leens charged in robberies The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 6, 2007 - A3 By Stephanie Thiessen CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF tcens iii connection svith a cou- pie of art-ned robbercs Thursday that marked Miltons seventh and cighth of the past rnonth. .1usi after 12:30 a ni., a male suspect entered the Rabba Fine Foods ai I)eiry Road and Trudeau Drive, police said lThe suspect brandishied a hiandgun and demanded cash lroin tic clerk. Aiter receiving a snîall antount aloîîg wiilî cigarettes, hc lied. The 49 -year-old maie clerk wasn't injurecl A dark-coloured, four-door sedan was seen speeding asvay from the area. Just before midnight the same day, a 20-year-old man answered a knoek at the door of tlie Main Street honte he sîtares cd by two înasked utei. lie trîed îo close the dloor on them, but the men forced their way itîsîde. One man produceci a bîand- gun and ordered the vîctim to he quiet. A scufle fuîllowecl, but the victim was quickly suhdued, police said. The suspects stole sonie DVDs, a kiîapsack and a smtall anîount of' cash and led ithe house. Tlie victiiî svasîî'î înjured. A caniîne searcli of tlie area was coîîducted, but te suspccts wereîî t imiîecliaiely l(icated. Oit Friday a 17 year-old I-lton IllIs male was arrcsted iii conneciion with both rob- beries. Police recovered a pellet gun as well as clothîng allegedly worn duning the robbenies. lie ivas cltarged with îwo pîcssessihîg weapons aîîd break and enter. A 15 year-old Milton boy was arrested in coiliectbon with the home invasboni. He was clîarged wtth robbery, break attd enter and weaning a dîsguise. Dci. Sgt. Peter Hlodgsoîî said Hlton Regional Police have formed a task force to deal with the rash of recent robbenies i Milton. Su far, charges have been laid in connection svîth tour of titis pasti nonths armned robberîes. Vle're contident we're îîov- îng iii tue right directioni," lie saîd. Stephcine iThiessen can he recu lied uit sthiessenCalmi Itont ana- dicîncîimpion .coin. 'Suspiclous man story made up Parenîts are brcathîng casier îoxv that Haltoit police have determined vsso girls werc lying svheîî they saîd a man îried bo force themn int bis trunk last week. lii reality, therc neyer ivas a suspicious man, saîd Dci. Sgt. Peter loclgsîtî "Thev, misled us." Police had sent oui a press release reportiiîg isso 10 v-ear old girls sverc stoppcd by aî suspicious mnii laisi luesdav aitcriiooiî as thes svalked honte front scitool oit Costigait Road itear Gorbani Way. i hc girls saîd thes ivere îîîld îo bc quiet aitd gcî tîtto the tnink. il hcs said tîtes screaiîicd antd ran ici a neighbours btouse for help. The girls gave a description oif the suppîîsed suspect and bis c.ar. 'lie motîter of onte of the girls called police. Parents of clîildren ai the nearby school were îold uf the incident and urged to talk wtth their clîildren about not goîng with sîrangers. lie added offieers are relieved ai the outcutme -Tîteres obvuously relief that ticre isn'î a pred- ator oui there. Ibais our lirsi respotîse. Aîîd there's satisfac tioni (tic case) was coîc luded belore a loi <il pahnic spiread " lic said. No charges vili hie laid. ~dd 428ron (e Sm touth~ e &9rnrnacu 19 3 .te --e&cAoo*Il a. é à. 'è à -A ýà a Ai J.Ja -a jà 4 4 à 4 . 4 * a 4 ,4