rnezz rnmezz un > FREE rraininng starts now > strong focus on SAFETY >r wo// maintained vehicles >___ comper F vo wagos & more.. > extra bonus for "B" licence ho/dors > opportunities for charrer work > good selection of routes > respectfu/ wvork environrment > take your pre-schooler w/th you > aiso ideal for retirees I1-87.7-914-KIDSJ * NEED EXTRA MONEY? *HAVE XMAS BILLS? ATTRIDGE TRANSPORTATION IHC. i5 flow hiring school bus drivers for immediote, employment IDEAL FOR PART-TIME PERSONS . Fr.. Tra1ry - Excelent port-thne emplyaseat - Coevpti*ov Wogs finr Ret/reis Tran a imd o Jégevec/des - StoYoutho" parents - Exrle9saab with - no baby-sittn charter wo ChIdren ride FE - Off duI suiraer SCHOOL ROUTE OPENINOS AVAILAILE IN FLAMIOROUGH, IURLINGTON, OAKVILLE, MISSISSAUGA & BRAMPTON -SAFETY IN MOTION- TRANSPORTATION M IURLINGTON/OAKVILLE 905-333-4047 IRAMPTON/MISSISSAUGA 905-855-7771 FL4MBOROUGH 905-690-2632 or TOLL FREE 1-888-749-1515V u m rl Help Gnrl Help W GnIlHelp SALES RER. lo ta eil 75 IHmes/year.I Licenhe preferrejd. Ematl reaumre tai: newhome careera@gnull.com The Canadian Champion, Tuesday January 16, 2007 - 21 GenIlHIp enmIlHelp GenIlHep M :GIHealIpIIII GeleaHlp [InrHein JO I O U * r A M Aavle-Clbaig10ya Kennedy Ford 'i s CAREER OPPORTUNITY Alyoui... With the expansion of Ford of Canodu's Oukuille Manutacturing tacility ard recent promotions, wele are in need several aiditionai Sales Protesuion- i 'lt. ais uni are prepared to1 train through a workopiIs.01- protesuonslly pneoented.. FREE SEMINAR Cali Learn about the car business betore making a cureer decision. If you loue the chailengeo ot %O5.878.2341 dealing with peuple uni are set -motiouted, 1hio may be tor you. Eocellent commiOson pIan, car ~ allowance and benetît packuge os lubiabe for -R xuifitad the ight candidateu. Mule and female upplîcunts are encouraged. wcA on, ,,,, $1 25.001 JfffufrÀff4f EDUCATION SERVICES Why You Should Be Drîving a Laîdlawv School Bus: 'I 1 $15 - $25 / per ciasu. Required part-lime for lunch Ihuur and aller ochoul prugrams in the George- town/Miiton ares. We are luuking for outgoing Iindividualo who have eoperience wurking with chul- dren. Must have own car. Fax resume: 905-526-0700 Email: hamiltonstaffsupervisor@madscience.on.co Sesnal FulîTimte HelpWanted for Local Oreenhouse Operation Duties include pluniting, wstening, cuotomer oer- vice, planr mainrenance, etc. Applîcantu must be phyoicsily lit and msy be required to work flexible houns. lntereuted applicunto fas reoume 10: 905- 455-9920 or uppiy in peroon to 9774 Winoton Churchill Boulevard. lu iooking for the pusitions of Manager, Fuli-Time sud Part-Time in our Georgetown location. Bene- fls and bouses available. Appiy with resume: Wednesday January 111h trom 10:OOam -4:OOpm Co PLUS - Georgetown Markret Place Mati VVARIEOLI iînavoulabletr eprenced, an- unigcomrn 10 place yorsade 0LbermSaar plsssw Free Accom7moda- FÎ-NO 1klE BLà 1 '> _ rioNs. BUILD A REWARDING CAREER. NOW HIRING: WAL*MART- MILTON - HIRING FAIR JANUARY 17, 2007 between 2:OOpm and 7:OOpmn 1280 Steeles Ave. E. Positions Availabie: Overnight Stockers Overnight Maintenance Aternoon (3pm-12am) Unloaders We offer competitive wages, benetits as weII as bonus and career opportunities. APPLICANTS MUSTAPPLY /N PERSON TO THE H/RING FA/R Experienced staff required to care forroodmaresand Foals. Please aend resumes t0: Box # 30A C-0Mlo oainChampion 85Main St. E. Milton, Ontario L9T3G7t IFor experienced Production Welders, minimum 3-years experience, blueprint reading sk Ils pret I erable. Able t0 work w 1h minimum supervision. CWB cerifted preferr ai Competituve salary range. Apply nc persun: 355 Snclai Avenue, Georgetown Fax resume toi 905-702-2759 Local Company Seeks Some heavy lifting. ReIiabiIitya must. Cali: 905-702-9048 *UTOE SEVC /SL S SOI IEnthusasutic and energetic person for r]ets tcus- tomer service. Esperience required for busy courier copying, business seroices company. Futtl train009 Computer experience required. Fao: 905- 873-9383 Email t ooe234@theupostore.caor De-j tuver to: 162 Guetph Street, Georgetown. WANTED Go-gaffer who is superb in deating wvith people. Nol shy. Tlemarketing or phone sales experience a plus. Pay based on ability 10 produce reoulîs. This os a tutl-time position invotving aveningu. PIsas e-mail resumne to adjustments4you@look.ca. Onty successlul appltcants wttt b. contacted. Seekng veegeti ard FTadP/T staff. SHERI DAN Collage Rasidence Rotating ochedule, $10/h (*Negotiabie) Monitor flow of reoi dents. Admin. dutias ssgned. Computer & Microsoft Office skils requid Strong orgunoationsl com- Suation cso& Manarvie lsrt entrbl MioosaEg- otoine Wîii train ss lar oetionot thgutarwar.com anmerston lCo pnation dter lr 111entM c1]sag Eareure w tshedulawd a Cati 05-52-018 2ComEpnsion Lo ceule man o 260 Epansion r/T penîngo vn cuotomer saleu/service $16.85 basebappt Great ton otudento, homemakero & othero Fleoible ocheduleo, condihions appiy. 905-338-6618 ww.eamparttme.com DiscoverVour Future www.guardian.com Are you a dependable, deicated pemuon who thrives on safety and peuformance? Are you energelic and lookiog foran opportunîty 10 grow? At Guardian Fibergîass, we manufacture quality and envirunmentally trienid- ly tihergîass building insulation producto. We are lucated on County Road 124 lHighway 24.) 25 minutes est of Guelph, 20 minutes north ut Georgetown and oouth of Orangeville. PRODUCTION WORKER $14.4Yhlour toi start increaaing toi $16.56/hour affer 6 mastic (plus shift and weekend premius averaging 6.72/houri POTENTIALTO EARN OVER $40,000 AFTER 1 VEAR f(more with overtime) With our 12-hour rotating shift ochedule, wonk 15 shitu a month where eoery other eeekend is a long weekend. We offer competitive ages, excellent bene- fls, bonuseu[incentiueu, learning opportunîties and an RRSP/penuîon plan, Apply 10 the abooe position in person anytîme or mail your resumne with reterence information tu: Muman Resources, Guardian Fiberglass 300 Main Street, Erin, ON N0B 1iTO Telephone: 5194833-9645 or toit tree 1-800-265-9123 Fax: 519-833-9749 Email: emidrelown@bp.guardian.com SUPERINTENDENT Required for quiet 62 unit apartment building in Georgetown. Position saîtabie for relired or oemî- relired couple. No esperience necessary, but an abiiity to perlorm maintenance, mincir repairs and some office dalles essenliai. The saccestul appli- cant witl show s willingness to handie Ibis position n botb s prolesuionat and caring manner. Use of 2-bedroova aparîmenl sud salary included. Please las resume ta: 416-449-3080 SUMMER POSITIONS NOW AVAILABLE Recreation & culture and Parks & Open Space Applications are now beîng accepted for: Chîldren's Day Camp and Tennis, Tîny lots & Skateboard Instructiona programs and for student positions in Cemetery, Harbours, Horticulture, Turf & Sportsfield, loch Services and Urban Forestry. Applications must be compieted on-line through the Town of Oakvîiie's websîte wwwvv.oakville-ca/ empioyment.htm. A full iist of positions, requirements and terms of employment is avaîlabie on-lino as woil as in the Recreation and Culture or Human Rosourco departments at Town Hall. Aquatics Staff Applications for Aquatîc positions înciudîng Swimmîng & Waterfîtness Instructors, Lifeguards and Slide Attendants/ Cashiers are now beîng accepted. Applications for these positions must be submitted in person to: Town of Oakvîiie Human Resources Doparoment, 1225 Trafalgar Rd., Oakviile, ON L6J 5A6. Details on these positions are also available from Human Resources. Deadlines for Application Submissions: Rocreation & Culture -Frîday, January 26 Parks & Open Space - Wednesday, January 31 Aquatics - Friday, January 26 Fo mor inomto vii . vvvokilx or ca. 90-85-60