'AlO ý tIhé CânodÉ eChé ioôn1 'Fi1cy,."Fbrtîary 23, 2007 c" Andrew Brassard and Steve Fulis lrom the Milton Fire Ne ,.Oe"@ Ç Department comprise one of five nominees for the North be o " Oe- American award, which honours extraordinary actions by firefighters. nîted D ental CIiflic This is the first tâme evcr that a Canadian fire department www.uniteddentalclinic.com has been in the finals. Part of the selection and award process is a public vote. SU IIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIS St E.By visiting ww.msafire.com and clicking on the 'vote mon #1now' scon, Miltonians can read about the nominees and then 0"118,vote for their hometown heroes. M M 'Any help could push us over the top," said training tech- Dùndsl(Blanqueamlont mcian Barry Kory of the Milton Fire Department. ýB 1 MUnfortunately, time is runnmng oui. Miltonians have only M E- 4 3 0 until the end of February - just a few more days - to cast =EW Brassard and Ellis were nominated for their bravery fight- ing a fire on White Drive last July. TransCanada Energy Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of TransCanada PipeLines Limited, has completed an Environmental Review Report on a new electricity generationZ facility, the Halton His Generating Station (HHGS), in the z Town of Halton iluis. The HHGS is a 683 MW natural gas fuelled, combined-cycle POOE facility. The HHGS wilI be located on undeveloped lands in the SITE Halton Hils 401 Corridor Industrial Area on a site located Stee ýne HORNBY between Highway 401 and Steeles Avenue west of 6th Line. The HHGS was awarded a contract in November 2006 by the 401 Ontario Power Authority (the "OPA") in response to the OPA's Request for Proposais for a Generating Facility with a contraci Mai SI E capacity of 500 MW to 600 MW connerted to the area surrounding Trafalgar TS (Requeit for Proposais No.: GTA- West-Trafalgar-2006). The Environmental Assessment for the HHGS is following the rpsdHlo His Environmental Screening Process as set out in the "Guide to Pooe atnHi Environmental Assessment Requirements for Electricity Generating Station Projects" (the "Guide") under Ontario's Environmental Assessment Act. The Environmental Screening process has two possible stages-the Screening Stage and the Environmental Review Stage. For the HHGS Environmental Asseisment, both stages were undertaken. The Environmental Review Report (ERR) and supporting documentation is now available for a 30-day public review period as called for in the Guide. Residents, businesses, and community groups are invited to visit our website for a copy of the complete report at www.transcanada.com/haltonhills. The report and supporting documents are also available for viewing at the foilowing locations: Clerk's Office Town of Halton Hilis 1 Halton HuIs Drive Halton Hils, ON 17G 5G2 Clerk's Off ice Town of Milton 43 Brown St. Milton, ON L9T 5H-2 Georgetown Branch Halton Huis Public Library 9 Church St. Georgetown, ON 17G 2A3 TransCanada is committed to consulting with the public and other stakeholder groups throughout the development of this project. If an interested party has outstanding environmental concerns about the project, please address these to HHGS at the contact information below and we will attempt to seek a mutually acceptable resolution. Concerned citizens have the option of sending in a written request to the Dîrector of the Environmental Assesîment and Approvals Branch, Ministry of the Environment to elevate the project to an individual Environmentai Assessment. A copy of the elevation request must be sent to the proponent. The last date when requesti for elevation can be received is March 26, 2007. Ministry of the Environment Environmental Assessment and Approvals Branch 2 St. Clair Ave. West, Floor 12A Toronto, ON M4V 1 L5 Attention: James O'Mara, Director Halton Hilîs Generating Station TransCanada 8th Floor, 55 Yonge Street Toronto, ON MSE 1.14 Attention: Christine Cinnamon 1 TransCanada Inbumineus to deiver Wiîh lire spie.diug overhcad. thcy descended Into tise basement and spocced a man lying motionless in a bcd. They camred the 22-year-old to safety, no doubt saving bis file. The award is handed out annually by MSA Fire, a fire- fîghting equîpmenî manufacturer. Workers get deal The first contract between the Bob Rumbaîl Association for the Deaf (BRAD) and uts employeco bas been raiified, drawing negotiations that lasted for more than a year to a conclusion. Accordîng to the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), the two-year deal tbat was recencly approved by both sides brings about better workplace nights and equity for BRAD's 90 residential and life skills couniselors, the majority of whom are deaf. "Tbis is a real viccory for the BRAD workers who believe that advocatîng for tbe deaf also includes advancing the rights of deaf workers in the workplace." said CUPE nation- al represencative Dansela Scarpelli. "Certaînly workplace equity was the motivation for shese dedicatcd workers, who were determined co empbasize abiliîy over dîsability." The union said tbe new collective agreement for its Local 4763 members includes a: a Gnievance process that allows workers to challenge employer decisions that don't follow the collective agreement " Wage increase (an exact number wasn't available) * Anti-harassment in the workplace provision " Benefit and vacation improvements for part-cime mcm- bers. BRAD Executive Direccor Karen Chambers said the board of directors is happy witb the deal. "1 think it's a fair comtc. It's good for both sides. lit was a long process of negotiacion, but now we're looking forward co gccting back co business." Correction to Tuesdays ntc Milton notce. Toastmastersib Club is proud to announce its To help celebrate this event we invite you to join us on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27 TH at 6:30 pm Royal Canadian Legion - Upper Hall, 21 Charles St., Milton For more Information caîl Alan at 905-877-3441 www.milton.freetoasthost.info/index.html L "Learning to communicate with confidence" J wvww.transcanada.ciim Public can vote for local firefighters Two Milton firefighters are the onlv Canadian nominees Suspecting someone was trapped inside. the two men i