Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Feb 2007, p. 7

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Neighbouring power plant wiIl The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 9, 2006-A7 lTown counci ooks into hui!ding fire alarm sys.-tern (The following lcttet was addhcssed to members oj town counicil, and a copy was filed with Tise Champion.) DEAR EDITOR: Tbis letter is in response to the gas-fired power plant set to be buili just east of Milton. You have got to bc kidding. Other than the possibilicy of providing an increase in revenue to the area, as a result of the increase in the workforce, what on eartb are y/OU tbînking about? One of the reasons that peo- ple move into this area is for the peace, tranquility, beauty, and breathable air -qualities tbat are missing fromn most of the towns in southern Ontario. What's this? An attempt to assimilate Milton into the cloning landscape of Ontario? Power is a great tbîng wbetber it be real or imagined, linancial or emotional, beaura- cratic or socialist, electrical or gas-lbred. However, witb this type of power cornes a social responsi- bility. 1 feel that the mere con- templation of this environimen- tai and visual elephant would not only binder the health of Milton and area residents, it would also decrease our ever dwindling larmland, diminish the natural beauty of the area and serve as an oxyrnoron to the label 'World Biosphere'. Also, wbat about the Clean Air Act of Canada? Does Milton fll out oh the spbere of Canada to the extent that it doesn't bave to comply wvitb these standards? Please use your common sense and "use the powers of a 1,000 pound gorilla to ligbt for dlean air in Milton." I anxiously wait to sec that your duty to serving the resi- dents of this area is upbeld. ROBIN BUCK CAMPBELVILLE Thanks to everyone who supported On the Way to Bethlehem pageant DEAR EDITOR: It's wstb gratitude that I express my beartfcît appreciation to eacb and every persan wbo con- tributed to the success of our fifth annual nativity pageant, 'On tbe Way to Betblebem'. I was wonderful to bave so many young peo- pIe and cbildren - 50 of eacb group - bappily performing their roles witb entbusiasm. I was likewise inspiring to bave volunteers from 24 dif- ferent cburcbes workîng togetbcr, eacb doing bis or bier part to present the truc meaniisg of Chrnstmas, to tbe nearly 5,000 vîsîtors that 'jour- neyed to Bethlebem'. 'On tbe Way to Betblebcm' îs tbe pro]ect of Milton and Ares Cbristian Cburcbes Working Together. Tbese eburebes are tbe nucleus tbat bas set tbis tradition in motion. We'rc indebted to tbose at Country Heritage Park for tbeîr contînucd encouragement and for providing us witb tbe perlect site. Finally, I was toucbed and bumbled on our appreciation nîgbt bv the beautîful sweater gîven to me by the cast and crew fi was so appropniately embroidcrcd witb angels and stars. 1-bank you so very mucb. I asked (,od to restore my becaltb to allos nie to sec tbis joumney tbrougb for tbe 2006 pageant. My prayers were answered, witb your belp. God bless you aIl. DR. ANDREA ROWBOTTOM, DIRECTOR ON THE WAY TO BETHLEHEM We have to keep up with demand for power - f rom REAUTY on page A6 start building plants in order to mccl tbe growing demnand of tbe population. Conservation alone wsll only lessen tbat demand. Environmentally-friendly power generation sucb as wind and solar energy are limited ta areas wbere wind and sun are in abundance. AIl major rivers in sautbern Ontario bave been fully utîlîzed to tbeir potential. Tbat leaves coal, nuclear and natural gas. Coal ts by far tbe worst for pollution. Our 750- megawatt plant in Nantîcoke is a major contributor to our smog problema every summer. Nuclear power is very expensive, and tbere's always tbe problem of bow ta dispose of tbe waste matenial. Natural gas is a relatively clean source of power. I bas been promoted as a cleaner fuel tban gasolîne for years for use in automobiles. Is a natural gas plant really going ta bave a major impact on tbe pollution iii Milton? fi would be interesting to fînd out wbaî kind of pollution wc get from Nortb Amerîca's busiesi bîgbway every day, as tbe log- jam of cars and trucks pass by our town. More împorîanîly, ask your- self if you'rc wîllîng to accept more blackouts. We ail take it for granted tbat wben y/au flîck tbe switcb, tbe ligbt comes on. A. PAXTON MILTON 'imte Capsules' are gems of infor- mation extracted from paat issues of Thse Champion and other publications in order to provide a wîndow mbt Miltons past. Explassatory comment is sometimes provided to place the situa- tion in context. May 1909 A town counicil committee went ta Hespeler andl was sbown the workings of the fire alarm, system. Tbey bave 9 street boxes ansd 9 or 10 of tbe firemen bave alarma in their bouses. Tbe Bell Telepbone Co. installed it. It was considered atis- factory. Tbe comxnittee went ta St. Thomas and met Mr. Bell, City Engineer and be took tbem to tbe city waterworks wbere be sbowed the liltering system af their water supply whicb was reported 99 per- cent pure. Tbe comxnittee visited tbe lire ball and found tbe system similar ta tbat of Hespeler. Thse connmittee also met WA. Cowan, C.PR. engi- neer from London and be gave Milton permission ta lay a balf-incb pipe under tise C.PR. tracks ta tbe Willmott property in order ta supply that properly water for building pur- poses. The committee obtained approval fromt Milton Council for Mr. Bell ta draft a plan favouring a fil- tering system. Estimates for an alartu system were also ta be obtained and a reel bouse built in thse east end of town. Kilbride: Miss Etta Foster is leav- ing the vicinity ta occupy thse posi- tion of "Central" at thse new tele- pbone office wbicb is at present being erecteil in Lawville. Robert Ramsbaw, Jr., bas been appoint.ed manager of tise Manitoba Telephone System, witb bestiquar- ters at Winnipeg. Tbis is a govern- ment position witb a large salary attacbed. On Tbursday evening the Ontario Dental Society gave Dr. J.B. Willmott, Dean of tbe College of Dental Surgeons, a camplimnentary banquet at tbe King Edward Hotel in Toronto. A bandsome memorial window will bc placed in thse ncw dental college in Milto~n UZ0 capsules honour of Dr. W'illmott, a native of Milton. Messrs M. Beattie & Son, Campbellville, have sold out their general store business to Messrs. Mahon Bros., sons of Councillor James Mahon, who took possession on Saturday. Major Beattie will buy grain St Caanpbellville and bis son înay go elsewhere. Landlord Kelly bas treated bis hotel, tbe Commercial, to a brilliant coat of paint. Landiord Martin of the New Royal bas bad tbe stone and brick front and tbe north end of that botel given a uniformn colour by a coat of light grey paint, wbicb adds greatly to its appearance. Milton Horticultural Society bas been organized witb 78 members. Elected- President A. Higginbotbam; First Vice-president Jas. Dent; Second Vice president J.M. Bastedo;, Sec. Treas H.P Wanzer; Directors Messrs Wanzer, Pearen, Barton, Hare, Syer, Blain, Tbos. Wilson, Rev. J.C. Willmott and Mrs. Storey. The naine of Society is Milton Horticultural and Town Improvement Society. PL. Robertson Co. bas planted 25 fine young soft maple trees from the E.D. Smitb nursery, Winona along the front of their factory properry on Bronte St. Rolansd Brusb caugbt 32 fine trout in May's creek on Empire Day. One measured 13-and-a-balf incbes, and six a total of six feet. Tbe creek is pre- served this season for tbe flrst time. This material is assembled on behalf of te Milton Historical Society by jim Dills, who can lie reached at jdills@idire.t.com. Have you rqec"ýently been injured in a car accident? lWeàw can helpl We are a lully integrateti muIt-i dsciplinary clînic thal allers a wide vaniety af solutions for ai your heathcare neetis. We specialize in car accident injury rehattilitatian. We directly bill your car insurance company andi will hantile ail the paperwork relatei ta yaur trealment No referral is necessary ta attend aur clinic. NO REFERRAL NECESSARY, SAME DAY APPOINTMENTS " Chiropractie Care e Ultrasound Therapy # IFC & TENS Trherapy " Massage lberapy 0 Custom Orthotics * Exorcise Program' O Hmephc Car. 0 Injury Rehabilitation * f L 0 Acupuncturead ~u~> CTJChiropractic an A C ReaItto Centre::I

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