Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Jan 2007, p. 22

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.22- Thffe Canaoiin Chamipionl, TucpdayJçnuary 15, 2007 GeneHalP He mHet GenmIHep eea ep SildI âhia ep TcnclHelp eHOIpaTchi ~ie HoIp W ËTachnlcal Halp TcactHI ehia ll [ DELMANOR Iinar ofCu I Assigaln ec&diese Repair & maintenance o aoie&dee peIte cagvs and an tt tSpo r tatin. Wr,,k Muday- sentiat. Esperience an asset, but ce will train thse nîght persanr. If yau are positive, dependlable and tAce 15 dlean pleuve caîl Mary Jenkinc: 905-877-3443. Canadas largeat Furnîture, Appîtance and Elec- tronîc Retaîler ta undergaînig tire maut aggressîve expansion prsgrum ni sur campany's isistory, Nac la ysur sppsrtuntty ta become pa oftour cînnînig team and enîsi thre benefîts. secutity and uppodssîties Levas has 10cfr. We are currently seektng enthsastic individuats ta I thre fallowtng positiîos for year round empîvyment at our BURLINOTON location. P/T WAREHOUSE P/T FRONT OFFICE PiT DELIVERY OFFICE We 08cer competîtîve remunerattan packages and excellent csmpany benefîts including and assaciale profit sharînig programt. Please sabifi your resume in persan ta: Leons Furnilure 3167 North Service Rd, Burlinglan, ON Il 3G2 Uniqiue Personnel Canada Inc. iv mi9 fo tire foltocîng position fan thir client locatcd in (Dakite CARGO TANK WELDER 3-4 years af esperience *Must be able fa weai aluminium stainless steel *MIG, TIG, STICK We Off et: *Top cages and benefîts package *Steady emplayment *Modemn. dlean corkîng envîrosment *Ongoîng training and cirance for adoancement lnterested candidates siraulu suit Iret resumes ta: Prokleen Washing Services Inc. Attention: Bart Fax: (905) 337-8144 E-mail: iohalIarnO~uniquepgrsonnel.com Uiqu Personnel Canada Inc. iv irnng frtire fsllowing positions for Ile clitent Iocated in Oakvîlle. LICENCED TRAILER MECHANICS lst OR 2nd VEAR APPRENTICES Previas Cargo Tank Eapcncence a must level ai notei style service. Requires Mature, Full-Time DINING ROOM SERVERS /COOKS, NIGHT TIME HOUSEKEEPERS AND CASUAL RPNS Forcard Reaumes. 1459 Nattingiîll Gate GakvI ON, LEM 4W1, Fax 905-469-7495 11t*i .IItUL for !L] 7 We arc looking fvr adulto (individuals or crema) miso have a reliairle veisicle (tise langer tise better) aid a desîre ta cari es- tra mvncy iry delîvering newspapcrs wîtis ftyer packages 3 days a weck (Wcdnea- day, Pniday aid Satsîdayo) to resîdences risrougisvut Qakile & Milton. Tiss otnuty a doon-tv door delîvcry pnogram aid s beot ouited tc, tsa miro anc not afrard orf isard avrk aid enjoy wvrking indepen- dentlyirn tise vutdoons. Maturîty and a stîoîg acîse of îcspvnaibnlity aid re- lîailîty arc mandataiy If you would like ta explore this opportunity in more cietal please contact Bob ai 905-637-8795 Cabinet Company , Requîrev S 0 f Shop Foreman W,. eOI eCO ta supervise 30-40 carkers. Must be irando on & computer sr eFO iiterate& have tire abi to read sirop WEK dracîngo & cut bils. Aivo requtre FO Ny CNC OPERATOR able Io program uOii9 Master Cam. Competîtîve Wage & Bea cfits. Fax resume ta 905-336-2005 Opaftftie j pponB nies J.MICHAELS OAKVILLE PLACE / LIMERIDGE MALL We're looking for great people fo loin our dynamic team! Curnl lokn fo .*t-ime me 110c You cul firrd tisat ce offer a competîtîve compensa- -Top cagea aid benefito package taon package, an tîdîvidual recard programme, a -Steady cmploymcît gencrous associate discount pIîc aid an envi- -Modern, dlean cvrsing envirvîrment roîment tirat in fus & fasteru open communication. O ngoing training aid chance fvr advancement laesbiyoreuminpsn It.ete aaddtssol umtte eue r yaa may fax ta: 905-339-0704 (Oakville) to: 05-55-M (Limeridgel Prokleen Washing Services Inc. Yaa may alsa e-mail ta: pkachur@jichaels.net Attention: Bart Fax: (905) 337-8144 STAR aOR WENSDA Upscala Milton Salon immediatly reqlures: FULTM EEPTIONIST* .Ioc!,, Io a umbr eTpeofe o !aýi as wlttr grect cualomer servica/computer skilis AIR UALIY TEHNICANSFULL Tf ME ASSIS TAN/AIP-RENTICII we AR QU LITYTECH ICIA S *EXPERIENCED STYLIST* - Complete Co. Training -$14 95hri$2500manth I drpofesn oSGHiDsg: ta start - Paîd Ca. Vacattonsa Fuîftimc Hous, riv rEmi:s oreinlomi.o lay-vffv Profestonat & fricnidly as k eîvimentc/ adMCulg - Full Benefîts You Oer: *Williîgncov ta ceari Pouitve attitode f *Prescîtable appeanance * Punctsaliy APPRENTICESHIP/ CAREER OPPORTUNITIES OUT 0F SCHOOL? NOT SURE WHAT TO DO NEXT? WHY NOT START A CAREER! Come and aois aur great teamt Get pîd ahite y00 train ta become a dental lais techirnctan and recard yourself wîtir an înspînîng cancer cîtir a great future. No experience necessary but aould ire an usel Company irenefîts include I ireati and dental. R OU IRE MENTS: *Excellent irand dexterry and commrunication skitîs *Able 10 pedorm multiple taskn. *OSSO rade t2 Apply in persan between 9,.30am - 4:OOpm at: Mitecti Dental Laboratory lac. 5230 Southr Service Radl Burlington (Between Burlaak & Appteby Line) AMADA PROGRAMMER/ OPERATOR needed for turret punch press Pega 367 Excellent opportuflity for advancemcnt Fax resumne tai: 905-3316739 N'AU AI. 5PRING WATER Requires: Lab Technician Day and Afternoon Shift Thio is a valary position in a high growth environmeit. Qualitied applicanta only to apply. Responvibilitiev f0 Include: -Micro lah analysia * Water teating -Production lune checks Fax Resumes to 905-878-9035 M CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT MANAGER Northr America Construction is a Generai Contnactvr, specialîzing in lange municipal construction pnxîectn acrona Canada. We are txvking for an iqaîsment Manager ut our hcad office in Morrînton, Ontario irut Soutrh of Gaelph. This position repors t0 rthe Vice Prenident, and ns responsible. *Tv procure, manage aid maîntaîn a sîgnîfîcant fleet of specîalîzed construction eqoipment acroos Canada. *To mauntaîn, manage aid tortirer boîtld a statt ot eqorpmeit speis *To denîgi, manage aid maitais an effective centraized inventoin controi program for aut othcr rosis acrvnn Canada. *To manage aid be accvuntabte ton rire tîsanciais of a large Equîpmcst Division. The indîvîduai mont have a broad base knomtedge of cranen, ireavy eurtir mark eqoîpment dnis aid many other large ylecen ot eqorpment, Tire indivuduai mont be able ta set-op controin ro insane a pos5itive fînanctal sarcome an rire end of eacir year. Tire tîdîvîdoat must be able to manage people an vanus locatios acroso Canada. NAC os kxxwn for rire way ce mreut our people. We 08cer competnîve wagea. coceilentbîern and a dynamîc worlsiig enviromheot. Send resome ro RECRUITER Fax: 519-821-1111 or iosnacnaxrd.com Please soclude job tîtie in emait nobîcr uine wwnacawoik-cam AGESA Torontv is tise follomîng position availairle A U A at oui Brampton location: LICENSED MECHANIC Tire tîcumbent miii be reaponaîbie for ci- agnosîng, coordînatîîg inspections aid tire repair aid service vf mecisanical, elcc- tnîcal, electronîc systemai aid componenta on a varicty of veisicles. Tise oocceasfol candidate wîll isave a formai edacation in tise tield, along wîtir a profenaîvial me- cisanîc ticenai aid a valîd driver's license. AGESA Toronto offers a competutîve ualary aid benefit package. lnterested applicants are asked ta apply anine WWW.ADSA&» Careers » Job Search » Mechanic (Lic).Toronto ADESA Toronto 55 Auction Laine, Brampton, ON Il 5P4 Attention: Human Resources Fax: 1905) 790-0306 E-matil: hrtoronto@ADESA.com 1 .. PRDCIN* SMLR pool sccvssory eqoîprica. iras scoîrsi Produc- tiont Assembler apenîngo for foullrime emplsy- ment, mages $70/Ht as mcel us vseraI seasona apettîngo (apprae. 8 monitrs, srudett celcomet mages fram $9/hr. Hauts- 8 3ttsm-5:Opm. Please apply sn persan ar contact: Allen 905-829-2880 Est. 241 2880 Plymauthi Drive, Oakvif le (Wintan ChurchitlO/EW) Send resumes f0: ddavidson@clublilk.ca or via fax: 905-693-9135 Packaging Mechanicedfrtis ries mfg Yvu wilt Ide required ta oet up and troubleohoot rotary fillers, pressure sensitive labelero, automatîc cappers, codera etc. Preference given f0 candi- dates witir prentous csp. in pncumatîc scale filîcîs and pl labelers. Some oshifs work and overtime required Fax resumne toi 905-568-3664 Espetience satura gas / propane resîdential set- vice persan tequîted immediately Lîcensed gas rîence an asset. Please forcard tesmme to: Ron's Burner Service R R Rckwsvd, ON NOB OKO Fax: 519-856-9321 Experlesced ouci CleaningTechnicianWan]ted Must have a minimum ut 6 montirs experrence wîirh ttsck mounted dsct cleanîn equipment. Mnt be an experienced driver ot standard trarumînsiot c ube vans cita a valid anîver's lîcenise and dlean abstract Mont be avaîluole Mon- day Io Saturday Preterably local ta Miltron. Georgeown ot Actas. Competîtîve cages plus commission opvrtunitieas and fll baneaît Position avaîlabte immediatety. CatI lame Herses lac. 905-702-9366 ELECTRICIANS Electrician w tr309A Lîcense requîrcd mmcdiately tr gr0wig organîization. Must unve 2 years Canadian cx- peiencc, gvvd communication ksi aid a relable ver cle Competitive wages & benefit package. Fax reaumne to 905-564-5677 No phone calla pleatte lGeorgetown Physiotherapy C inic Prd atey AfnounEveng ekdayouh s n y Aprvmti 2W2 irasce ngiep o Incmu sîis csrdleecc i e o revue95367 Cai l 905d 873 303tfr m vrqu r d e lveis n e dela lv APPRIENTICE MECHANIC Required, cupenienci necevvary for vhop in Milton. Cati: 905-878-5984 or fax resumne fa: 905-878-1246. t. p -- Y.- moeîicZil lOaylimel requircu by progressive Haiton trckîng cvmpairy. Computer aid excellent tîterpersoa skîlis requîred. Related experteice a definîte asset. Reply fa Box 25A C/O Milton Canadian Champion 875 Main St. E. Mitan. Il3Z3 1Wantedosmll office, usng lOmpl 7Acuntng Pari me, fexible Hours. HR I PAVROLIL ADMINISTRATOR Tire tcading Manufacturer of quulîty puvîng stoncas aid rctaînîng euhl producîs iras an îmmcdîatc ociîn for a HP / Pvyrol Ad- , .,. mînîstrator for ts Gîitants sperationo, based outlof Georgetocn, Job Description Pcrformo profeosioval iruman resoorces wvrk in ail arcas of HP, încludîng but ivt tîmîted to: benefîts aid payrsll administration (încludiîg pensîi aid 10518) training, recroîtmcîl aid sec employce orientatîi, ireat aid safcty, cvmpany palîcy aid Procedorca Manoal aid empîvymenl lac campliance. Wvrka undcr gcncral supervisîin tîcumiscît evercîves initiative aid tîdependent lodgment in tire performance of assîgned tasks. Job Specifications aid Competencies t . Bachelor's degrce tn Humai Ressurces ut rctated field, or cguîvalcnt formai education, 2. CHRP or Canadian Payroil Assciation Level 3 certîfication an assel. 3. Abtoi effectivcly commonîcate tirosgirl aid ideas. 4. Ability 10 actîvely listes aid stilîze gvvd facilitatîi sAtls. .. Ab ...ty tmaage competîng prities. csrk dIsh strict deadliles, and attend ta proiecto aid cork proceso citir ecellent organîzatîial okîtis aid ntnang attention to detal. 6. Excellent computer skil încludcd but nvt lîmiled to Microsoft Word and Excel, Crystai Reports aid Lotus Notes. Prior business eperîcîce in tire Ceridan Payrvli cîvîroîment, specfîcally lrrsync a mont 7. Abiiity 10 bisuîd effective relatîoîsips atiral level of management aid empie cîtin tire campany. 8. Abiity oc maîntaîn coitidentiaity aid dîscretîva regardîng sensitive issues, Please send resume aiong atira caver latter îîcludîng salarr copectutîos ta tire aviantion aftie Cantrollcr, at, irr.vîtaria@ Unilock.com Untiock taurn ail applicants ta aduance bui nnly quulilied candidates ail be contaciva tor ntervi o poeci n oaece la Need a mpoyee~ ~[i~ifie@miIoncnadinchaipio.co plan, training, management aupport, salary and commission. Reils aI eperience asential- HIRING BONUS for those currently emplayed in autamatixe field. Emnail/ Fax Heaume ta: graham@kerroakville.cam or 905-845-4394 1 ay Advanced ongoing training Premium I for ici 1-877-700-0082 905-407-4901

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