Al12 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 16, 2007 ]Dateline Dateline is afrce listing of coming events only. The column is available to local community groups Io assis( in ptamoting theil, future events. Only charitable or non-ptofit community groups rnav use this service. We can only guarantee anc issue of pub- licity closest ta the date of the occurrence although more inser - tions are possible if demnand is low Notices for Dateline should be handed in wt the office of The Champion, 875 Main St. E., faxed to (905) 878-4943 or e- mailed to The final deadline is taiBakery& Delicatess noon Friday for Tuesday's edition and noon Wednesday for Friday's edition. Daieline items aienti acccpted by telephanie. Wednesday Jan. 17 The Mississauga/Oakville Prostate Cancer Support Group meets from 7 ta 9 pin. at Wellspring, 2545 Sixth Uine in Oakville. For more information, caîl (905) 257-1988. Haiton Healthcare Services and the Halton Womens Health Alliance bold a free seminar entitled 'When Does Menopause End?' at 7 p.m. at Le Damne Banquet Hall. To CO0RDI1A L LY IN VIT ED ŽTO 0ON I ý1N 25thar Celebration e & Jlndraising EventGiI CT Scanner Campaign for the Milton District Hospital Vonato SATURDAY JANUARY 2 7TH * THE GRAND CHALET E.90E.SP. wW DEDINE Th RSU Advantages by Bob Lee & KUm Mitchell A Rtemnnt FinanclaloSec-vlalat office wlth- 132» years of «Perleme and the coffée's nover been betterI " Securlty of ivestmts up to (100% funci guarantees> " Competitve segregated and mutual funds lie wrth Mulihkcuddoa e Competitive G.lC. interest rates " Personalized ortgoing consultations " R.RS.P lans available at "prime" wit deferred paymnents " Appointments available Saturdays For More Information, Pieuse Contact Us At« Robrt (Pie) Lee Insurance Agency (908)Wl 87 8- 57836 lKlm Micell, RT Bo _____ ____ ____BSC.,E kimt ~ - CL FOt NO KIQAION CNFIGUIAL ONSULATIO 2*.,tommro*i St Milton, Ontario. LOT 2J3 Fan <SOJ 870-309a - ebwÀw r-,ý ', y () u Lup F reserve a seat, caîl (905) 338-4379. Milton District Hospital holds a anc on-one breastfeed- ing clinic with a certifîed lactation consultant from 1:30 ta 3 p.m. For more information or ta make an appointment, cail Jili Hicks at (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. Aduit drop-in volleyball takes place from 2 ta 3 p.m. at the Milton Leisure Centre. The cost is $3.50 for the hour. The Halton Womens Centre, suite 229 in Hopedale Mail, 1515 Rebecca St. in Oakvulle, holds its eîght-week separation and divorce support group [rom 7 ta, 9 p.m. For more infor- mation. call (905) 847-5520 or visit www.haltonwomen- The Milton branch of La Leche League Canada meets [rom 7:15 ta 9 p.m. at the Ontario Early Years Centre, 410 Bronte St., wtrth discussion on the healîb benefits of breast- feeding now and in the future for mom and baby. Pregnant womnen and mothers are welcome, as are babies. For more information, caîl (905) 876-3322. Tbe Georgetown brancha of' Retired Women Teachers, Lydia Snow,, mecîs ai 9:30 a.m. in the communiîy room at the Milton police station, 490 Cbilds Dr., featuring a7 pilates workshop by Ruth Butler followed by a general meeting. For more inlormnation, caîl Pam at (905) 877-8618. The Milton/Oakville WIN (Womnens International Network) meeting takes place ai Rattlesnake Point Golf Club from 7 ta 10 p.m. witb registration at 6:30 p.m. Tbe topîc îs'Kceping your Balance in an Unbalanced World'. Tbe cost is $30 for members and $40 far non-members. For stu- dents, tbe cosi is $25 for members and $35 for non-nîci- bers. The cost includes dinner. Ta reserve a spot, call (416) 226-3288 ai e-mail mieetings@( (type Milton nta ic sublcct fine). Tbursday ]an. 18 Acclatini l1lclih (ote VON 1liaiton) ,Alzheimrne Scir\ices lbolds a stupport group loi i arcgivers ai people v iîh dleiaienra and relaîed dîsorclers ii tlic coiluniunity roam upstairs ai I haxsIram 2 Io 3: 0 Ne',s inenmbet s are \Neh aiie For nmate information. call (9(b5) 847-9559) IFie (.anadtan Club of flalton Pcel holds a dinncr mneet- ing leaîuring Paul Murphy, presîctî andl R [ofa the lnidepetidcnt Llectrîcîtv Systern iDperaît. It iakes place at tbe see more DATELINE on page Al13 W Part-time ffu firefighters are paged .from FIREFIGHTERS' on page A4 and Halton HuIs. The Miltonî ire Department is corn- pnised of 20 luli-time and 83 part-time firefighters. Is based out af tbree sta- tions: central station an Steeles Avenue, station 2 on Reid Sideroad in Campbellvtlle aîîd statton 3 on Derry Road. :, Sînce tbere are typically only tour ta five full-timc firefigbters on duty at ail rimes on roatîng sbifts, tbe [ire depart- ment relies a great deal an part-tîme firefigbters. Wben an etncergency accurs, part- tîme firefigbîers are paged. i bey - respond imniediately by activating the flasbing green lîgbîs on ibeir personal veblicles and di i , ng ta tbeir desîgnated fire station as c1oickly and saflv as pos- stble. Miltoin luicligîitcs v tII fie oui ai local nils aind pubhlic at-cas pratnating b Lee Green t iglit .Wiieness \Veek tiroughi- IBA., EPO ot tbhec lflSiralCO.COIt .1os- mare inlarinaio on the Milton Fire De.ri