20 - The Canaman'Champion, Tuesdaày January 1l6, 2007 om ing Evs ~ Coing Evats Deth Deh for Sleae raining rTraining I I "ic' Sncile Dance" (S(K ngdon), 1996 Chenroiet L Ig Singlesane Danceni mina 4 door, fuy Seeger - Jeffery and Suzanne (nee Serwatuk) are lhried ta announce tire salte rninat ot their son Cillan Isaac, wveighing 6iba lOoz ut B.C. Women'a1 Hoapitut, Vancouver on December 13, 2006. Final time grundpurenla Stene & Roue Senwauk of Milton and 6Ih lime 9 randparentsaElaine Seeger of Ketowna, C &Raymond Seeger of Dalia, Alberla. A apeciat thank you la Dr. Winnie Su, Douta Rouanne Waite, tniend Tunyn Wade and staft ut B.C.W.H-. SYKES, Ed, Mîichele and big brother Jamie are excited ta finaliy wetcome Rory Austin toi the wortd on Novemben 18, weighing in at 8 lbu 3 oz. He as the second grandson la a proud Gran and Opa and the fi11h tai Gradma and Grand- pa. Speciai thanku ta the wonderfut nurses ut MDH tor their cure and atten- M&In*mev s I omn Eig vents Send Your Sweetheart A Special Valentine Love Lnes Order Foini 1 Message______ ___I I 9b IaaiuCapo I amn mutIcmpn re L - -I-- - - 20 IOD O I I00 GS Send a Love Line message in the classified section on Tuesday, Feb l3th, 2007 Deadline: Thursday, Feb 8th at 4:00 pmn Fi out the form and send to The Milton Canadian Champion, 875 Main Street East oe-mail your message with contact info toi: classified@ mi. toncanadianchampion-com Phone: 905-878-2341 Fax: 905-876-2364 We'II enter your name for a Chance ta Win a Dozen Roses f rom: 80 8p - S. 15 per person Dress code in efffect Spot and Door prizes . Free Parking Coat Check Available Min X t:niye Wlth Life Time Experlenoce On Carde, Palm Chakra 11alanclnq 15y Appolntmient OnIy WilI be Appearing On Jan 2Otýh - 22nid At: Holiday Inn Exprese -Milton 905-876-4955 Roomn 214 From llam - 10pm For Advanice Bookinqq & More Info. - Cali: Minla @ :f 416-595-5125 S .Ail Readinge lTaped- ary Il th, 2007 aith1e age 0f 85 years. i3uoved wite ut the late Arthur T. Kingdon. Dear muther ut Mary Anne (Dick) Kioosterboer ut Milton and Joe (Pat) Kingdon of Rockwaod. Luving gradmother ut Cruîg (Tammie), Joe, Curulyn and Heather (Glenn) and great-grundmotheî ut Ethan and Bren- dan. Dea"r'ly 'loueèd ýby her sister Annubeile Matthewu and sistera-in-lus Margaret Herdman and Eieen Herdmun and their famfliea. Sudfy misued by muny nieceu and nephes Prede- ceaaed by her muther Mary Ann Herimun und tather Thonmas Hardmun, brutheru Wfiuun,(Bill) and Thumas (Bad) Herdmun, nephew Alun Herd- man and niece Juan Herdman. Para/y and triendu are innited tu cul it a!the JS, Junes & Sun Fanerai Hume, 11582 Trafalgar Ruud, nurth ut Mapie Ana- nue, Geurgetuwn 905-877-3631 un Sunday January l4th frum 2-4 and 7-9 pmi. Fanerai aernice wiil be heid in the chapei un Munday January 1 Sth, 2007 ut 1:30 prit Spring inlerment Hiticreat Cerne- lery, Nurnai In i eaut oftuweru cunlnibautiunu ta the Aih me undatiun woud be appreciated. Tu aend eupreasiana ut aympathy n ii awww.jsjnesandsonfuneralhome.comn PblcNotices billcNo tics of th. HALTON AGRICULTU AL will take place on THURSDAV, JANUARY 26, 2007 At 8:00 p.m. In # 1 Hall At the MILTON FAIRGROUNDS CONTENT/ Muuîng sale. Duansizing lui a canda, leau than t year aid tarai- tare and huaehutd itama. www.hawthornevillager .com/phpbbNviewtopic.php .t=5260. Cali Seam 905- 864-3347 FREE Eulimates GaI wabhiy chaira, tired look- ing waud tinishes? Fields Custom Weed Retîniahiag und Furnilure Repaira. 9- 9. 905-e32-9090 FANTASTIC New Year Suie! Na GST an PST! Custarm Upiraisleang. We puy lire taxes as salas and mulching chuins. Soau lram $788, chairs tram $249, diaing raam seuls lram $19.9h Fielis Farnilane and Fubrics 9um-9pm 905-532-9090 HOT Tub (Spa> Canera heut price, Beul quaty. Ait airapes & cabanrs. Cati 1 - 866-585-0056 www.tireconengay.cu HOT T&d Spa- Brand new w/a!l optians, inclading oeam, 2006 mrxel. SUl in wrappen. Cual $1890, Satrlie $5,5008 Cal 905- 971-1777 LEATH-ERt 3 piece Italien sal. Sala, laneseat and chair. New, fa plastic. Caut $5980. SeI $2500. 905-304-4873. POOL Table, Prutesuionul Sanies, Slid Wood, 1'SItle Ail Accessanrea. New, 51fil Baaed, Coul $6,200, Sal $1,950. 905- 304-9994 SAUNA, 2/3 panson, in- huma, wlc.d. player uni fîghto. Nana: usai.' Coul $5500 ,Sal $2750. 905- 30U4-7775 ~s Alsnted WANTED lai n aiza captai n or mules bed in eachange ton a fton with double siza 6" muttresa in guod shape. Let's make a deai. Phase uaftr 6pm 905-878-5819. BEST CaShS Paid- Ant,Anliqaes, Coiieclibies, China, Crystat, Sucver, Figurines, Rayal Doulan, Saravski, Glass, Pallery, Etc, Estate Speciatista, Top Cash. Cui Jahai Tracy 905-331-2477 Molor., o07 5010 Vans 1999 Pontiac Trans- port, 6-cylinder, 7-paaunnger. Like new. Certîtied/e- leuted. $3,995 Siesur Matura, 905- 675-6018. iiImit ol _~iAeaia'bl FULLTIME Houe- keeper required tai wark Manday ta Frîday, 40-45 hauns per weak, ap keeping twa tamily homea tar hasy nueca- lives. Must hune uwa ..r_.apatation ta travet helwees tire Cames in tire Georgetown and Brampton anea. Muai lake pridie, shoaw initia- tise, ha wittisg tai per- larm ait task neqaired ta muintuin a spaleun Carne, hune eacellent tundry and iramsng akitta. Pieuse cait 905- 702-1441 between tbe iraurs ut 8:O8am and 5:aoirm. GUITAR LESSONS Prinata gaîtar tesanu anaitabie tram aapaniencnd, pruteuuîuna inutructuru. New location! RIck (905) 875-4801 Gitt Certifhcutau Avuîil For Sala HOT TUBS Ware- hanse Direct Opus tai Pubic Satardayu or by appontment. Fantausc suninga' wea.htwd.c 905- 683-9230. 5X9 Oak Bilard Table. Excellent canditian. Aaking S1588. OBO. Cai 905-601-8142. POOL table, prates- uioau series with enery apgnade. 1" state. $80 wartn ut accessa- des. Brand sew in hua. Caut $5,000, must seti $1,580. 519-722-4077. A dining ruam, cherry- waad, daabte pedeatai lubie, 8 chairs, buffet, hatch, danetaii cas- struction. New atilli n boxes. Caut $11008. Sacritice $2688. 905- 567-9459. A King Piiiuwtup Mat- trans Set. New ia plas- tic. Caut $1600. sel fotr $450. 905-567-9459. BED, Amazisg bargain, qunen arthup edcpf iuwtop set, new n rIplusý' tic, wurrunty $250 905- 067-4042 ssiI deliuer, BEOROOM Chnrry- wand, Bed, cirent, dresser, 2 nigbtstandn. Dunetîil Construction. Nener apened Coul $8,000. Sacritice $1,900. 905-567-4042 CARPET t have anverai 1,000 yards af new Stuin Master & 100% nylan car- pet.' Wiii du living ruarn & Cuti tan $389. tadaudes car- pet, pad & insalltation (38 yards) Stene, 905-633- 8192 Mîtons Commun4t Newspaper Sînce 1860 leClassified Phone: 905-875-3300 Clasiied Fax: 905-876-2364 with FREE profess7ional Employment Counsellingq and Career Assessments Cali in, okvile and Burlingtan: 905-333-3499, ext. 104 Cuit in Milton and Georgetown. 905-702-7311 eIxL îoi or 1-866-260-ii75, exL ioi www.thecentre.on.ca 6The Centre ReadtNgwrEitIng, IMath Get rêady ft. Worlk a Tralning *Life wwwhonom a FREE Job Shop starts Jan 29 Orientation: Jan .18 or 25 Cali 905-845-1157, ext..aoi www.thecentre.on.ca INTERESTED IN THE TRADES? Attend FREE information sessions on Machinist Apprenticeships in Ontario Tueaday January ltt stanting et Spm General Apprenticeships in Ontario Tueuduy Junuary 23 ctarting at 6prn Caîl the YMCA in Burington @905-681-1140 Funded by the Government of Ontario EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT . ternity ieaoe. Selt mutinuted, organized individuai tur administrative support puuitiun. Board meeting pîeparutiun. minutes, puyruii pruceuaing and HR euperience preterred. Pruticient with Micrasoft Ot- fice package and dutabane creatian and management (pîeterabily Maulmizer). Fau reaume tai: 9M578-3644 Emai: ktnayward@cish.an.ca