Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Feb 2007, p. 7

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 2, 2007-A7 GTA pooling in need of a change \Prospecting work delayed hit, îî'îîe %vas îîutieîsse'il fi b05ois enet, anmd tietct iiii t ax i ct is imipe aise. ~U trUr~t !WÇrPPC (îIîî ti t s iti, il ii t hî Chatmipion.) DEAR EDITOR: This Icîrer is in regard to GIA pooling funds and lialion Region's financial support for Ci. ty of Toronto social services. The directors of tbe Milton Rural Resîdenîs Association (MRRA) strongly support tbe resolution ibat the GIA pooling subsîdy should be eapped at the 2006 level, as recently approved hy Halton regional couincil to readdress thîs mialter. Vurtbcr to capplng. we helieve the malter of tbe G lA poolinig subsîdv should hc crii calîs reviewed Io detet minle whethcr or not theme aic real henefits \vhich accrue 10 thc cil- t:cnis ofl ilton, commncnistate \vith tbe contribution thicy make to the lnnidîng of l-oîontos 'octal -.crs tc Olitgoilig a.intal auttonliat c ic rasCes ot Cs Ciil.si c nlain- tetialîce ol the stt itiO atîcii't au cCptableý \ i goittus s -e clii anis sîs sý tctîuited h\ Ille Regioti ol Iliai ton ient i si itg s'pet iictus tht pi ogramns or ii- tiatts es. nr SXlttcl thesc ltitids aie useti andt hîts' litltuîil pi tpeltN i.), c antd ahîtvc tIlt tos[i l edit consîderattons, the concept of fînancing social service pro- grams ihroughi property tax levtes is hîgbly quesiionable, and we feel ils tîîally inappro- priate instsfar as properîy own- ers iin one mnitnieîpality are equired to subsîclîze anoîber inunîcîpality's social service iti- niatives. We helieve the Region's goal should be to clîînînaîe this subsîdy altogeiber. Il biopefully goes w'ithoiii saving ibat ils axiomnalie that tIse funds saved through the eductîtîn of Flalton", G [A putol îîîg contribsution mulsi bc direct- IN, returiid bo tbe taxpayers of I laîtîti, nt diverteti t sotie othei regîitral or muiitipai pin- grain. lit the cast' ii total tlntiit.t- lion of the poolîîîgsistî "Mlte $-t iltlioni tsintt 200o stbsts soultl lie i clliie nt 1 Ilaiton pi Opelix ossItetý s a . tangiblte \ tîî lion bî'itclit Pioel ist .\ t it aite o'utîs'î ii batnt andt piaLtual 'icil i Io h iecit utis ttItiit antI pie itî'hiC cs titixth Pittti lx liito e(V lttt tIcs elltii it , andc lede ibat ibese new powems sbould pruivitie alternative Iund- îng opportunities Iottmloroito 10 'self-finance'. WCe strongiv support Regional Chair Gary Carr in his eaul for an aggressîve approaeb bo the provincial governmreni to revisit ibis pooling program and readdress the ineqcîiîies of it, and we stilicit couneils contin- ued support for bis efforts. T 6e MRRA is anl incorporaI- cd assoeiation tof rural resîdenîs ol the iown of Milton founded ii 2003 hy inîcrescci citizens. lis objectiv c s t enstire ibat tbe s oict tif NIilion s ruril iesidents is lieamî tt s ailotis lexels il govs' Ciiiiieiit oittsstîes ihai affect Nîtîtoit rtural itsîtns I plCitlîc tii oui oibe iRRA ffIoll olis îîitt'it'tlti i c ok I lîaîk \,oti lori s ii cttisitl t'itt oit. MICHAEL GRIMWOOD, PRESIDENT MILTON RURAL RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION Region wise to be considering EFW site DEAR EDITOR: i-lton Region is curmentîx studving tbe possi- hie creation of anl Energs'-From-Výiste (PENN' faciiitN. Tbis proposai bias drawn ctomment in Th6e Champion. Waste is witb us, and of ctourse its desîrabie 10 practîse the tbree Rs - reuse, recycle and renew. Uitimateiy, bowever, we stili bave waste to deal witb. The current process, namnel fîndîng a bole and filiîng it, is tbousands of years oid, but wiib the încreased compiexiîy of modemn waste is eniireiv unsuitabie. Tbese 'middens' produce metbane, wbicb may be burnt as fuel. However tbis methane is the resuit of uncontroiled compiex chemical reactions occurring wiibin the dump. Who knows what otber ebemicals are pro- duced as a resuit of these chemicai reactions to pollute our air and contamninate our ground water? Leachate treatment is an expensive busi- ness and a continuing cost to the taxpayer for many years. il's tîme that we dealt properly wit our own vvaste anti nol pass thte pi thlin onl lto fture geti- ematittns. Il tan aiways be amgued ibat waiting ctn resuit lin iinprtseci techsnolotgies. iTbis is mnercs' an excuse for dîtîng notbîng. \Ve base lii tise tise besi availabie tecbnoictgy 'Vs bas maniv net gains verscus eîîserîng eser greater areas of lanti witb 'middens'. The argu- ment liai tliemes a niet eiieigy iîîss is tinrute. Il eould equaiiv weli bc used in the production of eîbanîti Irom corn. If tone wants 10 euînsider an ineffîcient process, bumîng naturai gas t0 produce eiectnicity is far iess efficient iban bumîng it in your domestie fumace. So congratulations tut the Region for is forward tbinking. EFXvV plants are aiready in operation around the worid and, witb appropriate monitor- ing, wiii reduce our air and water pollution. Remember, a malfunctioning plant can always 6e shut dlown unthi the probiem is fixed, wbereas a dump is unconrolied. JOHN WOODS, PHD TWISS ROAD 'Time Capsules' are gems oj infor- mation extracted front past issues Of lThe Champion dnd oîher publications in order to provîde a window into Mîitons past. Expianatory comment is sometimes provided to place the situa- tion in cont ext. April 1909 The drill reacbed a depth of 1300 feet in the Halton Oil & Gas Co's. prospective well last Thursday, but work was stopped by a section of the rod becoming unscrewed and detached 33 feet from the bottom. Tools to, catch it and withdraw it bave been sent for and il is expected wtll soon have the rod out so that work can be resumed. WVhen tihe drill became detached it had just got tbmough a large body of rock and was euîîing a softer formation, in wbicb it is boped flowving nil will soon 6e struck. The mneinhers ofi tbe Milton fire brigade. in keeping wîtb the impmtvenmets made t t6e ttîwil bail, base bad ibeir moîîm iii tbe baill painted and its walis and eeiiing papered witb bancisome paper. wiîb burlap on tbe lower part of tbe waiis. The ronîn is notv tne of t6e finesi in tbe bail and tbe boys are justlv proud of it. Tbe bacbelors and benediets of Streetsvilie beld a most successfui assembly aithe Oddfellows' hall last Fniday evening. A party of eleven Miltonians with Mrs. M.E. Parks as chaperone attended the assembly, going and returning by C.PR., Mr. Parks making arrangements for a coach attached to the 2 a.m. freight train for thse west which was two hours lette, however. John Galbraith died suffering from BrighËs disease He was 76 years of age and was bom in lreland. He came tc, Milton in 1863 and worked for many years as a wagon maker for thse laie Robert Hawthorne, as well as a woodworker in thse Brothers foundry Two grandsons, Clarence and Elmer Turner had lived with Mr. Galbraith since thse death of their father a number of years ago. uilton , lune Capsules-- J.H. Peacock made a large ship- ment of hogs on Monday last. G.A. Lamb, Ist line Trafalgar, brought in 28 hogs, for which hie received a lit- de over $420. Quite a nice sum, for one lot of hogs. The C.R. Wiilmott Co. Ltd., has begun work on the main building of its big implement factory, which is located near the C.PR. station. It will be made up of the machine, wood, hiacksmiib and paint shops and when it is weli under way work will be hegunt on the power bouse. Jas. Coulter bas the contract for the exca- vation and L.]. Maud for the stonework. The contracts for both the brickwork and carpentering work are being let this week and alter tbey are donc the big plant will soon be in operation. The companry did not at any lime calculate on begin- ning building operations before this date. Nothing can interfere wtb Milton having a busy implement fac- tor'y Trade thts spring and prospects for the future are just what was expected within organizing the comn- pany The Milton basebaîl club was reorganized for the coming season at a well attended meeting held on Tuesday evening. Elected: Judge Gorham, Hon. Pres.; E.E Earl, Pres; J.W Buck, Vice pres; R. Fleming, sec. treas; J.D. McGibbon, manager; N. Ryder, Captain; W Panton, Jj. Peacock and J.B. Armstrong, manag- ing committee. It was decided to join thse Halton-Peel League, if reorgan- ized and thse Manager and Secretary were appomnted representatives to attend League meetings. This material is assembied on behalf of te Milton Historical Society by jim Dilis, who cati be reached at jdills@idiret.com. Haeyou reetybeen injured in a car accident? We ca helpl We are a Iuily inlogralted, muld-discipllnary cHWîi thal offrs a wido vadoly of soluions for ail your healtcare n"eds We speciaiz in car accident Inlury emaNbtlon. We dlrecWi bll your car Inaurac company and will bandle ail Ibe papeî'work relaied to your treatrnenl. No reterra le necessry la attend our clinît. NO REFERRAL NECESSARY, SAME DAY APPOINTMENTS " Chiropractie Cars e Ultrasound lberapy e IF-C & TENS Therapy " Massage Therapy a Custom Orthotlcs - Exercise Programs a- Hileptt Cars, e Injury %aiiain4tLLW r r a Acupncture Reha11l tation .5 TE IDN IPiChiropractic and JyBiSIT AC Rehabilitation Contre ourta s! mi 1 !mi *l mu ii

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