Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Jan 2007, p. 26

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26 - The Canadian Champion, Fida January 26, 2007 SildIile d &1ie OffieI Helffce Hep I41office Help GeneraIHelp l L aon&SaIl 1 Saon &SaHeîp TcnclHi ehia epc M ~ Hl - __M ICURVES FOR WOMN" la acceptin applications fr49pmn for sumneone energetic and self-mati- vated who loves f0 work with people. This part timne position is a perfect opportunity for someone refurning f0 the work force. The position is Circuit Coach, no certification required. Located: Ford Dr. in Oakville, Appleby & Fairview in Burlington Send restumie f0 curves forwomen@hotmail.com or fax: 905-631-9098 *Clean appearance *Ability f0 do sonne heavy lifting -Familiar w/Oalssille, Burlington, Mitton, Missassauga -Clean drive' abxtract -Retiable and punctual -Able to work flexible houra -Some experience beneticial but willing to training the right appticant Wile otter *Health and dentat ptan -Steady work *Opportunity to grow with us In persan only Submit your resumne attention: John Boyd, Parts Manager Oak-Land Ford Lincotn Sales 570 Trafatgar Road9S Oakvitte,On.6J3J Jobs! Jobs! Jobs! SlOlhr. and up- $25001mth. Na sopetience needed. Under sew management. Ail depattmenla open' Limîted positions. Coul for interview. 1-866-413-1983 ext. 127 KIDS! KIDSI KIOSI --Ages 2--- Wanted for TV & Munie Jubs! No Feesi Men/ Women 16-65 yrs. Needed for same! No ext ras Parents caîl: (416)221-3829 Ne7dedilfo na location. 2 Saura daily aI $15/hiouir Avg $26/hr Enmeratnn Utype wotit Piecewoth Compensation j11exrienc1, required Training pîotîded To scheduled an interview Cati 905.525-0187 Part-Time Warehouse Workers * deal for studento .Essnîng haut *Onksilis Location Forward Resumne: bcamneron@ logihedron.com DISPATCHER & CSR Required ton Burtinglon Freight Brokerage. Muxt be knoml- edgeabie milS Transborder LTL and FL ship- ments. Computer dispafch. Fax 905-315-9034 CLEANERS nseded partl for medicai and office building iacated in Burlinglon & Milot. Eopetience reqoired. 416-809-4101 Fax: 519-85&-1194 mjosiak@ sympatico.ca 2007 Expansion Local company has 17 moitions casîsmer salenls/srvce $16,05 baaelappt Great for slndents, honismakers & Cthers Flexible nchedoleo, conditions apply. 905-338-6618 w.ernpattime.com Need a Job? Are you 16-24 years old? We can hellp CaIl JOB CONNECT at Sheridan 905-878-4956 Hae yo herd fluesu CiaÈlts sMW ha: ema clastw@e Coetii reki1 _;etV xp. 7Cmltiesaary, education & roor for Submit resume @ 82 Lakeshore Rd., Oalsvitte SFax: 905-844-2164, Cati: 905.844J2200 MELECTRICAL FOREMEN North America Construction is a Osserai contractur, specîaizing in large municipal & lin- dustrial construction projecto acroos Canada. Stsady gromth han led to the need tor Electicai Foremen ut narîsus construction proieclo throughout Ontario. *Applicants mont hold a canrent Construction/ Maintenance Electnician's license. *A Masters Electrîcian's certification wouid be consîdered an asset. *Must hase an industrîi background and a willingness to transi *Munt hase esperience wîth power distribution, motor control, instrumentation, PLO & tirs alarm *Must hase sapervisory esperience running a crew ot 5-25 men This is a tuli-tims, long termi position with tull bsnetîts. NAC is hnown tor the woy me treat aur peuple. We otfer competîtîve mages, excellent ben-.hts, and a dynamic worhîng envîrunment. Ssnd renume ta RECRUITER Fax: 519-821 -1111 or Pisase înciuds job titi in smaîi subleci lins www.nacsworld.com Burlington's Most Popular Automotive Shop requîrea a SERVICE ADVISOR Qualfications *Outgoing peraonality -Good communications akilla *Committed tearu ployer Offerlng: -Excellent morking conditions *Great team *Competitive compenaation *Profit xharing Apply In Persan ta: James Bell Service Department Conadian Tirs Ansacials Stars 777 Guelph Lins, Boîlînglan LAIDLo teqoirea A Ciass "A" Mechanic Wîlh diesel experience. caîl 905-877-444 Lail an equai uppnotfi employer. Local newspaper requires part-time AD BUILDER/MARKETINGASiTN Adobe Creatîse Suite 2 on a Macintosh piafform. This is a emporay Malsmily jeons perad of uyyron 13 niontro PLEASE SEND RESUME TO: ïbt Canabtan ltjapion 875 MAIN ST. E., Unit #2, MILTON L9T 3Z3 Attn: Mr. Tim Calles e-mail: tcoles@haltonsearch.com We thanh ail applicanta for appiying but oniy thos considersd wll be contacted Burlington's Most Popular Automotive Shop requires e TIRE/ LUBE INSTALLER Qualifications *Custeiaer service focused attitude *Mechanical er autometive backgreund *Foul "G2" License *Available evenings and weekends Excellent wuntîing conditions. Great enviroment Apply in Person te: James Bell Service Departiment i Cueudias Tire Associate Stoire 777 Guelph Lise, BurlixgtiinJ fpfiece cîHa csfl recod f cee- selling a tnd i Ntrprso al c rommuctio sa Cton tempae.Atne nceg IMco Rof Ofie Gdmeaplna dA40oytm0 an IF Hanet P o pny se iDip ulmaes o %WIfRDUT intereted i n torcard y ouî re srh@uitlc a - *.oc required for busy, tast-paced morkpiace. Entry levai position. Computer akilis and customer service experience are assets. 1~rms,-ruusanp:caaIIppIu1msII~eu.mi,.~ jkole i uj sai ell , New Electrlc is an innusatîse, tast-grumîng sersîce cuntractur operatîng multilebacsn Canada and the USA. Sînce 19g70, me hase been building on our toundation ut quicli response and qoality murkmanshîp. We are iuukîng fur dedicated prutenninnals ta lais un in Oakville... Electranic R.pair Manager Yau miii manage and nupervise techu oul sersice staff, prus de direotian and leadership ta sales personnel, and lake respunsbility lur meeting service revenue and quai ty ut srvce tagl Yau cil also prusîde un-site lruubleshuatîng and sstablish deparîrnent budgets. An effectise decisîn maker sou hase a degres in siectrîcal or sleclrunîc engineering, ait sont tise years' rsiated enpsrîsnce, and demunstrated nupersisory and leadership ahsks Yaur su id negutiation and quotation deselupruent abîlîtien are sopparted by adsanced prableru son ing and decisîun-makîng skîils. Licenued EIectricians/ 5th Year Apprentices You miii traubieshoal industriel equipruent, perfu m instlataluns uftlypical conduit and industriai lightîng, and candoct PLO pron armm ng ut commun brands ut eqolyment. Yaur îourneyperson papers are supparled by nI sonst tise years' relevant esperience, saiîd technîcai communication skilîs, and the ability ta mark mîth minimal supervsioln. ideaill, yoo also hase a sliîd undsrslondîng ut relay and contrai mîring. We aller a campetîlts salary and benefts package cîth a camlartable mark ensîrasmenl chers eserytne's input is equally valusd. We invite yo ta appiy la: Hamain Resoueces, 318 as undas Street West Oakvilue, ON L6M 4J4 e-mait: Jobs@ neweiectric.ca tax: (905) 827-8594 *WNewElectric 1 ~ REEP 'NT IRASITN Pins position wili asis( I 01111 iH acùvilies in sappoi, ci a pi duct'i riili31,1Iu ing unaîrasment. Qualiiîd candidates nhould be uble ta effecialy. -Interact milh thers -Apply their oosîlrineneoa -Ethibîl o posiiv attitude -Courdinats lasksougel thîngsone -Handie mide rangs 0f actisitis 010ime -Wnrk milS Windows based programo Ruaponibiliies mii include, but ors sol lîmîlsd la: -Anomer phons -Bockap the poyrtll fonction -Front door receplion Adminitrats narloos HR actinities * Plan and implement social functiono Please apply Febtoary 918, 2007 and inclade solory sopectations la: Humain Resources Departmrrent GUARDIAN FIBERGLASS 300 Main Street, Erin, Ontario NOB iTO Fao: 519-833-9749 Emoil: iannoliffle@bp.gaardian.com Na telephorie colin pleone. Orly thos selecled toroan interview cii be coritacted. panl oultd bein aeoretw ,i okigfra -lte nxeine coCO n fieceS ETLYan ditiuion Digain, Preon orgaizatona skils eleantio@ntln andco ra com andoftheEnlis lngugeareneessry -EA DINSRTVASIAT Requîred by Georgetown Lac Office for a fuli-ime, temporury (moternity lennuI punition. Antîcîpated duration of one yeor, ntarting in early to mid-Aprl, 2007. Eoperîence in fomily lac, wilo and p0wer0 of attorney an osset. Solary commenurato cilS sope- rience. Each applîcont must nubmît on up-to-date renmse and referencen by February 16th, 200710o: Office Manager Helson Kogon Ashbee Schatjo & Associates LLP, 132 Mili Street, Georgetown, Ontario L7G 2C65 Or fax: 905-877-3948 No tellpon înquirîss, pieunse Milton Company requirs an Experlenced PIF Accountlng/Office clerk lu psrtorm the toiiom-I ing dotien. ponting AR, procssing customerf credits, procesnîng payables, tîlîng and EOI order procennîng. We are innkîng for nomeone chu ns able lu moiti tank, orgonized. soperi- enced in eocel & mord mith ut iest 2 yearn sop. Pias emait eaums usi: Box #31Bency n uîktnose usnmitî-csurency.Bo#1 C/O Milton Canadian Champion 875 Main St. E., Milton, Ont. L5T 3Z3 RECEPTIONISTIADMINISTRATINE position in large, busy distribution compa- ny, Milton. Hrs: Mon-Fni - :3Oam-5pmn. Outies to inclode managing phone nysteru and adminsxupport for finance tearu. Re- ception experience, including a minimum 2 yeara milS 10, phone linon, a mont. PLEASE FAX RESUME: 905-568-2446 Taylor Monîng and Starage, st. 1959, curtsntly Sao a pàsition open in the rois of. Rating/ Receivables Clerk This in a full lime sntry lenel position in Burlington,Manday 10 Frîday 35 hauts pst cesk. The ideal candidate han sither soperience or han an educatianal backgrond in adminitratine catlt.including basic baokksspng. The ntattlng rats ai pay os $12.00 10 $13.50 pet hont dspending on soperience. Benefita ate asaîlabie aller ths firot 6 months empisyment. Piese nend ai tenomen ta the attention ai Rick Taylor: fax (905)632-8130 emnail rick@afaylormoving.com Administrative Assistant! Receptionist Small, nocceantul Oakville financiol plan- ning flu neeka a confident, neil-moi vated and nrganîzed indivîdual milh nlrnng computer (MS Office) akilin lu juin ur learu. The ideal candidate mont en usy mullî.lankîng and murkîng in a tant pacod contomner-foconod unvironmnenl. Rulatod esperience ns an annel bol nul a mont. $15/Hnur. Please email your resume ta off icehelp37@yahoo.ca We thonk you for your intrent but oni applîcants învîted for as interview wîll be contucted. Some Computer xkitlx requîred. $8-1 O/hr Eal Resume t< o_ L.ie om e * e ~ ~N 1 www.newelectric.ca

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