B2 -The Canadian Champion, Friday, January Find Oui What Your Home . is Worth On-Line Visit: www haltcnhomeeveltiation com ,~GEORGETOWN -Z CINEMAS(q 5GUELPH STREET t 905-873-1999 O FREEDOM WRITERS S Daiy 645 p.m &9:00 pm Sat. & Sun. 2:00 pm. * NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM 0BLOOD) DIAIMOND CA Daiy 845 p.m Gorie Languag- Vience O Epic MOVIE PG Duiy 645p.m& 9:00p m. Sat. & Sun. 2:00 p.m Coarse Lan uîe Theef. Parking Aeaillabie ai Rear 26, 2007 Bruins score with fans at celebrity event ASHLEY HUICHESON / SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION PARK IT: Hall af famner Brad Park signs a Bruins f lag during the night's autograph session. WII4T LOS & UTRICENTUS Ca riage Square, Milton 405-693m9594 JOHN Lost. 28a5 Ibsa &50 inches. By Steve LeBlanc H c ky fans bungiy foi au litile taste uf bcaintosý il gos their fli at Rattlesnake Point Golf Club Tuesday nighs. Best known for their successes with the 1970s Boston Bruins, former teammases and Hockey Hall of Famers Brad Park and Genry Cheevers headed up this years gueus bust as the fifsh annual Milton Chamber of Commerce Sports Celebrity Dinner and Auction. And as expecsed, the duo took plensy of shots as someold adversaries - with the lions share oftshat guud-nasured nib- bing direcsed as sheir chief rivals, the Muntreal Canadiens. "Ken Dryden, man I hated thas guy," quipped Cheevers, the ulsimase 'clutch' goalie of his era and creator uft he high- ly recugnizable ssisch-laden mask. "The nexs sime he runs (for polîtical office) I hope he loses by one vote. Nu uffence really, but we juss neyer heat the Canadiens.' Added Park, "God I hated Guy Lalleur. How cuuld yu punch anyune named'The Fluwer'?" Assuming keynote speech duty for a cruwd ut ruughly 280, Park - une of' the prenner del'encemen of bis dlay and a sianclout during the epic 1972 Canada-Russia Summit Sertes - dished ous comical jahu as everyune from bis adups- ed homclands presîdens, George Bush, su bis Bruins' new suwering blueliner. "\Ve'\ve gos shîs six-fuot-nine gsiy (ldeno Chara) back there who accidensally mus insu peuple and couldn't pass it shrouglh a bouse. Ottawa mnust be luving it. Canada hockey guru Don Cherry and Team Canada cohors Bubby Clarke werc also on bis verbal bit lisi, as was is old stomping ground of Ss.arboruugb - \vhicb be char- acierized as Caniadas Iraq. Using bis charismia un une femnale attendee in an effort su boost lise auctiun bidding earlier in the nîghs, Park souk a page Iroin David I essermans repersoire su close out bis address. Far more serîous durîng bis brief hanter with evening emncee Gord Stellick - of Fan 590 [ame - Cheevers salked about bis surprise at being drafsed by the Bruitus instead ut bis hormeiown Maple Leafs and remuorse over nus playing in the Sumimit Series. He also admîsted ai leasi une shorscoining iii regards su bis I1980s s.uaching tenure in Boston. -I îsîalyrined hini. shro\ving hini to the vwolves lîke -see EVENT on page B6 "Herbai Magic has taugbt me t0 cat better through heaithier choices and lmn now the same weight that 1 was when I graduated high scisool 13 years ago! 1 feel bappier and more outgoing. Is je a great feeling looking in the mirror and seeing somebody looking back that is younger and heaihiier titan dais time a year ago. The best part of the Herbai Magic Program is that it works. Thse friendly staff are fantastic. They made the "hard" times of my weight loss essier with tbeir product knowledge and the ongoing support. Tbey were encouraging and neyer pus.y. 1 would highly recommend Herbai Magic Milton to anyone Iooking for change their lives for tise better." - John M Cali today for your FREE tion!j onsultationfl www.herbalmagic.ca THE WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM YOU'LL LOVE FOR LIFE!! I _