Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Jan 2007, p. 35

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The Canadian Chamnpion, Friday, January 26, 2007 - 83 With any Iuck, this'II be my absolute - 17 AFFORDABLE HOMES IN çat rolum ihiu m-,itir sm kic ww.alobetuy. 1 eau t rcniîeinit bows iany columuis I've written abouit tryiug lu quit smoking. Huopefully ibis will hc the last, for bhoui- n sakes. i \vas planning un quittitig ibis week, saine as 1 do unsuccessiuliy <usi about everx' week. Ibat's until 1 saw an ad iu Tuesday s C baipiun. fi claiined 1 cuid stop~ smoking iii une buur and that it \vas guaranteed. i sisuke to Shirley i 'ilden ut T he Out Stops Heie, a sînuking cessation spe- ciabisi affiiated wiîb Straiegic Alliance Canada, and trainied bs' Smioke Frce International. I' ci lke lu, quit smoking in an huur i tutt iber, and I'd like lu start in an bour. ht duesn't exactly wurk that way, nt usualiy îakes a couple weeks pnur teu that une hour. First of ail Tilden wants tu make sure you reaily want te, quit. That's the mosi important birst sîep. Tbat wasn't a prublem for me. F've wanted t0 quit for a couple decades or 50. The process, wbich cumbines neuro-lînguistic programming with bvpnosis, bas a 95 per cent success rate, wbicb Smuke Free International claims is tbe iost successful smoking cessation program in tbe wurld, i don i know vî'bt neuro-linguistic program- ming is, but in my experience tbe less vout knuw about suînetbîng ibm' mure iikely it is tu be impiessive. 1 suggested ibat perbaps sbe could convince people under bs-pnosis ibat tbey wanted îo quit smoking even if tbev dîdn't, but, umi, nu. It doesn't work tbat way and Tilden saîd it wuuld he unetbîcai. Tilden sends oui inforîmatiun i advance 10 prepare tbe potential non- smoker unce tbey ve decided tbats wbat tbey want tu do, along wîîh some advice, wbîch incindes a CD wîîb bier Qi voice on it tbat prepares tîs lu nosîs Tilclen explatned tbei between ibe conscious ancd scions mind, wbîle 1 co desired a cigarette. Tbe cost fi gram is $500, wicb is fai wben ycîu cunsîder tbe cust ing. It comes witb a lifeîîîne wbicb means if it duesu't wuî tceep goîng bock untîi il does. t ne sven site is currently under constructnun, but tbe pbone number is 1-877-767- 0973 ancl tbe e-mail address is tbe- butt.stopsbere@cogeco.ca. Sbte cidut realiv vaut lu do tbe pro- grain wîtbuut tbe preparation, but 1 tailkec iber nîto îî. lu two weeks îî woulduit be Nationial Nuiî-Sinkiug \Week. i hieu t mt bier aî bier office ni Otirlingion. "Pecople îlîînk tbeî 're going lu coîne iîstu tbe office aisc be tpnt lu sleep,- saîd Tilden. Vou're recalîs quite awmke, but su a relaxecl siaic. You can't be made lu cIo aryitig s-ou dunit want lu do, sbe expiained. Tbis is gocI iews ici nie, because 1 clîd u't want lu be walking clown tbe sîreet, beai somebocly snap îlîeîr I ingers, and ail of a sudden start flapping iuy arms and bawkîug lîke a cbicken. Tilden bad a number uf questions about my smoking babits aîsd bistors ancl iben we were reaciy tc) geî under- way Sbe asked if i wanted a break belure we gcît starteci, ancl it tuc)k inosi of my willpousver nul tsi use tbai break v th lu base a cigarette. Alreaicy 1 was rnak- ing progress. loose Tbe bypnosis lasteci about ais buur, but îî dîdn't seem tbat long. Il was pret- 11 t~,1~ y cool At tbe staît ut it 1 stîli bacl an urgie i have a smoke, anci even partial- ly îbrougb 1 coulcl stitl imagine it wîîb a r tbc byp) decent arn uni ut pleasure. imilerence ly os c pleZasua thoughts gradua[- nsciousîy ing became one cof tbe most vile activi- r tbe pro- tics I could imagine. nly cbeap 1 stili bad some cigarettes iii my of smok- pockeî wben 1 left, but 1 bad nu desire lu smoke tbem. As 1 was leaving tbe guarantee, office building tbere was a prutected rk yu can smoking area wîîb about seven smok- ers in il. 1 walked by tbem and coulnîdt bielp but sîiecker. ,Wbat a buncb tof lusers," t said ic iysi DO YOUR PART Hel Icînep cine Help Ientertainmen our commnu- nity clean by following Multon's local recy- dling guide- Unes, and recycle this papier when you're fin- ished read- ing Mt multi-media memories by Eric Spurreill-o Photography is our passion n'-s First Photo Studio! EPIC MOVIE No Passes (PG ) Fni. 4:40,7:30, 9:50 P.M. Sut. & Sun. 1:50,4:40,7:30,9:50 Mon. - Thu. 7:30,9:50 SMOKIN'ACESNo Passes 118A)Fri. 3:50,6:50, 9:40 P.M. Sai. & Sun. 1:20,3:50,6:50,9:40 Mon . -Thu. 6:50,9:40 DREAMGIRLS(PGI Fri 4,7,10 P.M. Sat. & Sun. 1,4,7,10 Mon, -Thu. 7,10 CATCH AND RELEASEI PG <Fn. 4:10,7:10, 10:10 P.M. Sut. & Sun. 1: 10,4:10,7.10,10: 10 Mon. - Thu. 7:.10, 10:10 THE HITCHER (14A) Fi. 4:30,7:20,9.45 P.M. Sat. & Sun. 2:10,4:30,7:20,9:45 Moin. -Thu. 7:20,9:45 THE PURSUIT 0F HAPPYNESS (PG ) Fni. -Thu. 6:45,9:30 P.M. THE QUEEN <G) Fri. & Mon. Ths. 7:15 P.M. Sati & Sun. 1:40,7:15 ARTHUR AND THE INVISIBLES (G) Fr. 4:20 P.M. Sai. & Sun. 1:30,4:20 CHILDREN 0F MEN (14A) Fri. -Sun. 4:15, 9.55 P. M. Mon. Thu. 9:55 NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM (G) Fn. 3.45, 6:40,9:20 P.M. Soi. & Sun. 1:.15,3:45,6:40,9:20 Mon. - Thu. 6:40,9:20 New Optometrist in Towni Accepting New Patients. DR. RAJESH H. PANCHAL OD Comprehensive tpe Exams Fuil Range of Giasses/Contaci lenses Wheelchair accessible Evening and useekend appointreenis avaîtabte 400 Bronte Street South, Suite 109 ilround Level, near corner of Derry/Bronte Cati now to book an appointrment 905-875-1200

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