Ali0 - The canadian Champion, Tuesdlay, February 20, 2007 I I +J ~~LiJ j~JJJ L~J:jJQ.~) Eat healthy when eating out Eating out lu offen a nice treat, or, for some busy tam- lies, a convenient option when there aren't enough hours in the day to cook a meal. But eating out does- n't mean you can't eat healthy. Eating weIl, being active and maintaining a healthy body weight can help reduce your risk of cancer. And a balanced diet that includes tive ta 10 servings of vegetables and fruit a day is known ta have a pro- tective effect against many types of cancer. Making healthy choices when dining out doesn't mean you have ta give up ail yaur tavourite foods. To make if even easier, choose ta eaf at places that are recognized under Eat Smart! - Ontario's Healthy Restaurant Program. This program recognizes top Ontario restaurants and cafeterias for achieving excellence in providing heailthy food choices and ai healthy environment for their customers, including: Board Recruitment Oakville Senior Citizens Residence IOSCRI invites applicants t0 parttcipate on its Board of Directcrs. Our mission. To serve seniors in an atiordable safe commonity by actively promoting wellness, individual choices and opportunities. 05CR seeks volunteer Board miembers ssho miii be committed to our mission: willing to deal with values, vision, change and the future; having an abihity to participate assentively in deliberations. 05CR Board operates under a Carver Policy Governance miodel. The Board mneets the second Thursday of the month. Kindlv submit vour resumne tii: The Nominating Committee Oakville Senior Citizens Residence 222Q-2222 Lakeshore Road West Oakville ON L6L 5G5 emnail: Applications \vili be accepied unîtl Friday March 2nd 2007. ILERiY® qjTAX SERVICE 192e Min Stt Eat Mltn 905-901-4711 Ont a A variety of heaithier food choices, on the menu and by request, including vegetabies and fruit, lower-fat options and substitutions. 0 An excellent track record in food safety and a ieast one fuli-time certified safe food handier on staff. - A 100% smake-tree enviranment. Visit to find an Eat Smarfl Restaurant near yau. Here are a few other tips for the next time you're eat- ing out or eating an the run: - Order vegetables and fruit: Order at ieasf one veg- etable side dish, a salad, a glass of juice ar a fruit cup ta go with yaur mea. Instead of ordering meat, try meals thaf are pianned around vegefabies and fruit, such as soups, pastas and stir-tries, - Boost your fibre: Instead of white bread and pas- tas, ask for whole wheat or whaie grain buns, tortilla wraps, pizza crusts and pastas. For an extra boosf of fibre, try chilli or bean burritos with a saiad or gener- ous amount of vegetabies on the side. * Choose Iess fat: Dine at restaurants thaf have iower faf menu items that you enjoy and aiways ask for higher fat foods, like saiad dressing and saur cream, on the side. Avoid deep-tried faods, such as French tries, tish tiliet ana tried chicken, and go for heaithier choices like subma- rine sandwiches with lean meats and vegetabes, chicken wraps or soif tacas, veggie burgers and garden salads. *Keep it small: Restaurant par- fions are usuaiy large so donit ,- teel that you have ta dlean A Web site has been launched for producers to access new information on Farm Business Advisory and Skills Development programs. This site also offers easier access to application guides and forms. Increase your protitability and find new opportunities to help you: SAssess your farm SDevelop a financial Action Plan SDevelop a succession, marketing, business or other specialized plan STake training to expand your skills SDetermine the feasibility of value-added opportunities on your farm Visit or caîl 1 866 452-5558. For other programs available to producers visit your plate. Ask for a hait portion or take the leffovers home. -Skip the drink: Ask for a 'virgin' cocktail. Blaady Caesars, daiguiris and smoothies are just as tasty withaut alcahal. Mare healthy tips are avoulable on the Canadian Cancer Saciety's website at cancerca. -News Canada ZÈOH, Aborta geowmum of owàow_ »mgow*k R) onwo Canadg SMOKflG W's (li point? Sumeduy, yuII he off ered a cigarette ur he tempted lu umuke. Belure yuu utart, lhink abut il: nvery drag yuu tube screwu up yuur body. Smuking can canne permanent damage tu yuur budy. Once a persun ularts, it hecumen extremely tuugh lu quit. And did we mentiun ail thut cash yuI he htuwing in the prucesu9 Su if ynu're tempted Iu start, usk yourself, "Whal's the point?" This message brught lu ynu byý Zbew Catabiani QIjampion 1I1 J fi I 1 i 1 ATTENTION PRODUCERS 7