Datelin Wednesday Feb. 21 The Mississauga/Oakville Prostate Cancer Support Group mneets [romn 7 to 9 p.m. at Wellspring, 2545 Sixîh Line, in Oakville. For more information, cali (905) 257-1988. The Ovarian Support Group, spont sored by the Canadian Cancer Societv, mneîs [rom 3:30 to 5 p.m. ai The Church of St. Matthew on-ihe-Plain, 126 Plains Rd. E., in Burlîngton. For more informa- tion, cati (905) 332-0060. Aduli drop-in volleyhall takes place [rom 2 to 3 ai the Milton LI csure Centre. The cost is $3.50 for the hour. Milton District Hospital hoids a one- on-one breastfeeding clinie wîîh a certi- lied lactation consultant fromn 1 30 to 3 p.m. For more information or io make ant appointient, cai jilI Hicks ai (905) 878- 2383, cxi. 7610. The FI alion Womcins (-entre, suite 229 in Hopedale Mail, 1515 Rebecca St. in Oakvilf e, holds ils Abuse Support Group fromt 5:30 to 8 p.m. For more informa- ion, ca11 (905) 847-5520 or visit The free Milton Christian Ladies Coffee Hour takes place fromn 9:30 to il a.m. ai Milton Gospel Hall, 306 Ontanio Si. (ont block south of Steeles Avenue), with guesi speaker Manilyn Gnieve and a feature on gifi baskets hy Allîson Aiken. For information or transportation, cal AIma at (905) 878-6345. The Retired Womnan Teachers, Lydia Snow branch (Georgetown), meets at 9:30 a.m. at St. Alhans church hall in Glen Williams followed hy lunch. The îopic is aromatherapy, presented hy Ida Mae Woodburn. For more information, caîl Pamn ai (905) 877-8618. Tht Halton MaternaI Infant Care Coalition hosts a workshop entîtled Diversity Lîves Here: Achievtng Cultural Compeîency from 8.50 a.m. to 4 p.m. ai the Halton Regional Centre, 1151 Bronte Rd., in the auditonium. For more infor- mation, caîl (905) 825-6000. The Milton hranch of La Leche League Canada meets [rom. 7.15 to 9 p.m. at the Ontario Earîx Years Centre, 410 Bronte St., with discussion on handlîng tht hirst few wteks ai home with hahy Pregnant women and mothers înîerested in information on hreastfeedîng are wel- comne, as are hahies. For more informa- tion, cal1 (905) 876-3322. Wednesday Feb. 21 - 22 The Halton Womens Centre holds two fundraising performances of The 'vagina Monologues ai 8 p.m. at Will Hall in Applchy College, Oaksillt. Tht cosi is $30 each, sold in advance. A silent aoc- lion stari.s at 7 p.m. For tickets, caîl (905) 847-5520 or visit www.haltonwomten- Thursday Feb. 22 Acclaim, Hcalîh Alzheimer Services lioids uts monîhîs support group for care- gis crs of people ss it demecntia and relat- cd disorulers in tht commutnt room ai Lohlaws from 2 to 3:30 pusi. For more informnation. caîl (905) 847-9559, Newv micmhtbrs aie wclcomce Tht Fine A\rts Socitt oI Milton's [s cning Croup of Ariists incets [roin 7 to Io p.ini Tht itifOimal cnitroumieni Pro- s idiý ,rtist, ss it ait oppot tmnits ii exer- cisc iheit dji ,îss tg kilFoni inoic minr tutitoit, ciýl1 lattis at (Q0) 854-5737. Tht Deck souih centre, 200 \,latîtnt (rear enitratie), imitecs 'itideis i grades 6 to 8 to drop hy heiween 3:30 and 6.15 p.ns to play a game of pool or jusi hang oui. High school studeisis arc inviied hetween 7 and 10 pi. Milton District Hospital holds a ont- on-ont breastfeeding clinie wiîh a certi- fied lactation consultant from 7 îo 9 p.m. For mort information or t0 make an appoinîment, caIt jilI Hicks ai (905) 878- 2383, ext. 7610. Tht Halioii Agricultural Society liolds tuchre ai 7:30 p.m. ai tht Milton Fair Grotînds in hall numher ont. Admission cosîs $4. Big Brothers Big Sîsters of Flaltois hoids a volunteer information session ai 7 p.m. ai 410 Bront Si. S. Find out how ici volunteer for as huIt as an hour each week. For more information, caîl (905) 878-8840 or (905) 339-2355, or e-mail Friday Feb. 23 Express the Arts meets [romn 7 to 9:30 p.m. ai Milton Cafe on Ontanio Street North (opposite Spokes 'n Slopes) wîîh an open mike format feaîuning poetry, guitar and an art galltry Patronato INAS (Canada) is avaîlahle to heip with îhîngs lîke pension ancd ciii- zcnship application f romn 9 a.m. t0 noon ai tht Milton police station, 490 Childs -see more DATELINE on page A12 The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 20, 2007 Ail Eyebro Wax Spa Pe ue Ct Yourfirnx Ysur Wa Haf Foet Nacffm Newvx* HAIR STYLIST WANTED ýU1 M