Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Jan 2007, p. 30

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B2 - The Canadian Champion, Frîday, January 19, 2007 HOMESELLERS Find Dur What Your Visit. www. haltonhomedowvnthpstruet.com -GEORGETOW /t5 ULH STýREE'T J905-873-1999 O THE GooD SHEPHERD Daily 7:00 p m Voiens&Vam Language * HAPPY FEET PG Sat. &Suri. 2:00pm 9) NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM rij Daiy 645 p.m &9:00 p.m Sat & Sun.200 îm. O ARTHuR AND THE INVISIBLES Daily t:45 p.m. O F Sutý &Sun. 2:00 pm 9D WE ARE MARSHALLS ~ V Daily9:00p.m.le Sdrive s rseat, P",knp Apaai ai Got to side with Trump on this one 1 was nîaking up a list for ibis coltnmn of the things thai iri iated mie nosi, and askecl mvy oldesi dangliter for soinc faîgt l di dli tt ut h. Wbai made mie ihink of- the idea was ihai 1 bappened t0 be watching The View. Okay, 1 turned ot on so I could bear more oftihe fend gomng on beîween theni and Donald Trurrp. F-oui womnen eoniinuously iiying to talk ai once. Just shoot me now 1 like gossip, SO the Trump tend fueled my interesi. Trump said tbat Barbara Walîers told him ihat working with Rosie O'Donneil was "like living in bell." Walters denies ail of tbis, but tbe evidence is rigbî tbere, and l'm siding witb Tmump on ibis one. I believe bim. Just watcbing tbose women, especially (iYDonnell, continually preacb abont ibis and that, actnally is lîke living in biell. I iried io ike a tompai ison t0 miake snre I wasni'i beiîîg sexisi, Often ibere are sports ialk shows blai bave foui men irying îo iallk oser each other. I lxi doesni boîber nie ai ail, so I gness îî , ousi ihe wmn l'in flot adiniiiiing l'in sexisi. I îhink it woiks tbe same Don't *us have ýreso1utio1ns m.hae goals.II ways. 55(011(1 ol olcoi tai ki ng,i usi as men wonld O nl the fînd îî irritating lis- loose tenîng 10 women do the same îbîng. enough of that, I L= badi started making a lîsi of tbings that îrrîîated me, and even found one îbing thaî l'm i.aking off the iritation list. Fast food places and the tact tbat they gel tbe order wrong s0 ofien bas always heen a major source of irritation, and îî doesn't look lîke ifs improving any lime soon. I ordered a hamburger ineal ai Harveys recently, usualiy oine of ibe besi foîr service, and tbe>' forgol bo put the bain- lîurger iii the hag. I had to go aIl the way batk and was ready to blasi thei tor nol beîng able bo couni to one, but tbe yonng man was ajiologetit and took tlie wînd tont ot niv saîfs. A fairly iiew source of' irritation is tryiiîg t0 cross down- lown Main Street on tooi i îîsed b hbc simple enougb. but iiow îbec aie so iny tais îî tani bc a lonîg waîî. AntI hetatîse the windosxs of opporiunity are lcss frcqueiîî, y00 bave io take mîore thantes. [feres nio officiai crosswaiks. i ib t 'e goîîîg to have t0 put sotie in bcfoî e somecbody gels serjousis' hurt. Andt speakîiig of vvaits. the îî affît lîglît ai Main andît Ontaio, if- sou re planing io torii efit, tani iake foies er. i bheres more, fini l'ni runnîng oui of spacte f dtonti gel ii iaîed tuai easils. aiîyway, so 1 don' ihase a loi of tomnpiaiits. One îlîîîg ibat aiway sdtld tritaîe nic before lias tiîaîgetl. i xc always liaied wind tîiînies. 1 fond ibein iiirusive anti ainioytng betause 1 lîke lîsîenîîîg io th uic x d tîsi on uts owîî. Bol a ticiglîbour bas a wintl charn ibai isn'i cotistanf> ringing. fusi onice in a while wlîen the .Niiid blo\,\ws. 1 tîîîd it soothing and pleasani, and novv i look torward îo lîearîng îî. So, îhîings tan stol) being îrrîtaîîng thai werc betore, and îbîngs tan stant being irrilaling thai \weren'î before. As for Rosie O'Donneil and The View, ibats a losi cause.

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