24 - The Canaàdian 'Charj9on, lrida? Fèbrarý~ 0, '2607 a~eî Hel HIi ita Hopi etal litOfc ep k c ep w i me I.a, Dental Meca,)ental cal, Dental MdclD~ AUT BOY WRK FOR ONE OF CANADAS FASTEST GROWING COMPANIES- PF ' -ON Tr PçadrO hC] aura coision rla centre. 10 yro exp. - Rq .Exc Wageo, Hvywherdtin benefîts, pension &bonuo. CtehlltdllthmtIl Cali 905-689-9812 à d or aliter 7pm caîl 905-961-2014 llIqtSf Ofi elp ff i ceHi JNOR GRPHC DSIGE Junior Oraphic Designer reqaired for a fast grow- ing companry. The succesoful applicant must be famîliar with Illuatrator, Pholoohop, In Design and Quark Expresa on a Mac platfsrm. They must as hase the ability 10 work nr a fast paced, leam-i' oriented ensirooment cîlfi multiple resosabîlitîeo, Proof reading okillo are an asset, Salary range os $25,000 - $27,000 depending on experience. Please oend your rexume by fax to: 519-853-8979 Orily ihose wlu rosaire an interaiew wili be coniocied. -FI . , ..ANIDMNSTAO Clisha Liite, Cnsutin Eninersand Land Sureyos ocaed n eoretonhase an imme- diat opningfora faîl-tîme Office *Accoa ntant/Administ rats r. Related interme diate level wth -years experience. Dutes include pro-1 jcl bîlling and ail aspectsof5 genoral ledger cootrol occoant management including year end and SunOpta mnc. (STKL - Nasdaq) (SOY -TSX) is /ooking for the right person ta fi11 a flexible part-lime position as: PAYROLL CLERK The succesoful applicant ciii haoe working knocledge of Ceridian lnuync Biue 1.94 cith 1 ta 3 years experience in payroll. Outies to include: data entry, goseroment remittances and other administrative and payroll related functions. Qualification: " Solid communication skills, verbal & writteni " Muat be an energetic texm player and ability to adapt f0 change " Excellent problem uoloîng skills and judgment " Saperior knowledge of Eacel To find out more about SunOpta Onc., visit sur web-aife at awc ouniropta coin Send your reoume ta the Oirectsr of Human Resourcex E-mail: Michele.albrecht@sunopta.com ornfax lx 905-455-0253 vie t0ank ail irtereoied candidates, howemer, onis 0000e nelected for an interview cii/hae coniacted. Saturn of Part Time SMxssxssauga Receptionist Weekday esenîngs aod occasional Satardays. Must hase good phase presence, and pleasaot wifh cusfomners and staff. Ideal for senior student wîth ao trans- portation. Send resamne 10 jobs@saturnmississauga.com Local cic ýnin(_,, 'ompa'y coui, OFFà ASSISTANCE Mon Fr day, Must be organoed 1 flexible & possess gond customer service skillis Knowledge of cleai busincs, Fax re.-'u me"t'.ý. 905-875-3236 Two Positions Asailable: t Fuli-Tîme - 3 to4 days / 1 esesing 2. Malennily - 5 days / 1 esenîng vile are lookîng for outgoing, self molisated i- sîdualo. Ahaldent an asset. 1Please reply 10: Or Beoocheane/Or, Crin/Or. Hutter Fax: 905-877-3917 Naturopathic Doctor (ND) Required for large ex- pandîng complemen tary health clînîc in Hallon. P/T or F/T asaîlable îmmediately. Emal reoume 10 canadianhealthcenitreo @hotmaîl.com or fax 10 905-637-7850 wos/rig papers. Sine admrinisriative ulc. __________ Send Resurv o: info@chooharv coraJmfHî1 SlsHp - Sales Help eSales Itelp Sales _________Sales______ Agents &Allen Legal Assistant Agents____ lit_________ GEOR ,GETOW For Airport area fim practîcîng R. E. Fam &à Sales Consultant I Civil; Conp. & Comm. & Wî//s, Trusts & EssaIes. Exp. pncenred. Our0 Salhop ene cfcent a scmessad ~IV~crc Caro tahespeopet ofroang ocellen sincm Forward reaumes: Fax: 95-6 02-8938 or dealershîp. Training cr11 be prooîdod Emi: iffbIie UTINEIFUU-.TIM Emaf: Ofbefne ca *~ Cali, Emaîl, or Drap In W ilini iii nlirilla wo I t,, v The #t Team in Canada for RE/MAX s lookino for I pdLICN &deîîg roun brcueNs&detml piees and coorinatingou drcutmil esenrs.ice and ah/all 10 ork in afastpaced ennenvirnh might deadies must haee 0f arzd ehîle -o 905d eti-339-2103 pors exaill to lpol copuerin@t eliatate p an.coltt. We h ark yxso ourinetg u for l ha THEMA KEINGIT TASSTN -fRE/MAXo Abo(s-cratcn Ralyorp, Brokero'Mit-ige for non-profitin duy assoction o ect cmmu- pi. Looking fordiatleadetail cith. Ren foire proil oeclrs. Reoring 10O oaredg f der, cDersion fPotohp cldosre atnsotion. der- anblioîg/maketingn gosternmen roioin exei- encet onastdeadline thaeuera a 21s1 20. We tank o foer yo intee, hocue ony those secte fo n rntervirew cil/ be contaite Biinua dmin.T forlnonoi asy fansncatio servi comny cunly eek i ofesea iîlngBuadnst&Tron-o suo.t aoknd Cufom aer/Steie Retprnoives. friWeord fsib/ Échder the nofpofit or fork arfi st-Rpacedg cutomer Boared reoron mhent.datu muhse acpsot-e conar &eduuro nds hsee a mirnium o/1-3 ears d hepreea corn nisia fo-e dsr arndlasscitoer sevie esinmren and experrien crlaRESos epRR and norc an asset dieFbur 1s,20 Plesed fm our appies lation b ealta BuanobsU fnalsrvi@cl ces fax an 9033-97 ITel: 905-845-7791 Fax: 905-845-7211 eyau@hyundaiofoakviIIe.com JONES NEW YORK FACiQen STOE JONES New York womens apparel il currentiy hînung tuf -tîme and pant-time SALES ASSOCIATES KEYHOLDER POSITION for aur Oaksîf le location (290 Narth Service Raad, Oakvilf e) The ideal candidate ohould hase the tollowîng: Qualifications: :2 yeans of Retal Eoperience *Outatandîng Castomer Service okilis *Ability ta multi-taxk *Ability tai mark ao part of a feam *Aosist in the implementation of operational strategies and directions *Asxist in dniving sales and increasing Oar market acaneneso Pleaso torward your resumne toi bmotz@jny.com Jones New York ia an equal oppoxluni employer, however vie will onty contact thoue candidateu chouan for an interview SIf you are interosted in a career ea n sales virtl a progressive Fard dealorshp, thon vie are Ford Ucoln ntorested in you. 2 PRE-OWNED SALES CONSULTANTS This position offers a career ith *Strong management support *Professianal Training *Monthly bonus levelo *Health and Dental Plan *Opportunity ta grose mith us *Company Car *Unlimited Earnîng Patential A seriaus commilmenl ta excetling in velhiclo sales is necessary Submit your resumne ta tIhe attention of: Lazo Dorota Fax: 905-844-4472 Email: Iborota@oaklandordlilcoln.Ca Oak-land Ford Lincoln Sales Limited 570 Trafalgar Road, Oakvilte, ON, 16J 3J2 We thank ail applicanto in advaoce,hocever, only thoxe aelected for an interview ii ha contacted. Fxrexume f0: 905-877-7770 *reoume@closelink.ca On/y qua/îîe applicanîts ail/hoe contacti. I The Sherwin-WiIIiams Company Decorator/Sales Associate PT Sherii-Williams, one 0f Fortune Magazines '100 Beot Companies to cxrk for», hou an apening in our Budinglon store. Prior customer service expe- nience and an intereol in Intenor Oecorating is re- quired. Salary ils $13.12/hr. cîth a ochedule of up 10 30 boums per ceek. Please send your resumne toi: The Sherwin-Williams Company AfIn: Dave Skinner, District Manager 170 Brunel Road, Mississauga, ON L4Z iT5 Fax: (905) 507-4198 E-Mail: ontaric.district@sherwil.com Cullîgan of Canada isa market leader in an exp/osisely grocing induotry and ce insite you 10 loin our leam in Brampton as o SALES ASSOCIATE And prospect cuotomero, deliser presentationo, condudt calîbacho & maînlaîn contact c/fb current clients. Your enlhasiasm and interpemsonal okillo cîth preolous sales expenience and a knocledge af caler problemo and trealment are an asel. We of- fer an attractive compensation package cifb a full range 0f benefils in a cork enoironmient 1h01 tbnoves on leam cork and challenge. To explore this opporlunily turther, pleas submît your resumne lo Tyler AvenItl ai tyler.avorill@culligafl.com Rdtal esHel 0t SlesHll Full Time and Part Time Sales Associates Milton store Loakîng for applîcants wilb somne, prevîous sales expen ence Ifrat are enlhusîaolîc and asaîlahle dayo anr evenîngo andt meekendo. lnterested candidates should bring their resume tol 1290 Steeles A ve. E., or cal 905-875-4183 and ask for Julie 1 lie I ) ii , Yeu iy sl. . 1 süIi, " 519-856-9171 ori 59-856-1274 Or e-mail toi admin@edelhouaecar homO.ca or fo: sbro ieer@edenhousecaehome.ca Eden House Care Facility RHR. 2 - 5016 Wellington Counfy, Road 29 1 Guelph, ON NI1H 6H8 OnlyOrhose rýeceising an interview wilI ha contacted. cwc.edenhousecarehome.Ca RX s (.C . E. R . a uy R..N9 WET N HSITL S.R.T. Med-Staff ls pleased to announce a new contract ta provide R.N's and R.PN.'s ta hospitals in the Mississauga, Brampton and Oakville areas. Candidates must have a minimum of 1 year recent experience in their area of expertise. Please fax your resumé ta Hanna Krieger at S.R.T. Med-Staff 416.968.3652 or email: AlO 4OO/Ox îuuu.suu S iîi ii Kr,. i eg rs.iis,,,i; s5 ,,a,-cons5,ii,'5Si i S I PHARACYTCHNIIAN L* IIIII oel Resaurat Mi Buldin in ctonFine Dinîng M III:m tý51-5314 Jr. Sous Chef Motîvated& ctplacea your adi1 Professiona HEARTHSTONE RI afflbi rc i,cac 1Icc. Fuli-Time an upocale seniors sa/i 905.878.23411 rondo requîtes - Excellent Wagoo RPN Hot[elflstarnt 289-242-5720 Fax reoume 905-3339646, omnail: ivino@ hearthstono.ca RN For longe expandîng clinic nr Ha/tlon. P/T & F/T asailabie immediolely. Emal resume 10 canadîanheallhcentres @hotmail.com 905-637-7800 F _- é' l ASAO ,r W KOISCO F AIl Staff Positions Required Bamstatf - Waýtxtaff -Basers - Bartak Kitchen - Coatcheck - Secunity, Pleaoe coul Daniel at 905-702-7677 Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm7 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A CHALLENGE? Are you fiokn for a job that recarda hard coih, aboya average cagea, benefta, & have iscessive programa9 Than ce have postons for yooi We are currently looking for: ASSIS TANT MANGERS with possibil of advanoement. Bonus & incentive programs heali h bentelits il poil training Also laoking for: F/r Counter Staff for ail shifi Please appîy ta: 5051 Harvester Rd., Tel: 905"1-1841, Fax: 9054681-3823 7Ia"ssâed"Our"s TeaW osn Monday ta Friday 9 arnt 5 pm DYNAMIC6 EDUCATORS Lann ru Team F orrenled educatxrs required Ici unique 1 teacbîng oppxrlanrly il omall prisale ochool, specral educaîron day prognam and leo nng centre, inlegralîxon omoîl gnoup, 1: t GTA and Domextic Help uronnBABEkscauley@rxgers.com Fax: 905-877-9636 PART-TIME aroa. Exporionco in Require on coîl MoIha yeam xl 0900 old organîcNogan ond enîoy orkîng /lb ch idre s food an ass or. S Arrplrcanl pleose oend coser letter 3 days/cook c/lb resume to0 Carslyn Capelsla t1 am-2pm; 10to Mountiîm e Road, South days/hiors fleible. Faxr:e905-702-1010 10 905-854-4362 to lace art ad call 905.878.2341 Vif callafiail cWiliploil