Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Jan 2007, p. 7

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Dat eline Dltici s ai lice litinig of t oflhiig cveîiîs onl y. The columniis available iii local eommuîiity giiiups to assist iii pro- mîîîing their future e-vents. Only chanita- ble ori non-pîtifit comniunit - gniups may u.se this service. We cati mîil-Y guarantee oie issue of public uv ciîiscst to the' datc of the oc currenice although more inse'rtiuons aite poissible if demnaud is loiv Notices foi- Dateline shiiuld be handed ini at the office oif The Chamupioni, 875 Mainî St. E., Jaxed tii (905) 878-4943 oi c-niaîied ti iîiiîlltied@htiltoîtiseairct mou The _fiînal deadliiie is iiiiîîii dc foi Tucsdayv's editioiî aid îîoîî WiAdnesdciy 1 -oi Fi idayv's editioii. Datel ic ite'îîs ciient accepted b-v teiephcîie. Wednesday Jan. 24 The Milton Safety Commnittee meets at 7 p.m. at the Milton police sta- tion on Chîlds Drive. Foi mocre infoîr- mation, calî jan Mowhray ai (519) 85 3- 4492 or e-mail ber at jai@janncw- hray.ca. Carp, Canadas Association for the Fifty Plus, Halion chapter, inecis ai 7:30 p.ni. .î The Bciriington Seniorsý Centre, 2285 New Si., scith .î iaw taiking about po)wer of attorney atnd xc lIs. (,uests are Accine. Foi more information, cati liarri lio\Ncrs ai (905) 335-5717. Aduit drop-in voilcyhali takes place iromn 2 to 3 p.m. ai the Mîiltoni soe (-entre. The cosi is 53.50 foi the lîcîcîî Milton District H ospital icîlcs a tint, tîn-one breasîfeeding clinie wvith a ccc- iîlied lactation conîsultat l'rom i:30 ici 3 p.m. Foîr more information tir io mnake an apptîiiien. cati ]iii flicks ai (905) 878- 2383, ext. î b10. A frce scîninar oii qoîitng smoking takes plaîce ai 7 p.m. i the O.akvillc'- Trafalgar Memoiial Hocspital aîcditori- îîm. Its presentec Fis 1 iltii Itealic.ir Sersvices together xith Fie C anaclian C.anîcer Society, the Centre foir Addiction and Mental [tealth, the Halton Council on Smoking or Health, the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario and the Lung Association. To reserve a seat, eaul (905) 338-4379. Thursday Jan. 25 Milton District Hospital Fioids a one- on-one hreastfeeding clinic with a cer- tif ied lactation consultant from 7 to 9) pot. For more inftormation tir tcî make an appoîntment, cat il iiickes at (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. TFie Fine Arts Society of Multon's [vening Group of Artists meets frcîm 7 tcî 10 pin. The informai envîronment provides artists with an opportuniîy to exereise their drawing skiils. For more iormation, eaul janîs ai (905) 854- 5753. The Deck youth centre, 200 Main Si. (rear entrance), invites stidents in gracies 6 to 8 to drtop Fiy Ficween 3:30 ancd 6:15 pi. ici play a gaine of poiol ori tisit Fang ocit, I tgli schoil sticenîs airc inviied cl Fieen 7 anti 10 p.im l'lie Burlingion Prostate Cancer S upport Croup. spinstired Fi t le t.aniadiani (lancer Scity cit mets ai p.m ,îî I1251 Niirthiside Rd. Ini t)tiiliîgiîon (oifi NIaiincay' becci Guielph andîc \\iilkers huecs). ThFe giîiip <<iers, inifornmaition aiii suppii loi iid'xti.igntisec c lienîts, ihcîse geiiing t-ti nct anîîeî .id stirvîii s toi lîrotisii caînc er i ainils antdF eîl are \,%ci- tome. t ci mcre initiriiitiicn. cail (905) 332-0060. -1 Fie 1tIalioni \\'tiinen s C entre, scuite 22Q iii 1 Ilipecale Mal, 1515 Rebec-t aSi. ni (akv il. lîîîlds uts Spanish Wcîmens Social t.rocip irtiin 12:30 ici 2:30 p.in. liii mor' infourmatiion, ciIl (905) 84î- 55i20 iii cisît ccs ilinctieici ti Le org. r STOP SMOKING IN ONE HOURTM GUARANTEED Shirley Tîlden, Smioking Cessationî Speci iiist runs the stop ý.,:snoking, practice. THE BU FT STOPS HERE, enabling smokers ______ to stop smoking for life by attending a one-hour. personalized session, that eomes with a lifetime guarantee. Citing an Oxford University study prvn h So mkn in One Hour'1 system Fias over a 95% success rate. Shirley says,' FThere are many people and systenis that dlaim you svill quit smoking. The systein in which l've been rained Fias the highest success rate in the svorld -it's effec- tive, and without any withdraxval symptoms. With over 47,500 deaths in Canada per year from tobacco, and teenager smoking rates close to the nation- ai average at 25% (based on Statisties Canada 2001 data), there is clearly a need for this program". "Many clients tell me they've tried every-thing from patches to gum to acupuncture to 'going cold turkey.' Most of my clients are skeptical at first until they finish their session -and find themselves svith ahsolutely no desire tii smoke. Many of them smoked for years and neyer return to their habit. Local Doctîîrs and Dentists refer their patients to me in an effort to extend and save lîves." r Aside [rom the health henetits associated with smoking cessation, ancillary henefits accrue to the non-smoker, like reduced life and auto insurance policy premiums." Smoke Free International, the coînpany holding intellectual property rights to the Stop Smoking in One HourM systemn, was founded in Great Britain. and Fias heen offcred in the United States since 2003, xvhcre over 10)0,000 clients have successfully quit smoking. Its corporate headquarters are located lin southern Caliiornia. For iurther information or to schedule an appointmrent. caîl Shirley Tilden, THE BUTT STOPS HERE -Toîl Frec I-877-767-0)973. Emiaîl: thebuttstopshere(a cogecîlca rAvailabie <mlime ai: http://www.smokefreeinternational.com/pdf/report..pdf Friday Jan. 26 Express the Arts takes place at the Milton Cafe on Ontario Street North (opposite Spokes 'n Siopes) [romt 7 to 9:30 p.m. with an open mike format featuring poetry, guitar and an art gallery Patronato INAS (Canada) Fias a new tiffitee in the Milton police station on CFiîids Drive thaîs open the iast Frîday of every month [rom 9 a.m. to noon. The organîzaîton offers free Fieip with îasks inciuding pension, cîtîzenship and disabiiy application. Noî appoîint- mceni is necessary. Foîr moîre informa' tioîn, cali Valeria Cîtton ai (905) 507- 3189 or Mimmo Rizzo ai (905) 856- 9926. Milton District Hospital Fiolds a group sessicon hreastfeeding clinie with a certîfîcti lactation consultant [rom fi a.m. tc t12.30 p.m. For more informna' ticmn tir ici make an appcîîrtment, eau jili 1lit.ks ai (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. The Deck youth centre, 200 Main St. (re.îr enirance), invites Fiigh schoîcl sIctidcois 10 dlrop Fit Fetween 7 and il p o iii play aî gaiîne of ptool tir jusi bang ci ci Saturday Jan. 27 Thl ic ltoîn Fitanch oil the Rcisal Ciii.diaii i egicin, 21 C harles Si., Fics a in cat roll ai 4 potii ni iFe ciubrtîtm. ~iP.îils tiniieci (Fitrcli, 123 Main FiI, liîilds it-s Card-a-Raina nîgliî at 7:4- p.ini. rith bidge, cuchre, prizes ain1 rt'fresFiinenis-, ieti.s cîsi $ 10 anid - ee more DATELINE on page A9I The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 23, 2007 - A7 Funding applications are now accented ThFi lton Healthy Community Fund (HHCF) 15 flow accepting funding proposais for 2007. Those looking for more details on the initiative can attend an information session February 1 from 1 to 3 p.m. at Hugh Foster Hall. The HHCF is made up of a group of funding partrners that financially help worthwhile, community-based proj- ects that make Halton a healthier community. The partrners include Halton Region, the City of Burlington, Burlington Community Foundation, towns of Halton His, Milton and Oakville, Mimstry of Community and Social Services, Community Foundation of Oakville, Ontario Trilium Foundation and the United Ways of Burlington and Greater H-amilton, Halton Hilîs, Milton and Oakville. To register for the information session caîl (905) 878- 7252, ext. 2604. To obtaîn a copy of the 2007 HHCF guidelines caîl (905) 825-6000, ext. 7901. Information is also available ai www.halton.ca. multi-media memories by Eric Spurrel.2 THE CUTY'S DEST BRIDAL SHOW BRI DAL SHW JANUARY 26-28, 2007 National Trade Centre, Exhibition Place (Direct Energy Centre) titis: Fîidoy 5pm-1Opm * Sitiiduy ibum-tpe * Suidit 10am-6pm Show Admmisi: SI15. FREE BRIDAL GOWN to b. given away every 15 minutes hrom Sposabella & Balletts, The Wedding Specialists $5000 HOME ACCESSORY PRIZE PACKAGE from The Bay &Home Outfifters National Gift Registry DREAM HONEYMOONI Io ont Soidals Reoet in Mit (tirilit HUNDREDS 0F EXHIBITORS offerCn Services fr your Special Day *Sensationail Fashion Show & Destination We<Iding ldeasi M *Freixenet Sparkling Wine Gordeni * Everything for the Groom tao! *Visit the Brides Choice Phaoophy Gallery for photo excellence & grect ideasl THE NATIONAL GtFT RtGISTRY Hit WWW.nationalbridalshow.com s For ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e inomto orehbtroprunte 0-1-07 r1802537 DESTINATION WEDDING FASHION SHOWS * Fiîday 7:3Opm *Satîrduîy 2:0Ope 7:i tpm *Sîidoy 1:0Opm 4:00pe Sponsored by londs of the Bahomas THE BIGGEST BWDAL OOWN SAU IN THE CITY! brought ta you by Sposobella

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