The Canadian Champion. Tuenday, Januury i 6. 2007 - A9 HIGH SCHQQL ORT * A A Aj Course Dates & Times Milton Ph: 905 875 0480 4 Saturdays Sat Feb 3. Feb 10. Feb 17, Feb 24 9:3Oam to 4:l5pm 4 Days March 12. 13, 14, 15 9:3Oam to 4:15pm YOUNG MIS APPROVES tEGISSER DRIVES EDUCATION COURSE PROVIDER "MUSTANG MESSENGER" F~1 - - Megan Gfleema HarDi Nali Courlney Goulombe MILTON DISTRICT DISE SCIGOL No Repart ib,~ t4f~ek "DATELINE DRURY" H As/loy Car/laie Miche//o Stapies Stop/ion Jackson E.C. DRURY IlION SCEGOL Happy Holidays and hest wîshes on yourÂcexams? Oh no Here il cornes, ihe lime we have ail heen dreading. Those glorjous 2 weeks off were gone in flash, and suddenly we were wislaing we had donc more homework. And the world is on our shoalders, îwo weeks 10 go until the big finale. So as we are ail learning the meaning of lime managemeni. our colleague is takîng another route, lime machine? Nice lry huddy. Lither way we are ail starling 10 feel the pressures accumulaling ssilh summalives. essays. and exams rearing Iheir ugly heads There were even Grad photos 10 stress over ihis week for ihe seniors. Thal meanî...brashing our haie7 Noî...wearing pajamas? Let il he over soon. However. even ihrough ail of ihe quîck commenis and frowning faces we really leam up logeiher as a schoc.l. la limes of exams...we find ourselves handing logeiher 10 make sîudy groups and pîckîng straws 10 sec who has lu go gel ihe coffee and sugar hooster Wc louk forward lu regaining ihe colour in our laces, removing ihose bags frura under our eyes. and musi especially sleeping Oncc escryîhiug s user. ihe only and yes ihe oaly îhing 10 hrîng us from our deep siamber iv ihe upcomîag ski season WL SAW SNOW' And cas only hope for Ihe besi no more ram.) We look forward lu waichîag our frîends learu how 10 ride a snowboard. We canÂfi staîl lu sec ihose legs flailing in Ihe air wilh Iheir faces in the snoss No bard feelings îhough. ilÂfs jusi fan. Nexi up. a bit 0f solîcîlîng 10 our beloved Milisîn busînesses Our s~hool iv tarrenily hosîîng a iiiagazîae drive n sîrder 10 gel our hands un some readîng maierial for oui siadenis during DEAR. (drop everylhiag and readl sessions If anyone has siacks of magazines or paperback matertal ihat is curreaîly goîng unused, il would be mach appreciaîed if ihey coald be donaîed 10 our sehool. Any maierial will be accepîrd ai ihe main office in E.C. Drary. Mach ihanks n advance! Uaforlunaiely. wîih everyihing going on. ihere is nol mach 10 wriie aboal. So we came ap wilh a iheory. This îs ose Seinfield episode. An aclicle about nolhing. There iv TONS goîng on, jusi nolhing more we can wrîîe about. As if su mach is going on ihai noihing else can. Excepi for sporis. ihey always manage 10 escape ihe classrooms and find some comperilion. The Junior Girls Volîcyhail ieam weni lu a lournameni ai Bishop Reding. They won 5 games and only loti 1, wiih a lolal of 8 ieams from ihe Hallon area ihere. A wonderful way 10 corne hack from lIte holidays, Ladies. So I suppose everything isnÂft quile as had as we make il oui 10 he. hul il isnÂfi preny. We have a loi of work, a loi of îiudying and a lot of coffee ahead of us in ihe nexi couple of weeks. Time 10 gel busy and work our way down ihai depreasîng lisi of îhîngs 10 do. Bai hefore we go, we would juta like 10 say ihanks 10 our tii in Danielle Proala ihis week! Good luck Sparians! "TEE ROYAL REPORT" M Erin //e/hering/on Lindsay le/ns/on lu//a Riddel/ DISDGP REDINS 11011 SCIGOL Welcome back Bishop Reding! As a new year begins so do many other things, such as a new set of exams, new sports tournaments and the applications to new schools. Bishop Reding students are especially busy around this time of the year, and this Inside Source is about to fui you in on why. With just over a week left of school everyone is beginning to get that frantic look on their faces as only a student about to write exams can. Exams begin on the 251h of January and cnd on Wednesday the 3lst. So this Inside Source's advice to nervous students is to start the studying now. It will calm your nerves and boost your marks. On the lighter side of things, there have been many siress-relieving activities as well. This pasi week the junior girls' volleyball îeam hosted a tournament here at BR. They were cheered on by many fans in the stands and did not disappoint. They played excellently and with great enthusiasm. Also this past Friday and Saturday the senior girls' volleybali team and the senior boys' basketball team competed in toumaments of their own. The girls traveled to Kingston to compete in an Ontario- wide tournameni, where îhey made BR proud; their hustle was incredible. The boys had a home toumament and as always, were simpiy amazing. Teams not to be forgotten include the BR swim team, who had a meet last Thursday in Georgetown. and the hockey team, who continue to make our school proud to have brought back the sport. Lastly, the deadline for applying to University was last Wednesday, while the deadline for applying to college is next week, This is an exciting time for our grads this year. because now they are just waiting for those acceptance letters, and they can stan the next chapter of their academic career. So weicome back everyone and good Iuck on the stresses ahead.