Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Jan 2007, p. 3

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Boundary change causes upset By Melanie Cummings Tbe utet clmctuit ircai ar I Deres Road I s laie IIor cn- ,PF(-,\ Tn C The Canadian ChamPion, Tuesday, January 23, 2007 - A3 of nieigbbouî boods cast ol Guardian Angels St1 ooi will he bused to a new scbool beîng but nortb of Derry Road corne September. The boundaiy fines for the two schooks were confînneci hy trustees ai last [ùuesdaýy nlighis board meeting after a close 5-4 vote. The newN school, which us temporanily named Milton #3, will allevuiate overcrowding at (>uardian Angels Sehool. Currently there arc 931 students atnd 18 portables on the Bennett Boulevard school. The capacity of Milton #3 is sîmîlar 10 (atarduan Angels wutb space lor 546 studenits in the main building and land to bouse 12 portables for a total of 816 students. The decision 10 alter the houndarv affects residents wbo live South of Derry Road, east of Trudeau Drive, north of the gas pipeline corridor and west of James Snow Parkway. Busing tats currenily avail- able to these elementary scbool students will continue to be offered wben tbev re tnoved to Milton #3, conlirmed Superîntendent of I-acility Management Services (Giacomo (.orbacio. adt.Ltl 1 -rustees I-i Viana, Ant onv Danko, Alice Anne f emav, AI Bailey and Bob Van de Vrande Al voteci in favour of tbe new catcbments. Trustees Rosanna Palinieri, Pauline Houlahan, J oarune Mattrs and Rev [David Wilbelm Al voied agaiist Ibis solution. Parents make plea i he decision also didniù sti well witb Auger Road resîdet and motber of îwo Rcnatai Sedlak, wbo pleaded wiîlu trustees before tbe vote to keep) bier chtîdren ai Guardian Angels. Sedlak bas lived there [or tbe past six years. -1 truly lect lîke me and my îwo cbildren, Daniel and Nicole, arc being kîcked oui of ibeir home and scb.ool.- -Ve bave made good lrîends ibrougbi the school and donaied money t0 tbe library We feel used, as il the board doesnt care about taxpavers of the C atholic cburch,- saîd Sedlak. Anoiber delegationi by Guardian Angels parenuts Jobn Delanis and Rence Kelly urged trustees Io consider the damnage the move would bave on the bome-scbool-parisb partner- shîp- A ne\w Catholic cburch south kCl lx ',î,îîCd ihl fi i6e ns boundary wîll -leopardize" ( atbolic identîties of families attending Milton #3 because îhey wîll be divîded beîween attending existing lioly Rosary Parisb and the new cliurch. lIn response 10 tbese con-u cernis, and otbers around child- care, busîng and dilficîîlty adapiing to the change for stu- dents, Superîntendent Corbacio saîd ihat be doesn't believe the bome-school-parisbi relation- sbips will suffer and become an insurmouantable problem. Milton #3 will also bave a before and after school programn similar t0 the one ai Guardian Angels, be saîd. Thle transition lor studetîts in the nexi sebool year will be îwo- sided, saîd (orbacto -- for the kîds wbo will move to tbe new scbool and ibose eenîaining, wbose lriends wîll be leavitîg. Guardian Angels parent Stîsana Medeiros saîcl the new approved boundary allows the hesi balance and equality of educaîion for boih scbools because îî wîll case up roomn on the playgi ound ai (,tardian Angels ihats currently eaîen up hy tbe 18 portables, and provîde more access for gym ai-d library lime and extracurricular activi- tics. L j,' T Lwa'la eIIIImm

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