Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Jan 2007, p. 8

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A8 -The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 26, 2007 7 Y'001ýfi W k (20 (S//9 Another Way of Looking A loved in return. Sbould you grieve the passing of' anotber weekend; Tbink uf' the wumnan in (lire straits, working Iwo jobs, pull ing iii îwclvc bours a day. seven days a week, lu iake enuugh muîîey lu feed ber lamnily Sbuould your car break down, leaving you muiles away from assistance and you torgot your motbile pbone; Tbink of tbe paraplegic wbo would love tbe opportunity to take tbat walk. Sbuuld you notice a new gray bair in the mirror; Tbink of tbe caîncer patient in cbemotberapy wbo wisbes sbe bad bair to examine. Sbould you find yourself at a loss and pondering wbat life is aIl about and wbat your purpose is and wbat you c5în du lu make a difference; Be tbankful, tbere are tbose wbo didn't live long enougb to gel tbe opportunity. Sbould you find yourself the victim of anotber's bitterness, ignorance. smallness or insecurity; Remnember, tbings could be worse. You could be tbat person!! Lesîrn tu take a long range look aI lite. Steven Covey, autbor of tbe Seven Habits of Higbly Effective Peuple, put it tbis way: begin witb tbe end in mind. Living in the ligbî of eternal perspective will bave great impact on i\1101Bi(ile c(iukc& Lvieil Coà. Luvinq )ieispfe. Sundays at 200 Main Street 10:00 amn Worsliip & Teaching Children's Programs Running Concurrently 11:00 arn Coffee & Conversatlions (We serve Tim Horton's Colfeel) 905-876-3586 www.MiItonBibIeChurch.caý, t It tbe decîsions you make today. Think about the legacy that you are leaving. Consider bow you xviii be remembered. And tweak tbe littie tbings today that need adjustment. To learn more, visit one of Milton's fine local churches this week. Service times and locations are published in the Religious Directory below to belp you. Submitted by Rev. Dan Rogge, Pastor of Milton's New Life Church St. George's Anglican Church Our %issss lias bees serving 150+ Years Join us tbis year in a celèbration of. The preachioî of God's word in ibis chorch on the escarprnent sonce 1856. Coule and Ineel us, uic wifl be vcry pkased o mern yon. RECTOR: Rev. Canon Charles Masters lanuary 28th. 2007 Services - 8:30 arn - Holy Communion 10:30 amn - Morning Prayer Traditional Service 10:30 amn- Morning Prayer in the Family Rooin Nursery and junior Sunday School 7051 Guelph Unse at Derry Road (Tel) 905-878-1363 Visit our web site www.sigeo!zestowvide.org Sunday, Jan. 28 10:00 arn Series: "Jemu on the Move" ." (a stssdy of the book of Mark) "Are You Wiling?" www.thesanctuary.calmi Iton ~ 905.257.3987 Milton Sports Centreý'-i 605 Santa Maria Bivd. <D"n Rd,. west cf Hvy 25) 4L MILTON Si VEI' I -lAY DVENtflS CiIUCI Il Ili le, 5o IoOxir ix cilis 'Saldî.ii Cer% 1(c, al Hugh Foster Ha&l 43 Brown St. Milton Sat 95 1i a ni S.ibhath '.i 100 '.at11 (M) aii ni DOi irw o. it xi F1151 BIBLIE SCHOOL , i i.. liii lxi rt ah ppi . 1 'r 1 li 1 l Ni L I Iiîý'I Il il 1,() Iîîî il I12 iii unxi.îi'eýi~iiixi i LI)1 Ii Il \i .11,l iil 'i [- iiix l i l, xi 1f à1i xxxi To Advertise in the Church Directory please cali Colleen Gorman at 905-878-2341 ext. 211 î CHURCH 0F CHRIST 1412 Brilannia Rd. West, Milton, On L9T 905-875-2939 Sunday Sohool Classes 10:00 arn Worship & Communion 11:00Oam Thursday Bible Study 7:00 pm Mininler Stevo Corbett GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH Clergy: 317 Main St. E Rev. Dr. Mark the Church on the Hill McDermott 905-878-2411 Rev. Dr. Renée Desjardins Father Mark Curtis Services: Sunday 8:0)0 amn - Said Eucharist 10< r- Sung Euchari icluding "Kids' Spirit" Prsspram tolloxxed hy coffee hssur Lislen 10 aur Sunday sermons online at www.gracechurchmiIton.com lrdir ?nxE dm3xh teaidr lot ý5 www .guxB±tdsa1Vit.en 2X8 MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. -878-3873 10:00 arn. - The Lord's Supper 11:45 arn. - Sunday Sohool 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30p.m. - Prayer and Bible Study The Falher sent the Son to hi' the Saviour or the world. - ist John 4.14 'jW-LIF 9 a.m. - First Worship Service 9:30 arn. - Sunday School for Ail Ages 10:45 a.m. * - Second Worship Serice *Service Caplioned for Deaf/Hard of Hearing There's a 2007 !' of Miracles ir 6:30 p.rn - Modem Worshp Service THE WAY 0F GLORY - '- -Weekly Midweek Activities Ladies' Coffee Break Tuesclay ai 9.30 amn. Aduil Bible Studys Î- Youth, DG Clubs _-ë i - Wedflsday at 7p.n. GRAGWAYGBATIS GHUdH 05-78-664 KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH t~uts etee heSprt Cnre075MinS.8.,Mito-566746)6 qRCEA 'deS HUC Located on Derry Rd., WELCOMES YOU 103 Martin Street , ~and the Hosptal r,7i 905-878-1 629 Minister -Rex, Howard T. Sullivan i Pastor Walter H. Isaak Pursuing Jesus passionately and Diretior of Musil Minîxîries Sonjaxvan die He 1:0am- ud colconnecting with our God-given family Sna osi103a. Sunday January 28, 10:30 arn 1:0a.-Sndy Scol Meet new fruends in the café at 10:00 arn:1 Snday- osh il rp 10:30de 7a.m RDTINL&CNEPOAYSRIE 11:00 arn. Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. Service9:5.r.-ushSaI ru rds7ii)TRDTNA&CNEMORYEVCS 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service Facing The Giants in Your Lite 10:30 a.m. -ClsildrenIss Wosîrxhi CELEBRATION 0F BAPTISM Thursday rAges 3 GCrade (s) & Nursery Supervised Nursery Care from 10:-15 ar. 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer Lead Pastor Jack Ninaber "(ALLUI TO SERVE TUE LORD" Coffee & Conversation after the services Youth Pastor Eric HeIIiweII Church School & Gospel Unit for JK - Gr 8 ,,You'll always lind a friend aI Graceway" e.JhBnam&RvGyl MLn wwwlgrceaybptsl.or *a.c* Wss adw shrooi p îded mithat Chs ofie (95 7889 wwwgrcewybptit.rgwww.southusudemuIton.org N3alra on n o shp cc off Mary Street - 1 w.talmlo.r I Perspective, or how you look at sometbing, significantly impacts upon how you live your life. Too few can scc thc bigger picture of life. As a result, attitudes that ougbî to be positive have been negatively affected. Take a fresh look at your surroundings! If you find it bard to slcep tonigbt because your bcd is too uncomfortable; Just remember the homeless family wbo bas no bcd to lie in. Sbould you find yourself stuck in tratfic: don't despair. Tbere arc people in tbis world for wbom driving is an unbeard of privilege. Sbould you bave a bad day at work; Tbink of tbe man wbo bas been out of work for tbe last tbree montbs. Sbould you despair over a relationsbip gone bad; Tbink of the person wbo bas neyer knoxvn wbat it's like to love and be

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