The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 9, 2007 - Bi ARTS ~Taenedstudents' set to stage The Music Man What do you do when you faîl in love with someone who has obvious ethical issues? That dîlemma wîll be played out on stage with the latest production by Milton Youth Theatre Productions (MYTP). The performance of'The Music Man' will take place at the Meadowvale Theatre inL Mîssissauga next Friday at 8 p.m. and February 17 at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Students from 6 to 18 years old will take 10 the stage for the performance, which also includes a live pit bandi. Tickets cost $15 for adults and $10 for kids under 12. Meredith Wilsons music and lyries tell - the story of "professor" Harold Hill, who travels from town to town, taking pre-paid orders for musical instruments and uni- forms. He dlaims he'lI teach youngsters to play and form a town band. But Hilî's scam is complicated when he becomes attracted to the local libranian, who soon sees him. for the fraud he is. Although she recognizes his scheme, Marian falîs in love with Harold. It's a group of very talented students put- ting on the show, said MYTP director Kimt Belvedere. "We're s0 proud of their hard work and dedication throughout the entire process of putting this play together.' She added she hopes the Milton commu- nity will support the students by attending the performance. It wîll be a great day when Milton finally gets our ow professional theatre faciliîy to showcase our local talent," she added. For tickets, cali the Meadowvaie Box Office ai (905) 615-4720. GRAHAM PAINE CANADIAN CHAMPION For information about MYTP, vîsît BREAK A LEG: Members of Milton Youth Theatre Productions (from Ieft) Hugh Ritchie, Leanna Ritchie, Wyatt Colton and Kathryn Goodenough gear up for next week's performance of The Music Man. The show wilI take place at the Meadovvvale Theatre in Mississauga. Trio of artists to performi sonçjs of Iegendary Gordon Lighffoot Three award-wînnîng artîsts wîll come to Milton next Tickets cost $25 in advance. both Lighitfooi's music and the songs lie înspîred tbem to month to, celebrate the songs of musical legend Gordon Between themn, Finnan, Nash and Tufts have won the write to the United States. Lîghtfoot. prestigious 'Songs From the Heart' award, sponsored by the This is the firsi time the show bias toured in ibis lormt in Actigus Fînnan. Jory Nash and Terry Tufts wîll perform Ontario Councîl of Folk Festivals, four'ycars iii a row Canada. March 30 ai 8 p.m. at the Milton Bible Church auditorium, The tbree sîngers are aIl included in the Beautiful CD, the Tbis concert is part of the JustMiltonFolks senies, wbîch 200 Main St. E. first ever Lightfoot tnibute album, released nationally across ais to bring Canadian music to Milton in small, intîmate They'll present a musical evening interweaving a collec- North America by Borealis Records and Northern Blues performances. tion of Lightfoot's mis beluved sungs with their uwn origi- Music. For tickets, caîl (905) 876-2645 or visit w'wwjustmilton- nal tunes inspired by Lightfoots music. Ibey've spent two seasons across the border brînging foî