Report shows 2006 was a record year here for industrial/commercial qrowth The caniadian Champian, Friday, February 9, 2007 - A9 tria dcVc lopmntî is kcpiîg pace wiili thc local housing boom, aicciircing to tlw Milton t-coninmic Dcvclîîprncnt Advisory Commtc (MIf-DAC). The groups annual reporit. wvhnch went belore town council fast week, hîighhighted the record hreaking y car Milton had for new indusîrial and com- mnercial growth in 2006 -îmorc than. 1.8 million square leet worth. "MEDAC ancl the Tovn's economic developrnienî office have worked hard over the pasi several years to attraci businesses to the commciy ancl help ensure balanced growîh,- saici Mayor G~ord Krantz. -from $8 MILLION on page Ai for bis perception. its a sopbisticated network ibais bebiind ibis eruinal operation, police saîcl. Had the cocaine becît at a stage where it was ready to be sold ai a street level, it could bave gcmne for as inuch as $20 million, Payne said. Somecone somýcxvbicrc is upset because tiex xc losi a significaisi ainount ofl nocîey', lie saîd. The truck ssas conung Irons tbe \ it[i [1 s îîl(u . iii d 1 i i ui- ciai dcx cloiuiicit coniiciuing ai a stcacl> Pacc. ihc futcure looks to bc pro-,perous for Miltin- Somne cil the ncw and cxpaniding businesses in Milton inclucle: * Maaco Systcnis Canada - movcd its operations front Mississauga To a laciliîy in the James Sflow Business Park. - Sysco Canada - Icaseci hall of a nlew lacility currenîlv being develcîped in the 401 Business Park, with occu- pancy expected this year. - TransPro Freigbt Systems Ltd. is soon. moving into a new facilnty ni Milton. United States, but its not known il the drug shipruent -possibly Irons South Amenica - xvas loaded before our aier îî entereci Ontario carlici ibai day, Perkîns saîd. its also ncuî known wbcrc tc truck, xx bich scas regîsterecl to an O)ntario company, svas beaded, bc saîd. Along sviih tlue c arrois in tbe trcuck was carroi tiice. Poclice îuoxxý have a liii ofl %ork abcacl o! ibemn Tis, is a inmow' î poiîccîxest iii Milton iii bousc its business iii a lJames _Snosv Business Park lacility. - Cbudlcîgbs -îs moving its bak- crs' facility to an 80,000-square-boot plant i the I scarpmcent Business (ommuniy. Two major retail projects are also currenily uncler conîstruction - one on a 30-acre parcel arounci the intersection of Sîceles Avenue and i hompson Roacl ancl the other on Kennedy Cîrcle ai Iborupson Roacl and L ouis Si. Laurent Avencue. To viesv MEDAC's full report visit 000 surety qîîton court gain, Perkî us s îîcl Brampton resiclent Avtar Sandbu, 39, bias been charged wxitb possession of a controlleci substance for tbe pur- pos of tralficking. A bail hecaring was helcl y esterclay ai cOntarioî Court of jucstic e in Milton on Steeles- A\venue. Sanclu xsas recased on a $ 120,000 surcty. xîpî Ti hicssîîi i( a be ihed ut Randy Winterle Mr. David Sanci, President of Oak-land Ford Lincoln is pleased ta welcame bock Randy Winterle as "Sales/Leasing Manager" Randy has been away for 14t years, but returns with 1 4 years of Sales/Leasing Management experience, almost ail of wbicl, wit- Ford/Lincoln praducts. Please feel Free ta drap by anytime far an>' af yaur vehicle needs ar cal! liim at 905 844 3273. e-mail fUAÇLAN D FORD LINCOLN 570 Trafalgar Rd.,Oakvile &T ffE o.. Suspect released on $1 20,< following bail hearing at N~ jp MILTON HYDRO A Warning to Milton Hydro Customers: Customers have recently reported that people are showing Up at their door claiming to be representatives of Milton Hydro. You should know that Milton Hydro is flot involved in any door to door sales activities. Ail Milton Hydro representatives carry photo ID and if you have any doubt of a person's authenticity, please caîl our office at 905-876-4611. Customers are advised: " your account number - do flot show a copy of your hydro bill or share your hydro account number with anyone unless you are prepared to do business with themn (i.e. sign a contract). " Always request proof of identity including the name of the salesperson and the Company they represent. The Ontario Energy Board licenses ail natural gas marketers and electricity retailers. They must conduct their business using "Fair Marketing Practices" (see OEB website which includes that retailer representatives "immediately and truthfully" identify who they are and which company they represent; that the representatives wear photo 1.D. listing their name and the name of their company; and that they not "exert undue pressure on a consumer" to sign a contract, Any issues or concerns should be reported directly ta the Ontario Energy Board. OEB tol-free phone number: 1-877-632-2727 OEB website: