The CanadianCharrnp!on, Friday, Janiuary 19, 2007 - A27, _____________________________6 OSte~oesAve. nHwy 25 - TOIi Free: êe H i iEmail: sales@hunthCoIr.o Vour Dealership E 500 BRONTE ST. Sur MILTON H Derry Rd. LILr ~Icmo The Ail New 2007 Ltn DNITOCHRYSLER ASPEN DODGE CALIBER CHfRYSLER SEBRINO JEEP WRANLER UNLIMITED ir" 23 290* stim $495 995* ifl o,$15 5 995* smlw$22,995* Aur$249495* ______________ iy asshown eiesneti s show" .. - - -...I. . .y 2Ot, 4cyi, auto, air cond't, pwo pi, CD ployer 6cyI, Sspd. wth both topspeakerbar CD 8cyl. auto, air cond't, pwindows & Jocks, R 1' f Bata nce of Factnry Warranty. player Balance of 6cy auto air ABS, alum EPRE drvrsetBlnen $9989F $t#P26 17995 al.StkP3307 14,888**Stk#P333t t 124888* Wise customer ead the fine print:MSRR for bsemorelSes o gSedan MSRR tor Sebrinq Liied mortel as shon n 29030 OTneeseîiigi (10 Si M rbae tlNtr EMSRr forNiro R T norfel shown033 440 MSRP hase mode Caie Se MSRP fniCalber R/O modela hownS$20695 Oaxes. relih iro $1200) (CrSer StrOQ) ISMRP toi base modei Wrange nlmldMS frW ingliUn test RuSicon bodeas showi S2MRORS MRP CINANCING eeovIoro e ;' rs e mode Wrano er SRPfor Wrangr RubScon mode as hown $28,150 laces, tîeght iWrangieî dand Wrandieî Uniited $S200)i n suancgs trtoaiecrtie dnistton tees fdoRewire dcibes io ricli ded foir ihe nhi- es d ec eice o exatas how 0dminte i e e h500PhO eetra 1tBonsn g $30,0009 O,, vni 72 monnhs i584160'ner moorsi O