The Canadian Champion, Tuesday January 23, 2007 - 21 Fo Sae Articles = Articles us Cieaning Grge & Garage& KOMLKPlgu(abr)lPau KEA: (3 ANTON A King Pillomtsp Mattress HOT Tub/ Spa- Brun new FREE Firewood cleur EXPERIENCED clean- ' KOMASKPeaga(Brbra Pac-pieces so14 tugether) Set New in plastic. Cost w/al oiptons, indudinq cover bushý take wood, calli mg lady asailable with BLU S S I OW S fulIv on Satsrdav ,Iansary 20 2007 aI the <";" fi-,pe a ,îIVIIIg ýlie, olic Lvtoiand 1 /I lus wîfe Pat asd Jim and his wîfe Debbîe. Proud grundma of Michael (Victoria), Amy (Sean), and Barry (Katie). Famîiy and friendu mi bu recuived ut the Gien Ouku Memoriai Chapul and Reception Centre 3164 Nînth Lino. Oakviiie (Hîghwuy 403 ut Dundas Street) 905-257-8822 on Thursday January 25, 2007 from 6lpm As expressions of sympathy donations to the Canudian Diabotes Foundation wouid bu appreciatud by the family. Onlinu con- dolences may bu made to the famîiy ut wwglenoaku ca Cation, Jean Passed away uit Aiiendaie in Milton on Fni- day, Junuary 19th 2007 in her 85th yoar. Juan Cation, boioved wîfe of Clarence Cation. Lovîng mother of Huather and ber husbund Vîc Auger, Sadiy missed by hon grundchîidren Michael and hîs wîfe Heather and Scott and great grand chil- drus Brooklyn and Ashiey. Preduceased by ber sîsters Doris Grant, Mary Golden and Kay Wils. Famîiy and friunds vîsîted ut the McKersiu-Kocher Fuserai Home 114 Main St. Miton 905-878-4452 on Sunday. The fuseraI service mas heid ut Boston Preshyterian Church on Monday, ianiiary 22nd 2007. Intermeni foiiowed ut Milton Evurgreen Cemetery. Mumorial donations to the Milton District Hospital Auxîlîury wosld be apprecîated by the famîly. Letters of condoience may he (eht for the tamîly at www. mckersîe-hocher ca n Mmram IneMeoriam HARO!!) (IFRGIE) TERGI'SD,'v, lfi leving ruemiory of a chenishesi Husfrand, [)ad & Papa suhu passed awav un .Jaseuars 23rd, 200f !htav th'eî winds of loue s lo hi îss il, And whispc-r sou riana lican. »,e miii oiwa 'ys Iose and mirss cou, And wîsh thar crie wern heni'. Foir ali that lfe his gis ei os, And ail thit's leît ta do. Wr ssiii keows no lrmc treasune, l'lin tire dacs src h,îd witi sou. Mary, Bar-ry.NigeZ Sandra, Keegan &h Rury 'Rest in Peace, Beloved' BI-VERI V MANN \S'c iîtk ofi muîarîitcn \Xes lcik ltlsc ýimmu n iiîa'î Brrr Mrliiman mus1 i iillimlii ris i)rLi- île li as nIil mli agini Bo ILt nrrr \,us ucs ris l'jaust Liners 1o \'i knus a r sii) guise ira ands bs ILmaîr uS fi )îr,î 'lrai s r aryInd iq5,i i ),dda says tic is noi laîîîmc'ni amren hs',utif-il tirur vu Sru (fl' n dcur ftci'i \Wî i risc amiu mura God Bleus yon, Counrney, Christophen "B", Catie Lyn, Mommy, Daddy sud Max em pîmmîte rmoýir5 L19 x 20" s 2h'). BONDE bookçcasu (29" s 16" x 87")ý FISHER steres systemn with omali and large speakers, cal Teresa @ 905-875-1715. POP Macbîne (5 casi) $250, CandlylCbip Ma- chine $500. 905-875- 4727 eut. tel or even- ns 519 707-9260ý A dîning rosm, cherry- wood, double pedustal table, 8 chairs, baut, butch, donetail construc- tion. New still in boues. cost $11000. Sacrifice $2800. 905-507-9459. FREE Estimates Gdot wubiy chairs, tirud look- îng moud finisses? Fields Custom Weed Retinishisg and Farnîture Repaîrs. 9- 9. 905-632-9090 8h11, Ahii,,rig LasgIj il queun onthapudis pl lswtop set, nuw in plas- tic, marranty $250 905- 567-4042 miii delîser. CARPET I hase seseral 1,000 yards of sew Stars Mastet & 1001. nylon car- pet. W0iil do living room & ball tur $389. Includes carpet, pad & instailation (30 yards) Steve. 905-633-8192 HOT Tub (Spa) coers busi pnie, Best quaity. Ail shapes & cutaurs cull1- 866-585-0056 mmm POOL TABLE; 5u9 uak billirard table, Excellent condition. Askîng $1500 000. Cail 905- 601-8142. P111zzcrer LEATHERI 3 pièce Ia/ian set. Sota, beveseat sud chair. Nem, in plastic Ceat $6900. Seli $2500. 905-304-4873. POOL Table, Prutussîssal Suries, Solid 00usd, 1" Slatu, Ail Accessanes. Nemw Stli Bsued, Cust $6,200 Suit $1,950, 905-304-9994 SAUNA, 2/3 persun, in- hume, m/c.d. piayer and lights. Neyer ased. Cust $5500, OeIl $2750. 905- 304-7775 BEST cashs Fard- Aut, Antiques. Cuilectîbies, China, Crystai, Suler, Figurines, Royal Deuiton, Smarueskî, Glass, Pontery Ets, Estate Speciiots Top Cash. Cati Juhn/ Tracy 905-33t1-2477 r.ýrr,, "i' Are Vou looking for a company that challenges and inspires you? Integrity, performance, craftsmanship, innovation, custom solutions and quality - all words that have been used to describe the finest built trucks in the world: Peterbilt. The Peterbilt evolution has been defined by a commitment to meet specific customer needs and new technology that aims to deliver a positive impact to our customers. At Premier Peterbilt, it's more than jost passion, pride and an loverait insistence on quality that runs deep throughout our company. It's about the integrity of the people and the trucks we sell and service. Apply Téday! Our Parts, Service and Sales Departments continue to grow at an exciting pace due largely to our commitiment to Customer Service. If you're interested in working for a company that values tradition and pride, then consider a career vvith Premier Peterbilt. We offer: Competitive wages and benefits Education assistance OEM Training Safety shoe allowance Employee appreciation events Community event sponsorship Clean and sale working conditions Opportunities for advancement If you are interested in these positions, please apply in vvriting to: Stephanie Gloyn, Human Resources, PREMIER Peterbilt Inc. Fax: (905) 460-1535 e-mail: We tharlk all applicants, howeve,, only those clioýri fer an;nteview -11 bý contacts PARTS YOU CAN RELY ON VW Passat 2003 t.8T, EM Ipoeet silver/black interior, Sun- roof, heated seuts, opion- ÀËeÏÀL --en- ai snow tires $14,900 obo.vtosb aiie 905-877-9979. pr-sins Dy Par»e Help fa-ig ic.n t CLEANER. Mature per- 42 son/coupie reqa ted for lighi daty cleaning in Mitonr 5 esen - JaEja1~e ingsimeek. Apprue IlaseHrus 3hrs/day. Applicants lasfi .Hor must be retiabie with- Monday to Frdayl neat apperance. Fue rsm o95677033. 9a o5p Salurday January 27th frsm lOam - 4pm llSgSWinston Churchili Boulevard t11/2 Miles North of Mayield RoadIl7th Sideroad Georgetown, Ontario 905-873-929 New ReadyTao Finish Handcraffed Furnitare and Nouelties Dressers, nîght tables, wardrobes, doot cheot, bar- vst table, china cabinets, curie cabinets, dreusing sanity, deoko, corner cabinets, sofa tables, TV/Video cabinet, TVNVCR stund, bsokcases, jeiiy cabinets, cottue and end tables, jam cupbonrd, partry, blanket boxes, mîcrowase stand, plant stands, wasb stands, dry sink, quilt racks, maga- zine tables, magazine racks, and much, mach more Bring OTRUCK and take il wih youl CUSTOM ORDERS WELCOME! Clsie Ph .88231 Fa 876-2: 6 clsi ied @ mi1tocadinhapin.o = aees E aeen P-1 aer SERVICE MANAGER Vou have a misnum ofe three years' esperierice as a service manager or the eqainalent. Yos mîil bu resposbie for tire day-to-cday progression of our service department aioug wîth 29 techuicians aird three torepersoîs. The beys to, success are stroîra organizationa skîiis, excellent interpersonal abîiîtîes, sîgnîfîcant knowledge of the heany truck and nehîcie suies iudustr, and the abîiîry to pniorîtîze and mariage nmultiple taske effectineiy. PARTS SALES REP Voa wîill rovîde eeceptnînal castomer service and team support ru Or tast-paced and competîtîve euvironimeut. A soid reiatîsuship banlder, Vos mutl caii ou customers, prospect potentiai clients, gathur market information, and devuiop strategues to increase volume îuciudîng particîpatiug in suies fiyer deveicynnt. Vos have demoustrated suncese in a suies and sereine capacity, techuicai kuowiedge et a mîde array of iudustny reiated parts, and superior commurnication, interpersona, and reiationshîp-building skilis. Committed te safety and rqsaiity, you have estabished repontiug shilis and proficîency mîtb business reiated software. WARRANT'Y ADMINISTRATOR Commmtud te teammork sud customer service, you milI provîde expertise sud support te, att service departimeuts ru ail areas of msnranty issues iucludling the fiiing osf sf1 marranty dlaims with apprepriate manufacturer ruquirements. Vos have at fest two yesns' iudustry euperieuce, dumenstnafed succens ru mauagîug marrsuty dlaims, sud dynamie preblem-soiving skilis. Vesr abiliNi te interpret sud sualyzu msrranty details sud genorul business reports is coupled mîtb streng organizatiena, communication, sud interpersonal skilis. TRUCK SALES REP Utiliing estsbiished ciesing sud customer service ekilîs, you mifi optimaiiy suit uum sud used vehicies acrosu our entire produnt lise, maintain knomiedge of uum preducts, festures, sud services, and previde follow-Up sud ougeing service ne esistîng clients. Committed te prefessionul duveiepmeut, you miii aise attend suies and training meetings. A dynamîn communicater mith a selîd track record in a reisted sales sud service field, you have a provincial saies licence, souid administrative ukîlis, sud kuomiedge osf tederai, provincial, sud locat Issus goveruiug rutaîl truck sales. Vos aiso bave a vaid driver's licence mîth Z undlorsumeut. PARTS COUNTER REP Voir wuill provnle excellenrt custorrer service anrd ougoînq support anrd expertise to co-monkers mhîle ceutnîbrrtîsg te lthe achievent of overal goals and objectives. Teani onîesred, you miii order ail emergency parts, manage ail aspects of parts, cors, and/or marrarîty retîrns, arîc evensee the parts area aird ensure cileauliîîess anrd safery. Voir wiii aise corîduct delîveries and pick iaps, issue parts, and record îrrveutony variances. Voir have previeus epenierîce reiuted te parts/fnvoutory management and strong communication, interpersoual, and tesmmork skîiis. Vour commitmient to satety and excellence is con piumeused by supurior custrumer service skiffs, knomiedger-fciluated iuverttory cormputer systerss and a mehanial aptirude. SERVICE TECHNICIANS Vou miii provîde support to betb crîstemers and feilesu coiioagses by servicino requrremeute and comrrrunîcatîng ru a positive and heiptul maune, performi quaiW repaîrs as pur mork order, marutaîn and encourage s salle merk enviroumeut, adbere te ail cempany pelîcres and procedures, sud perforsu auy othur dutres as requîred. Vour stroug customer relations ukîlis are supported by a pleassut merk attitude and the abilty to mu utain a good attendance record. SERVICE YOU CAN TRUST