 'Need More Information?" below. However, the application departs trom those guidelines in a material way as tollows: -Milton Hydro Distribution lnc. is seekîng to recaser $300,750 toi conservation and demand management initiatives. The standard electricitp bill for residential and small general service customers has tour lise items. Electricitp; Delivery, Regulatory and Debt Retîrement Charge. The rate change application affects onîp the Delivery lise of tIret bill. If approved, a typical residential customer consuming 1,000 khI per month would esperience an appronîmate decrease ot 0.1% n the electricitp bill. A omaîl generat service customer consumîng 2,000 kWh per month and hasîng a monthly demand ot 50 kW or lower would esperrence an approsimate increase ot 1.0%. Milton Hydro Distribution lnc. may applp for a specîfîc rate adtustment related to smart muets. Tis adjastment is referrud to as a "smart muter addur", and rupresento temporary advance fundîng to facilitate tIre acquisition and installation of smart meturs through the 2007 rate year. If a smart muter uddur is applîed for. the percentage changes in the elec- trlclty bill referred to aboya do flot inctude the amnounit of Milttan Hydro Distribution Inca' aimat mater adder. The prudence of the amount requeated by Milton Hydro Distribution tnc. for its amat mater adder wîll vol bu euamived as part of tIre rates proceeding. It wîll bu deult with in a separate procesu at a later date. As a startîng point to tInt future procuns, certain general princîples wîll bu the subîect of a combîvud procueding for whîcî u Irearîng wîll bu Iruld ulter May 1, 2007. TIre combînud proceuding will involvu a numbur of electricitp dîstrîbutors, and may includu or consider Milton Hydro Distribution lvc 's smart muter addur. Furtîur information about thre truatment of smart muter adaurs and the nature and scope of tIre combîned proceedîng may bu found in thre Javuary 29, 2007 "Report of the Board on 2nd Gunuration f scentîve Regulatîov for Ontario's Electrîcîty Distributors. Addevdum for Smart Meturing Rates", uvaîfable from the Board as duscrîbud under "Nued More Information?" bufow. I1ow tosSeMilton Hydro Disribution nc.'s Pre-iled Evidnc Copies otf the application are avaifublu for inspection ut the Board's offices in Toronto and on ifs websîte, and ut thre Milton Hydro Distribution fvc. offices and on its websîtu, if avail- able. How to Patlilate In the Rate ProceedIng. If pou wîsh fo seek intervunor status, you muni uppf y by lutter, încludîng a request for cont efigibifitp, vo futur than 10 dapu from the date of publication of thIs Notice or, if you have beun served this Notice directly, vo futur than 10 dapu from the date of service. The Board întends f0 proceed with Milton Hydro Distribution Incu' rate change application by wap rof written hearing unlens a party so*infies fIe Board thut there ns good ruason for holding un oral Iearîng. If pou object to a written hearîng iv tIs matter, you must provîde wrîttun rua- sons why an oral hearing is necensary. Any objections f0 a wrîtten Iruarîng must bu ruceived Sp the Bourd and copîed f0 the applîcunt ut the uddrusnes befow no futur flan 10 days from the date of publication of thîn Notice or, if pou have been surved fIns Notice directfp, vo futur thun 10 dayn from the date of service. Proceeding by way orf written Iuuring, the Board requestu intervenors and other înterestud parties f0 file submissions, in wrîtîng, nuttîng ouf their vîews on the application. You must forward three paper copies and, if possible, an ulectronie copy in Word format and in searclable PDF format of your submîsîon f0 the Board and onu copy f0 the applîcunt ut tle uddressen below. AIl submissions must bu receîved by the Board and the upplicant ut the uddrennes below no futur flan 21 dapu f rom tle date of publication of fIs Notice or, if pou have been served this Notice dîrectly, ns futur than 21 days from tIre date of service, If Milton Hydro Distribution Ine wishes iv ruspond f0 a submîssîon. the rusponsu must bu fîfud wifh the Bourd and copied f0 the purty thaf made the submîssion vo futur flan 7 days from the date of receipi of the submînnîon. How to, Particloate In the Smart Mter Cmbined Procaading If pou wîsh f0, participute in the smart muter combined proceuding, pou must separatuly notifp tIre Bourd of your intention to do vo aven if you are participating in the hearing on Mitton Hydro Distribution tnc.s rate change application. Application for inturvevor status and cont efigibility must bu by fuster and ruceîved by the Bourd vo futur than 10 duyn from tIre date of publication of fIns Notice or, if pou have beun nerved fIns Notice directfy, vo futur flan 10 dayn from tIre date of service. If you have notîfiud tIre Bourd of your inter- enf in the combinud proceedîng, pou witl ruceivu furtîer detaf n regurding participation iv, and the timivg and conduci of, tle combîned procueding once flesu bucomu uvaîluble. How fa Make Fiinga f0 fe Board- AIl fifîngn f0 the Board must quofe File No. EB-2007-0555, and clearfy stutu thre nendur's vume, postal uddress and tulephone numbur and, when uvaîfable a fax numbur and v-mail uddres Ail communications shoufd bu directud f0 the attention of the Bourd Secreturp ut tIre adrus beîow, avd bu ruceîved vo futur thun 4:45 p.m. on tIre ruquîrud date. Need More Information?- Further information on how f0 purticipafe mup bu obtaîvua Sp vîsîtîvg the hourd's Wub site ut wwuvbooncon,cu or Sp cullivg our Consumer Relatiovs Cevtre ail 1-877-632-2727. IMPORTANT RATE PROCEEDING: IF YOU DO NOT FILE AN OBJECTION TO A WRITTEN PROCEEDING OR DO NOT PARTICIPATE IN THE PROCEEDING BV FILING A SUBMISSION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS NOTICE, THE BOARD MAY PROCEEO WITH THE RATE PROCEEDING WITHOUT YOUR PARTICIPATION AND YOU WILL NOT BE ENTITLED TO FURTHER NOTICE IN THIS PROCEEDING. SMART METER COMBINED PROCEEDING: IF YOU DO NOT NOTIFY THE BOARD 0F YOUR fINTENTION TO PARTICIPATE IN THE SMART METER COMBINED PROCEED- ING IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS NOTICE, THE BOARD MAY PROCEED WITH THE SMART METER COMBINED PROCEEDING WITHOUT VOUR PARTICIPATION AND YOU WILL NOT BE ENTITLED TO FURTHER NOTICE IN THIS PROCEEDING. ADDRESSE 1 The Board: Pont: Ontario Energp hourd P0. hon 2319 E-mail.:orac.u,0,0C 2300 Yonge Street, 27th Floor Toronto, ON M4P 1 E4 Tel: 1-888-632-6273 (toI Ires) Attention: hourd Secreturp Fan: 416-440-7656 The Applicant: Milton Hpdro Distribution nc. 55 Thompuon Road South Milton, ON L9T 6P7 E-mail: donthorne@millQnlpdro com OATED ut Toronto, Fubtuury 21, 2007 ONTARIO ENERGV BOARD Original Sîgnea Bp Peter H. O'Du I Assistant hourd Secretary Recent house restorations recogn ized -from LOCAL on page Al12 und Women We Neyer Knew 'Were really fortunate to have a lot of material captured and put to paper," Carlin said. The Visual Arts Award was present- ed to Janice Brawley and Wendy Thompson for thetr work on a SOth anniversary quiît for Community Living North Halton. Hieritage Milton presents awards Four awards were presented by Henitage Milton. The award for Restoration of a l)estgnated Dwelling went to Mîrella Marshîall atîd Mandy Sedgwick for their restoratioti of 151 Robert St., a home that was moved from Mary Street. They were also presented with a plaque of designation, whîch means il han significant historical importance to the communîty under the Ontario Heritage Act. There were three awards haîîded out for Restoration of a Non-Designated Building. Ihese homes - aîîd one business - aren't designated dwellîngs, hut still have historical interest to the commu- ni ty, explainedï Vee Keates, a memher of the Milton Hîstorical Society. These awards went 10 Adam and LîIva Mead for their house at 103 Thomas St. and jahez Nicholson and Holly Smith for their home ai 1l1773 Guelph Line. It was also presented to Glen ancd Krmberly Lnglish for the builcdttg they renovatecl ai 276 Maitn St. E. for their store A C ountry Mile. Stuclents [rom Milton Youih I Teatre Productions provided entertatnment at the ceremony Tlîe group staged scenes from their recent perfonnance of Music Man. Sfephanie Tii esseri colt be reached at sthiessen@r'niltotcnadincrcsivpioi coin w