B6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 6, 2007 Players' Jupiter in JuIy quite amusing, done weII ils a sad but truc tact ot lite tbat doing wlîat we xxaiii nt always tbe righî îhing, and doing tbe rigbî îbîng isn'î always fun. So learns Donald Springer, tbe lead character in tbe Milton Players' Theatre Croups latest production, Jupiter in July by Norm Foster. Friday nigbî, the Milton Seniors' Aclivily Centre on Cbilds Drive was filîed witb laughîer as the audience puî tbemselves in Donald's place for a few bours. Ils always nice Co Valenti ne's cisc bave t make A a difficult decisiont -iW for a change. YLac Directed by ~ 7 Geoff Ford, the sage play follows 50- 4 â someîbing Donald ___________________________ as be "faits in love" -or infatuation, depending on your debiniîion of love - our event. FRFETFoii-rrïy LG 245 (2antd 3year erm) LG Chocolate $79.99 (3 year terrre HH1figer Samsung A720 $99.99 (3 year terni) rn SAVE ON SELECT IN-STORE WALLCOVERINGS &BORDERS TFL US Store i Ž509( Steeles Avernue East (905; 876-0361 TE L U S the future os friercy Ofir va a le Il fe ri t a 4 20 Ph n avatt ' a '" t ,, t ie t a VEl,[eý, ý, ae.n,11m ? e ,alFý, r 0 , me hang out at xxîil t xx titan hait hi-, tee xvbile bisý xxife ails ai bomne ii bed, Donald contes to rcalize exvx ibiiing lia. doexniù itaxc xx îîh lii, wife Joanne. And as joanne reahizes shes losing oui to, a gar- den, she cornes to realize il represenls aIl the dreams the mid- dle-aged couple has thrown by the wayside. Can a comfortable, lime-worn love compele with the headiness of something new and emoîtonal? And should Donald follow bis head or bis beart? Tbese are questions he grapples witb, and a few surprises are thrown in to keep tbe audience on ils tcoes. Each viewer will have bis or her own opinion on wbat Donald sbould do and whetber he makes the rigbî decision in the end. Veteran actor Susan Cranford is quile believable as the pitiful Joanne Springer who seems bored with lite. And Pat McManus is skilled as the cbarmingly old fash- ioned Donald with a new spning v- bis step - despite a few fumbled lines. Sharon Stevens' perky portrayal of the "other woman" fils inîo the mix nicely, creating a good chemistry between her and the stodgier Donald. The only problem 1 bad with the play has nothrng tc, do witb tbe Players and everything to do witb the flippant way Norm Foster treals marriage. If theres no passion left, tbrow the relationship away - that seems to be Fosters attitude. Jupiter in July wasn'î a love story for me, it was an infatu- ation story - because love isn't sometbing born out of a two- week attraction, but out of lime, commitment and a decisioti to make il work. If everyone "followed tbeir bearî" aIl tbe lime, tbere'd be very few marriages left indeed. Regardless, Ibis is an amusing play performed well by Milton's own tbeatre group. Ibere's still lime 10 catcb Jupiter in July. Remaining sbow- only performances are Tbursday and Fniday. Doors open aI 7:30 p.m.. wiîb curtain cati aI 8 p.m. Tickels cost $25 eacb. Tbere's also a dinner Ibeatre performance Saîurday Tbe bar opens aI 6:30 p.m., dinners aI 7 p.m. and tbe show starls aI 8:15 p.m. Tickels cost $40 eacb. Tickels can be purcbased in person aI Boutique 188, 188 Main St., or by pboning (905) 875-0629. 37Boute Week S LRonIyuze SSAVE 30 ON SELECT PAINTS ý, Xa 40% ON SHUTTERSIBLINDS 4