Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Jan 2007, p. 3

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The Canadian Cteahnpion, Fila January 19, 2007 - A3 -ýGrice gets nod to represent Green Party once again By Melanie Hennessey CANADIANJ C'HampiC'JNTAFF anticîpates tbe environment being 77 in order. St it ' 1,511b4 t, -tf t u. .F e'e 1~ . -fi3 on'. r F L)i ky le Grice will once again bc the lace of tihe laiton Green Party corne thé next federal ellection. The Miltonian, who stood as the candidate for the local Green Party in hast years election, was uncontested at the [lton Federal Green Party Associations nomination meet- ing Tuesday Dr. Grice said he reluctantly put bis name forward since bes so busy witb bis two small cbildren and his own chiro- practor business. But he said lis supporters were pushing for bim to run again. "They were really happy witb the job I did last time," be said. He noted tbat last time around, be received financial sup- port for bis campaign from people who admitted tbey weren't going to vote for bim because they'd rather do "ýstrategic" voting for one of the otber parties. -l think that will change thouh, be saîd. "Witb ail this floor crossing and Iack of fioyl 1 think people are reali.zing there's no advantage to strategie vingl Looking ahead to wbenever tbe next election is called - whicb Dr. Grice thinks will be in the summer - hé said be Town considering building walkway The Town is investîgatîng bow mucb it would cost to ýbridge tbe gap' between two east-end neigbbourboods. At the request of Wards 2 and 4 Councillor Colin Best Monday nigbt duning the community services commitîee session, staff is now goîng to, look inito the feasibilîty and expense of constructing a walkway over the CPR rail fine between Livingston Road and Tupper Dnive. The notion garnered support from Ward 4 Councillor Wendy Schau, wbo pointed out the Town' trails advisorv commîttee bas been taling about sucb a bridge for a long tîme. She emphasized that the raîlway bas been a real barnier between the communîties. Mayor Gord Krantz also endorsed tbe waikway concept. "Lt is a safety issue for sure," be remarked. At tbe meeting, Best distributed a copy of a letter be sent to the Town on tbe topie before be was elected i November. Lt indicates tbat tbrougb bis conversations witb contrac- tors and area buiders, be found tbe cost of the walkwav could range from $100,000 to $ 150,000. Staff wiil report back to committee and counicil on its findings in tbe future. AUTO BODY ~# <ROYAL ATLANTIC) INC. mniber one prîoi forlo the govern- ment to del wnb,"l be remarked. Dr. Grice noted tbat taxes are - always an issue as well.- In bis cam-- paign, be said belIl support tbe Green Partys tax sbifting plan, wbicb calîs for moving taxes away from income and instead puttîng tbem on environmentally barmful ye rl practices. Tbe party believes tbis Kl rc would encourage everyone to conserve energy and resources. Tbe local resîdent said be also tbinks electoral reform is S TA RT YVOU R W N R EA L S ILI0 2006 Sienna CE .33 [Li ht b enigan a 5-pe s ati 0 trassions u'389*@ 2.8ü '30,800 - *Idng:nt Frntse ie an 0< ai ib PERmne MOM OR48 natiSti ainh$,6 D M Il Craise cnri-Etadtelescopic soene 5iEW Au MPOE pOtaiti * ess enfirr - A/fMl Ct iat MPt p ayl more HM1iUO HWIitN (34 ritef CT iiesoeik0<Ci Il of proportional representation to step up witb the rest of the worl Las tie around1 Dr. Grice was contested by iong-time area resident Kurtis Andrews for tbe Green Party candidacy, but emerged victorious witb more tban 60 per cent of the vote. He tben went on toi tbe election race witb tbe Libeis Gary Carr (now tbe regional chairman), tben-Conservative Gat Trer and tbe NDPs Anwar Naqvi. Dr. Grice secured more than 4,000 votes, but Turner won out and now sits as tbe independent MP for Haiton. Melanie Hennessey can be reached at mhennessey@amilton- canadianchampioncom. 81L*fU UTRIS, PEOPLE &SUE THEIS eY FROM TROMBONES TO SAXOPHONES Peggy and Tom Whiric bolgh a 1999 Sienna fortheir instrument repai husineis in Georgetown. After commuting 10 work 100 kiometrea ildand raveling throughout Halton 10 pick Up and drap off instruments, tbe'v Ilke up alia 450,000 kilometres on the wefl-loved van. Says Tom, "TllankUlly, with àlithe repair work gomog on <round hierre, the one ihing we havent had to worry about repaeuing os the Sienna. la Real To vta Stars of your oum? E-mail us ait inforealpeopesellimggneatcan ca 'OPY W!TH A NE' TOYOTA. PURCHASE 1 0 001 An .J uh0. 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ApR,ý,e kr> n- n,, ..81 5,'.k .'M" 3Vth s,4 -Pn e,ý c »," 0ri2 t02'.33 t ý 1 ý 'I rtàS , 131!7 1 l 129 Wý 2ýý Din.' '1 0t, see (PlI9 3.Y. e'p h',l&n n,. 2u',',n

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