Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Feb 2007, p. 26

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26 - The Canadien Champion, Tuesday February 13, 2007 ~'r~ ~Y~! o~1 I Js."f:f: ~Index: Real Estate 100-135 o Business 140-6 oRentais 170-196 o Leisure 200-239 o Communitly 240-299 Fax: 905-876-2354 Email: classitjed@miltoncanadianchampiofl.c0fll o Merchandise 300-385 o Auto 400-470 o HeIp Wanted 500-57 Mon. t Fri. 9am-5om BONUS' Ail classified ads also appear on www.haýonsearch.com *Srie 0-9 o ICUAINci:958854 ENGAGEMENT laitis wîth gireat pleasare abat iDiane fi and Bob Atdeîtun aunuasce the engagement of rhumr daugtber I elley Jean to David Timothy Il sou ut Muni ana and Tim Cumely. The wedding au take place Saturduy. i September 15. 2007. Tbe newlymeds miii e h oneynnuon an Wait Disney World, FMurda.J CONGRATULATIONS Congratulatiofle Vo ,ý'Connie F'rang}( for pasinq the Realtor Liceneiniq Examne "From movinig freight to movinig houeeg" ENGAGEMENT 9Deu StInky paa-pooa, Bile inoi(, yoiu haùstîth lil, tit an, - Il Ihe ii ilî î,p1îndt ad il i eei lviii iesdreFriav iloridcs 1 havetItiifile tUiiltei arc.,sîil( i.ib ypoheînatitt.igltttttit.tI si fied. 1ttîfieu yo t it se)iots tha irtc ai(ild. tIti liss tht e itt tsl lhau iltiiti,ti[i. ,ul; tt sr1 nivaîîi ïon t stilemturs - lî Sk. loi itU.Iyt Ctainttt-tlî,tîtvîîii eit 'rutlie, olore for Ietitan 1 (111 (1evenask or. nci eversli ti o i 't hi. We are proud of you! loe itititoit it i ii i,1ti fuis tti Your family & friende C-' slte i i, 1ý;1 l r,-sls Iv aottiin iî,îht î1i,î cant wat titi to Lov Hirm Voer babY giul aM e Wwpt Foe o ot D 'fstaaV ApateISatr F asFor Rent h,,t!O ai NEW hume far se. REMOVE pour ciminal LARGE hacheso apsali SPACIOUS immacu- Apasx 1900sqft 4 bedrm records Faut. We do Par ment Milon Main laue 2-bedrnom apait- 2 112 bslbs, dauble dons and US Wavers. Sf eeas th Lnre saa ment in new bouse in garage canier loI. If inter- Don't bu ewbarrassed. 1- Single tenana, nu pets cauntry. Gaurage, si ested cati: 905-884-3208 800-298-9820 preterred. Si/S/ma b + nem appliances includ- govewmentparduns.ca huai. 905-875-1150. îng mssheitoryer. Pît- ______________ vaile entrance. Close ta om .Spactai AplMet MILTON onu bedroom 401. Prefer ta pets. .-A 95lFais For Rani aparament. ahane store Suitabie for aduitu. 3.OOsB 5 u 1/2-ce ATO-prfei on Main Si vial eerences. Anaiable 3,00sqft.on /2-cr ACON parmens. Match Itf. For sp- Aprît lSOS $92O/th. wih fenced yard. 1 & 2-hedrooms paînament cati 1-519- First/Lana 519-856- Brunte/Main aies. 905- ausitabte Mar fl & Api f803 30 e :3 29 198619 875-1150. fnlt. Fridge & sauve, te53.MILTON 2--bedraom fsusdry facîtîties. Preter spartmesf, handicap Oifice/DusinaeSs no dogs 59-853-4374. MILTON 2-bedîoom adapfed/euupped. 61b a ' 1lce,1U Opus 7 days/meek. apartment, avaîlabie floor, meil main- Sam da approual. t m m ea ci t a f e 1 p taîned/guîea building. OFFICE/COMMER- wreatsfaic $950/mtth. No puas, 55.028/maS + parking, CIL sae frpretet no smokeîs. utilities înctuded. CIL pae orFlînt/Lasa reguîred. Anailable îmmedîatety, tusse. f800 sg.bt. ACTON f bedroom 905-8761436. 905-876-4678. Milton Hetghfs. apariment. $625/montb We2 re ncame acceptiflg applications fat: 2 bedroom apt's Fot more infarmation and/ar f0 malke anj appointm itin. >OWNTOWN MILTON a Mîlîsida Towara 82 Milîsida Driva. Attractioe galet build- ing. Spactous brîght clean f1&2 bedroum un/as wîth iaundry tacitity and social room on site. leguaa resîdent events Opan 7 dys & aeings Caîl 905-876-1249 www.realstar.ca -BEDROOM suites in îstoric building in tockwood, mîtb gas replaces staraîng at ,675tmonth plus tlîties. - 2-bedroom anement apaitment in ieotgetown, montS-to- nonth, $8gstmonth. Cai Elizabeth Doeit. /obnson Associates Reattor 905-877-St165. l-BEDROOM apura- nient, domotomo Georgetown. 5-aFp/i- anses, parking for t - car. Cieun and fîsshtp paînted, No pets/smok- uts. $t,tootmanth plus utîtities, onu ysai leasy. Mattbum Hîi. Sales Rup. Johnson Asso- ciales 456 892-4723/di- rect). 3-APARTMENTS. Nemip îenosatsd, bnight. freshty decorat- ed. Non smoking/ts. Located in downtomn Acton. Don Jachson ------717940xt, 30. ACTON large 1-bed- room in quiet neîgb- bourbood. $850/month includes utîlttes. Frîdge/ stooe/parkîng Non-smokers. 905-703- OS168 t 5f19-853-8423. ACTON Main Street. Newlp renooated 2- bedruoms, 2-storep bouse. $800/montb plus utîlîtîs. Fînstflasa, nu pets, tefetences. Asaîlable îmmedîutely. 905-702-9288 dapo and evenîngs. ACTON, 2-bedioom maîkout au prîsate back- yard. Suparaae un- trance. Large kiachen. parkîng, Avaîtable Match lot. Cati 519- 853-9957. C a a a a 5 p s t y 9 B v b S p 4 s 1 R 1 h R b J Apartmants&sn ~TON, 2-bedroom 6 mon'tS ni longet N. Ikout f0 prinatu back- Bairl 2 hi bungalow rd. Sepatatu an- town, fin Borna $1595 ncu. Large kitchen. Heathut Meuhan Re- rking. Avaîtahie max teal estatu cenri arcS iti Cati 519- 9058787777 MILTON num, spotless CTON, 2/3-budinom S appi. Available Match tatament in centuip 1 st. $1575/mth + utîlîttus. mu, Avaîlablu mme- Cali 905-467-8302. atuip. Aoaîlablu Match ___________ tl No smoking. BELFOUNTAIN, smaf- 988/morfh huat in- ut home on nîcu lot, uded. Cati 416-889- suitablu foi onu/two 65. puisons. $985/montS plus. No pets pîefurud. VAILABLE immudi- Sf19-927-541 5. uip beautîlul spacîous -RSL parument, Suitablu for CALSE Large countty to. Sepatatu unarancu singe farnîlyhiome. 4+ onnry suning. near catbolîc ochools. $f1350/ uno r g ut o w n Mo +utîlîtîus. May.t Non- f 200/montS inclusive. smoking/ No pets pie- 05-457-81 88. funred. 905-e59-2054 _____________ MILTON: 3-Bedroom AVAILABLE NOWf bouse. 5 appliancus, air. This ona won't laatt Laurier/ Thomson aiea. lrîght spacînus, con- Non-smoking, references unîuntip iocated 1- please. $t450/mth iudroam on Guelpb satîlîttes. Avaîlable MarSt. itreet. Adaîts onipy. No Cati 905-854-561 3 abter ts/smoking. Cati nom 5PM, if6-570-e57& _____________ a 0F Townitousas IEAUTIFUL cou ntry FrRn lutting buameun MILTON Central tueary Georgetown and Acton. townbouse. 3-budroom. Bright 2-buclroom bas- 5-applîancus. No nient apartmunt, Separ- smoking/puas pîutuîrud. ate laundrp îoom, lots $1,300/mth + u tîritlus of indoor/outdloai stoi- 905-693-9074. agu. $900/montb uourp -__________ bhing inciudud. No puis MILTON townbousu foi pîueîîsrd. Cuti 5f9 rntu bup or tunt f0 son 853-9743. Runooaaed 3-bdrmn townhouse on Bronts COUNTRY setnng in St. Avaîlabte immedi- Battînafad. Cisan, spa- utetp. 6-appt. $1400./ clous, laige roomo. maS, Cai 905-875-0178 Sepatate entiance. pri- abler 6pm. suas patio. Avaîtubte nom. $5 ,200/monthý MILTON 3-bedrooni Cati 905-877-8992. îomnhouse pins gai- age asaîlabin. GEORGETOWN 2- 5f 250/mth+uttlitis bedroom apartntsnt an Cati 905-876-4499 top flast of tiFfes. ___________ Aoaitabls Match tsf. No 2.-BEDROOM toms- pets. Cati 905-877- home, Georgetown o- 285f. minion Oaîdens. gai- - - - age 2-Catbîooms, GEORGETOWN $1,295/monih plus Downtown f hsdroom utîlîtes. Asaîtahie Apaît aparament. Asaîlabie 1 sf. 905 877-8ht2ý Match lot. Cati 905- 873-0207. OAKVILLE~ 2&3 hua- rooni tomnhouses aval- GLEN Williams 2-bed- ub/e îmmedîatety tbrough room apaitment, abone Aprît itf 4 appliances, bakery. Na smok- Hopedate Mail urea. îng/peas. $i,200/monab Lakeshore Management includes hydreo 905876-3336 Aoaitahtu February tbthý Cati 905-873- Acc m adaia! 0940. COUNTRY home jusa N LARGE f-bedroom of Milaon. fullp for- basement aparament. nîshed, Wasber/dryei, Quiet aiea. Park- satellite TV, large deck. ing/utilîties includeci. 880. Alil-inclusive. Fe- $BOOtmonth. Firsa/tant, mate prefeîaed . Asaîlabte Match 1St. firottiasa. Asailubie îm- Cati 905-873-9798. medîately. $55Otmtbý 905-467-4888. SPACIOUS brîght 1- ROOMMATE rsiauiied bedîoom apariment. foi 014 Cenitury home $900/month ai In- domntown Milton. Fui- ciucled. Reterences te- nîsbed. porchn pard, quîred. Asaîlabte imme- taundry, $725tmtb ail diateiy, Cati 416-890- inclusive, musa like dogo. 5164. Culi: 905 875 859 ~~Bjthsj STEWART -Laura (nee Burnett) and Jamie ara excited lu announce the birth of their daughler, Ruby Elizabeth Stewart. on Sunday, January 21, 2007 at Milton District Hospital af 8:53 pmn weigh- ing 8lbs 4oz. Proud firnt lime grandpar- ents Rut n sd Brian Burnett and ses- soned grandpareflts Jim snd Sylvia Stewart welcome Ruby along with Aantie Jole and Zia Angela. Uncle Mike and Aunt Christs and cousins Jory snd Brennan. and Uncle Brett, Aunt Sandy sud cousins Sara sud Ben. Many special thanko 50 ail the wonderful doctors sud nurses ai Milton District Hospital for mak- îng Ruby's entrance int thîs world a ssfe snd healthy cane. We look forward to ont iourney together Ruby. Love Mommp and 1Daddy. GLEESON -Paf and Beth (nea Given) ara thankful aud pleased toi announce the birth of their daughter. Lauren Anne, weighing 71 bs looz on Wednesday, February 7, 2007 at 4:20pm. Welcomed by proud grandpsrents Martha & Pat Gleeson caf Campbelville and Sheena & Don Gîven of Pickering. Also welcomed by ail of her excîted Aunts and Uncles. Special thanko to the team at Women's Collage Hospital. il . Vor cr? with Anoucrt-ef1

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